Evidently zerolog 0.27 added colorization on windows by pulling in mattn/go-colorable, which in turn pulls in go-isatty.
Great! Except that now zerolog can't be used with tinygo (on macos, at least, and possibly other operating systems).
At least part of the problem can be traced to go-isatty:
$ tinygo test
# golang.org/x/sys/unix
../../go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/sys@v0.0.0-20220615213510-4f61da869c0c/unix/syscall_unix.go:466:17: Exec not declared by package syscall
Evidently zerolog 0.27 added colorization on windows by pulling in mattn/go-colorable, which in turn pulls in go-isatty. Great! Except that now zerolog can't be used with tinygo (on macos, at least, and possibly other operating systems).
At least part of the problem can be traced to go-isatty: