mattpannella / pupdate

Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
MIT License
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Feature Request #295

Closed ctafield closed 2 months ago

ctafield commented 2 months ago

Request: It would be really useful to "never update this core(s)", or "always grab version X of a specific core".

Why: A lot of people seem to have issues with newer versions of a certain core on newer Pockets. Namely, the GBA core. We have to use v1.0 of it, which often involves copying it back over after we've done an update.

lunchpacked130 commented 2 months ago

Can't you just uncheck "delete untracked cores" in [8] Settings, then go to [2] Select Cores, select [N]o or [A]sk and uncheck the cores you don't want updated?

mattpannella commented 2 months ago

yup that would work

ctafield commented 2 months ago

Perfect, thank you!