mattpannella / pupdate

Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
MIT License
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fixed settings crash #290

Closed mattpannella closed 3 months ago

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

wasn't thinking and added a description to a setting we don't want in the settings menu

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

should resolve #289

nopro83 commented 3 months ago

My PC keeps telling it is a virus! :(

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

it's a false positive you can look at the source code yourself

nopro83 commented 3 months ago

But what can I do against it? Using Win 11.

I had to shut down Defender, then it worked...

mattpannella commented 3 months ago

I don't know i don't use windows defender. does it not let you whitelist programs?

nopro83 commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I shut down Defender temporary and then it worked.

But I keep getting the error: "Error in framework - Missing 'BIOS' ID [259]" It doesn't happen every time, but quite regularly.

(GBA Core - DKC3 = every time now)

Did you hear about that?

Thanks in advance for your answer!

mattpannella commented 2 months ago

you're missing the bios for whatever core that error appears on

nopro83 commented 2 months ago

Didn't pupdate load the bios files for itself?