mattn / emmet-vim

emmet for vim:
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Expansion not being run correctly #476

Closed marcosrdac closed 4 years ago

marcosrdac commented 4 years ago

Hey! I've used this awesome vim plugin befora, but now it is not expanding code as the tutorial says it would:


then pressing , gives me this line:


I've installed emmet-vim via Vim-Plug, and it works like this both in my clean nvim v0.4.3 and my clean vim v8.2. Am I making any dumb mistake here?

Already thankful!

mattn commented 4 years ago

What filetype do you set?

marcosrdac commented 4 years ago

That was it... When I set my filetype to html, everything works as expected. Thank you, @mattn!

I don't know exactly why expansion was failing before, because highlighting was OK for files with html extension. Anyway, I've set filetype=html at a new file, and since then, the expansion is running fine on my old HTML files too.