mattolenik / hclq

Command-line processor for HashiCorp config files, like sed for HCL — Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault
The Unlicense
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Install script fails #14

Closed powellchristoph closed 5 years ago

powellchristoph commented 5 years ago

It looks like your install script doesn't take the architecture of the platform into account when determining the download url and returns all three urls for the curl.

Installing /usr/local/bin/hclq
curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL

The curl command that is constructed is: curl --progress-bar -JLo "/usr/local/bin/hclq" ""

mattolenik commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out! I might try to write a test to cover the install script as well.

mattolenik commented 5 years ago

Hey @powellchristoph, I've updated the script to account for this. It should detect architecture automatically, but there is also the -d option to force it. Let me know if it works for you. I was only able to test it on Linux and macOS machines so far, but it should work on most modern POSIX systems.

The readme has been updated with install script details as well.