mattpannella / pupdate

Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
MIT License
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VIRUS in pupdate 3.10.3 #309

Open misterjbam opened 1 month ago

misterjbam commented 1 month ago

Gen.Suspicious.Cloud.2 virus is present in the windows version

hacknug commented 1 month ago

I don't see any issues in VirusTotal if I scan the windows zip:

gregoryjgarcia0 commented 1 month ago

Windows Defender finds a trojan in it.

fluiddruid commented 1 month ago

I see the same - Win11 V23H2 is blocking 3.10.3. 3.10.2 still works.

hacknug commented 1 month ago

Does the same alert show up when you clone the repo? Did you try building it locally?

I'm not a security expert but the changes on the codebase don't seem to be doing anything weird:

Also both contributors to that version are reputable accounts.

I think it is either a false positive (most likely) or something that comes from a dependency either from the project or the build pipeline.

mattpannella commented 1 month ago

windows defender is a pain in my ass

Icefyre0 commented 1 month ago

Defender has picked up Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml for me, that was using the pupdate utility itself to update. Edit : Same thing found if I download the latest version and just scan the zip file with defender.

PsychoFox11 commented 1 month ago

Yeah it's removing it whether I update from command line or just downlaod the zip.

mattpannella commented 1 month ago

I submitted the application to ms for review. I don't know how defender works but I assume you can just whitelist it