mattorp / synesthesia-ecosystem

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Importing Syn Scene, and ISF scenes #41

Open udihq opened 2 years ago

udihq commented 2 years ago

This has been an issue that has been very aggravating to deal with. When trying to load scenes from files Syn only populates Desktop and the user directory. None of the alternate drives or Networked drives populate here, I am having to take them move/split the entire directory that I have organized on specific drives to my Main Drive that is dedicated to programs only not for that.

mattorp commented 2 years ago

I can try to find time to implement a custom media browser. GUI and CLI. The built in is great for simplicity but familiar users might benefit from more advanced features in addition to this problem.

I'll check up on if there's an official (upcoming) API for this. Otherwise it can be handled by having a target scene, which is overwritten by the selected scene and reloaded. Then you can use any interface, as long as it has write access to the target.synscene folder.

mattorp commented 2 years ago

Renamed not overwritten^, Which allows binding a midi key to select it. allows sending midi notes through a rest endpoint, so any service can trigger the media selection.

mattorp commented 2 years ago

@udihq regarding ISF scenes, you might be interested in

udihq commented 2 years ago

@udihq regarding ISF scenes, you might be interested in

WOW! I'm way behind haha. Moved back to FL recently and just seeing this. HUGE thanks for this. About to dive in now