mattpocock / xstate-codegen

A codegen tool for 100% TS type-safety in XState
MIT License
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Support for machine options? #17

Closed danielkcz closed 4 years ago

danielkcz commented 4 years ago

Just tried the library for the first time and got surprised that I cannot pass options in the second arg. Any reason for that? That's a kinda crucial part of the XState imo :)

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

I agree, we need to support this - here's the current state of things:

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

Including chat from for further discussion:

A: Using string identifiers and passing the configuration as a second argument to createMachine is not part of the code gen correct?

B: Not yet, but it should be! We have all the information to allow that. Could you post an issue?

In fact, there are some complications here. Let's say that you declare a state machine, and pass in some of the options into the second argument. How would you want the types when you interpret the machine to behave?

I want the types to be as strong as possible, which means you would likely need to require everything in interpret that you didn't add in the second argument to Machine.

But you want it to be overrideable, so you'd need to also allow options declared in Machine to be optional in interpret. Complex, but do-able (probably)

danielkcz commented 4 years ago

Hi Matt, thanks for your analysis. Machine options are mainly useful if I want to declare some actions/service as built-in into the machine so it can be easily reused as a whole. And on top of that, there might be cases where actions/services are used in multiple occurrences within the machine so inlining it would be rather painful.

As for the approach which to take, if that's possible, it would be really nice if all options are required by default (as you have now), but when specified with machine options it becomes optional for interpreting. That makes the most sense to me so you are still able to override, but you not forced to. It's also great that as a machine consumer you instantly know what you need to implement.

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@FredyC I had a quick look at this and it's actually trivial to implement. When we introspect the machine we have a list of all the options passed to it, so we can work out which should be required in 'interpret' contexts and which not.

The spec will be as follows:

Options passed to the second argument of Machine will all be optional. Options passed to the 'interpret' function will be all required, except for the ones you declared inline in Machine, which will be optional.

What do you think?

danielkcz commented 4 years ago

Definitely love it, especially if it's trivial to implement 💯

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@FredyC perfect - I'm on holiday for 10 days after today but I'll make this a priority for when I'm back. I'd also welcome a PR on this.

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

What do you think?

That's exactly what I was going to reply with :D

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

Fixed by #18, once that PR is complete.

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@FredyC @rjdestigter Could you take a quick look at this?

If you check it out locally, build the package and run yarn link, you should be able to see the optional types.

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

I'm getting errors trying to build:

src/extractMachines.ts(184,39): error TS2345: Argument of type 'NodePath<Statement> | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'NodePath<Statement>'.
  Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'NodePath<Statement>'.
src/extractMachines.ts(198,11): error TS2345: Argument of type 'NodePath<Statement> | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'NodePath<Statement>'.
  Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'NodePath<Statement>'.
mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@rjdestigter Not seeing this locally... Could you try casting the relevant failures as any? This code is going to be removed soon so I feel comfortable doing that.

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I'm casting ..! to get rid of the null issue. I'm running into a .tsx files being imported though so now I'm looking at if it needs additional babel plugins to support that.

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

Is it freezing at some JSX? You're right, we don't have a plugin for that.

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago


SyntaxError: C:\...\alert\index.tsx: Unexpected token, expected "," (53:20)

  51 |
  52 |   const list =, index) => (
> 53 |     <AlertComponent key={index} status={alert.status}>
     |                     ^
  54 |       ...

I'm assuming it's the JSX. However babel-plugin-transform's default is to not preserve the JSX from what I've caught so far.

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

OK, I've added this as a separate issue: #21

Let's continue that chat there

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

I commented out the JSX to test out this PR. It's not allowing a second argument still for createMachine.

Edit: Hold that thought. I use dashes in ids and src names a lot.

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@rjdestigter My bad, silly mistake. Try pulling?

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

In fact, I haven't yet fixed the issue. 2 secs.

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

I tried the branch with a simple machine like this:

const foobar = createMachine<{}, { type: 'FOOBAR' }, 'foobar'>({
  id: 'foobar',
  initial: 'noop',
  states: {
    noop: {
      on: {
        FOOBAR: {
          actions: 'foobaraction'
}, {
  actions: {
    foobaraction: () => {}

The compiled version of createMachine however does not allow for passing a second argument:

  export function createMachine<
    TEvent extends EventObject,
    Id extends keyof RegisteredMachinesMap<TContext, TEvent>
    config: MachineConfig<
      RegisteredMachinesMap<TContext, TEvent>[Id]['_subState']
  ): RegisteredMachinesMap<TContext, TEvent>[Id];

Edit: Just saw your comments. Pulling..

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@rjdestigter OK, here's the latest commit:

This should work

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

This works for me now:

const foobar = createMachine<{}, { type: 'FOOBAR' | 'JUMP'}, 'foobar'>({
  id: 'foobar',
  initial: 'noop',
  states: {
    noop: {
      on: {
        FOOBAR: {
          target: 'oop',
          actions: 'foobaraction'
    oop: {
      on: {
        JUMP: {
          target: 'noop',
          actions: 'jumpaction'
}, {
  actions: {
    foobaraction: (ctx, evt) => evt.type,
    jumpaction: (ctx, evt) => evt.type

(I had hoped that evt.type would've been limited to the events that use the actions but I understand that that could complicate things.)

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

(I had hoped that evt.type would've been limited to the events that use the actions but I understand that that could complicate things.)

It should be! The reason it's not working is that your event is typed slightly incorrectly. It should be:

const foobar = createMachine<{}, { type: 'FOOBAR' } | { type: 'JUMP' }, 'foobar'>({
  id: 'foobar',
  initial: 'noop',
  states: {
    noop: {
      on: {
        FOOBAR: {
          target: 'oop',
          actions: 'foobaraction'
    oop: {
      on: {
        JUMP: {
          target: 'noop',
          actions: 'jumpaction'
}, {
  actions: {
    foobaraction: (ctx, evt) => evt.type,
    jumpaction: (ctx, evt) => evt.type
rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

Cool! I commented out the foo machine end re-enabled my big complicated one and it's all compiling now. Unrelated to this PR likely but I did have to change a top-level:

on: {
      REFRESH: "downloading",


on: {
      REFRESH: ".downloading",

(Add period in front of target)

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

Oh man! It's so nice to be able to remove (evt as TypeName) in my configuration object!

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

Feels so good in those monster machines!

On the above, is there a test case here that needs to be added?

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago


    const machine = Machine({
      initial: 'red',
      states: {
        red: {},
        green: {},

    expect(getTransitionsFromNode(machine)).toEqual(['.red', '.green']);

Maybe this test should include targets that also start without the period?

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

@rjdestigter Fixed this here:

rjdestigter commented 4 years ago

With the PR tested I'd consider this issue resolved

mattpocock commented 4 years ago

Grand, I'll merge and release tomorrow.