mattpannella / pupdate

Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Update All End Report? #276

Closed lunchpacked130 closed 3 months ago

lunchpacked130 commented 3 months ago

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a setting for generating a report of what changes/updates was applied when performing Update all, either on-screen or as an exported file?

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

i'm not sure what you are asking for, it already shows a summary at the end of updates cores, installed assets, etc

lunchpacked130 commented 3 months ago

I have only just seen the entirety of the update text with everything not having gotten any update listed as aswell, but i might have missed something..

But i just meant that if say a core gets updated or a few new roms are added, that changes made is listed at the end..

For example something like this at the end;


My mother always said "it never hurts to ask", so i just thought i could ask and see if it's possible, as i think it would be a nice addition, and would inform about any new roms or cores added/updated to check out.

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

that's literally what it does though, that's what I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

just checking back to see if i'm missing something after you run update it will list every core that was updated with the version, every asset downloaded, every asset it was unable to find

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

one last try

Dahak66 commented 3 months ago

I don't want to put words in their mouth, but I suspect that they mean that all the feedback from the Vectrex-Extras core is making it difficult to see the results of any other updates made (especially if they haven't updates the settings to access the other location for the files). Their request to add a text dump of the log would still be helpful, in my opinion.

lunchpacked130 commented 3 months ago

Sorry for the late reply, I've been unable to do so before now.

To put it short and sweet, Say i run update all and it installs the outrun core with 4 roms and vectrex core with 515 roms. At the end of the report, after its installed everything, i just wanted a summary, kinda like:

Or something similar to that, just a few lines summarising what was installed/changed from running update all.

I tried all kinds of settings, but the only way i can see what was done during pupdate, is scrolling up through the entirety of of the log from pupdate, including all the checks for cores and roms already present.

It's probably not an issue for everyone, but i have basically everything except beta cores selected and installed, so the update logs per "update all" gets fairly long.

I hope i managed to clear things up

hallem commented 3 months ago

@lunchpacked130 So I think we're getting confused by what you think is missing or different from what pupdate does already.

For example, here's a capture from an update all that I just ran.

As you can see it already lists out what cores were installed/updated including the version, as well as the assets that were installed, and the assets it couldn't find. This summary is listed at the end of every update all run. All of the information you've asked for is contained in this summary save for a count for each core.

Based on the amount of cores and files that exist for the Pocket today, we are exploring what else can be done to make the logs a little cleaner on the screen and provide some options as to what people what to see. As well as writing everything to a file as well as the screen. It's not a small amount of work and the repository is just getting into a position where something like that is even possible.

Update Process Complete.
Cores Updated:
budude2.SGB 1.1.0
jotego.jt1942 bd086da
jotego.jt1943 bd086da
jotego.jtaliens bd086da
jotego.jtbtiger bd086da
jotego.jtbubl bd086da
jotego.jtcastle bd086da
jotego.jtcomsc bd086da
jotego.jtcontra bd086da
jotego.jtcop bd086da
jotego.jtcps1 bd086da
jotego.jtcps15 bd086da
jotego.jtcps2 bd086da
jotego.jtdd bd086da
jotego.jtdd2 bd086da
jotego.jtexed bd086da
jotego.jtfround bd086da
jotego.jtgng bd086da
jotego.jtgunsmk bd086da
jotego.jtkarnov bd086da
jotego.jtkicker bd086da
jotego.jtkiwi bd086da
jotego.jtkunio bd086da
jotego.jtmikie bd086da
jotego.jtmx5k bd086da
jotego.jtngp bd086da
jotego.jtninja bd086da
jotego.jtoutrun bd086da
jotego.jtpang bd086da
jotego.jtpinpon bd086da
jotego.jtrastan bd086da
jotego.jtroadf bd086da
jotego.jtroc bd086da
jotego.jts16 bd086da
jotego.jts16b bd086da
jotego.jtsarms bd086da
jotego.jtsbaskt bd086da
jotego.jtsectnz bd086da
jotego.jtsf bd086da
jotego.jtshanon bd086da
jotego.jtshouse bd086da
jotego.jtsimson bd086da
jotego.jttmnt bd086da
jotego.jttora bd086da
jotego.jttrack bd086da
jotego.jttrojan bd086da
jotego.jtvigil bd086da
jotego.jtyiear bd086da
obsidian.Robotron 0.9.2
jotego.jts16_c bd086da
coinop.Toaplan_V2_Standard v2.4.0
coinop.Toaplan_V2_Rotated v2.4.0

Assets Installed:
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/VECFAHREN.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/--. .- -. --.. . .-..BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/KOLONIE.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/INKUBATIONSZEIT.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/FRESSSAKK.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/VECTREX ROLI - DAS SPIEL.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/Z4HL3N_R473N.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/ZUFALLSTREFFER.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Der Luchs/VOGELFUTTER.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Binary Star/Galaxy Wars - Space Launcher_v102_FREE.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Zhamul/HyperSpeed.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Zhamul/TimeTrail.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Zhamul/Overseer.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/CavernRescue_02-17-23_final.vec
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Sea Pup 1.0 VEXTREME.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Sea Pup 1.0.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Sea Pup 1.0 No PB6.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Storm Storm.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Cylon_Attack.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Beluga Dreams Free 1.0.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Demos/vecribbon-demo.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Demos/Vectorpunk_Quadra-Nightride_Demo.vec
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Demos/vecribbon-demo-2.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Demos/Moskwa_Demo.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Demos/Deadmau5_Strobe.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Christopher Tumber/vix-dl.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Kingslayer Chess (2021) (v1.0b-rc Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Cave Racer (2022) (v0.1a-rc Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Gyrostrology (2022) (v1.6 Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Rotor (2021) (v1.2 Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Number Cruncher (2020) (v0.1a-rc Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Gyrostronomy (2022) (v1.6 Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/The Count (2022) (v1.0b-rc Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Prof Peer Johannsen/Vec Man (2020) (v2.5 Peer Johannsen).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Telengard_128kFlash.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Telengard_64kPB6.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Rocks 'n' Saucers.BIN
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Telengard_256kFlash.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Christopher Tumber/space_death.bin

Assets Not Found:
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew/Bach Prelude #1 by Jeff Woolsey (1985) (PD).vec
/Assets/vectrex/common/4 Homebrew by Author/Jeff Woolsey/Bach Prelude #1 (1985).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Academy 2017/Kingdom Of Heaven_by Jan David Kurfiss.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/3 Vectrex Academy/Academy 2017/Hover Race_by Simeon Schuller.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Maiban/VectorbladeV1.13.bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Dual Vectrex Test #2 (1983).bin
/Assets/vectrex/common/_broken/4 Homebrew by Author/Various/Dual Vectrex Test #1 (1983).bin

Please consider supporting boogermann for their work on the Dig Dug (boogermann.digdug) core:

Fun fact! The ONLY cores that support save states and sleep are the following:
    agg23.NES, agg23.Tamagotchi_P1, agg23.WonderSwan, Spacemen3.PDP1, 
    Spiritualized.GB, Spiritualized.GBA, Spiritualized.GBC, Spiritualized.GG, 
    Spiritualized.SG-1000, Spiritualized.SMS 
Please don't bother the developers of the other cores about this feature. It's a lot
of work and most likely will not be coming.
lunchpacked130 commented 3 months ago

I must have somhow missed that 😳 Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

hallem commented 3 months ago

No worries at all. Just glad we were able to clear things up :)