mattolenik / hclq

Command-line processor for HashiCorp config files, like sed for HCL — Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault
The Unlicense
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Unknown Token IDENT var.Location #26

Open jeffreyschultz opened 1 year ago

jeffreyschultz commented 1 year ago

I dont know if this is supported by the tool at this time, but it seems to have an issue with variables.

When I execute this command

cat | hclq get "resource.azurerm_app_service.*"

I get this error

Error: At 3:25: Unknown token: 3:25 IDENT var.Location

viktor-twill commented 1 year ago


dsfrederic commented 1 year ago

@mattolenik do you have a fix for this?

I'm experiencing the same issue

sharif997 commented 1 year ago

any update on this ?