I just installed the package in Octave 9.1.0 and pkg load matgeom gave the following warning. It seems that polynomialCurves2d is missing from matgeom-1.2.4
warning: addpath: /home/hs556/.local/share/octave/api-v59/packages/matgeom-1.2.4/polynomialCurves2d: No such file or directory
warning: called from
matgeom_package_register at line 52 column 5
Hi twoai,
yes indeed, the package "polynomialCurves2d" has been removed.
I have updated the installation script, this should work better now (from the "gnu-octave" branch).
I just installed the package in Octave 9.1.0 and
pkg load matgeom
gave the following warning. It seems that polynomialCurves2d is missing from matgeom-1.2.4warning: addpath: /home/hs556/.local/share/octave/api-v59/packages/matgeom-1.2.4/polynomialCurves2d: No such file or directory warning: called from matgeom_package_register at line 52 column 5