mattnmorgan / ECU-19-Redis

NSF Grant project for for the CSCI department chair
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Testing: Reliability, Performance #7

Open mattnmorgan opened 5 years ago

mattnmorgan commented 5 years ago

Perform the following and document results:

mattnmorgan commented 5 years ago

The following console output is from, and shows execution of data loading and two example boolean queries, executed when one of the master nodes is down versus when it is rebooted and reconnects to the cluster. Take notice that under the master node with an ending address of .33, the number of workers changes to reflect the original master's reboot, and it's subsequent connection as a worker to .33 as it's master.

D:\ECU-19-Redis>python ./redis/
Connecting to server...
Connection successful
Clear the database? (y/n) > y
Load corpus data? (y/n) > y
Input corpus directory (blank for none) > c:/users/win10/downloads/academic/cor/0-1/subset/
5 files
    110 : Tess of the d'Urbervilles (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    113 : The Secret Garden (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    118 : Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    121 : Northanger Abbey (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    141 : Mansfield Park (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
Sending data to the server for 5 documents and 15114 tokens
5 files
    111 : Freckles (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    114 : Tenniel Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    119 : A Tramp Abroad (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    124 : Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    142 : The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
Sending data to the server for 5 documents and 17931 tokens
4 files
    112 : Violists (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    117 : Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, in C-minor, Opus #67 (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    120 : Treasure Island (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
    125 : A Girl Of The Limberlost (Tokenizing) (Pushing)
Sending data to the server for 4 documents and 8169 tokens

Type '~stop' to exit querying
Query > ~docset
Document set for master nodes:
  Master 0:
    141 110 113 121 118
  Master 1:
    124 142 114 111 119
  Master 2:
    117 120 125 112

Query > ~sys
Database Master Nodes -> 15120 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 7.22M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 21.45M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 0 -> 8174 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 4.64M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 18.12M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 1 -> 17937 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 7.36M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 20.95M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 1

Query > ~docset
Document set for master nodes:
  Master 0:
    141 110 113 121 118
  Master 1:
    124 142 114 111 119
  Master 2:
    117 120 125 112

Query > green|blue dog
There were 10 hits
    110 : Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    111 : Freckles
    113 : The Secret Garden
    119 : A Tramp Abroad
    120 : Treasure Island
    121 : Northanger Abbey
    124 : Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible
    125 : A Girl Of The Limberlost
    141 : Mansfield Park
    142 : The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

Query > !dark|[orange ball]
There were 6 hits
    110 : Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    114 : Tenniel Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland
    117 : Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, in C-minor, Opus #67
    118 : Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet
    119 : A Tramp Abroad
    125 : A Girl Of The Limberlost

Query > ~sys
Database Master Nodes -> 15120 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 7.25M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 20.55M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 1 -> 8174 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 4.66M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 18.01M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 1 -> 17937 keys
    Memory: (Cur\Ttl -> 7.38M \ 7.64G), (RSS\LUA -> 20.95M \ 37.00K)
    Workers: 1

Query > green|blue dog
There were 10 hits
    110 : Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    111 : Freckles
    113 : The Secret Garden
    119 : A Tramp Abroad
    120 : Treasure Island
    121 : Northanger Abbey
    124 : Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible
    125 : A Girl Of The Limberlost
    141 : Mansfield Park
    142 : The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

Query > !dark|[orange ball]
There were 6 hits
    110 : Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    114 : Tenniel Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland
    117 : Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, in C-minor, Opus #67
    118 : Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet
    119 : A Tramp Abroad
    125 : A Girl Of The Limberlost

Query > ~docset
Document set for master nodes:
  Master 0:
    113 118 121 141 110
  Master 1:
    114 142 124 119 111
  Master 2:
    112 125 117 120

Query > ~stop