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Minor Changes #290

Open jn2chang opened 8 years ago

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

1 Completed 2/7/16 Verified 2/17/16

Address change request for CEC Fuenlabrada as follows:

地址: Calle Matarrosa 30, 28947 Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain

It needs to be changed at both her Chinese church landing site , and the English church landing site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

2 Completed 2/7/16 Verified 2/17/16 Address change request for CEC Fuenlabrada as follows:

地址: Calle Matarrosa 30, 28947 Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain

It needs to be changed at both her Chinese "Contact us" site , and the English "Contact us" site. The Google map at both "Contact us" page needs to be updated, too.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

3 Completed 2-21-16 The change is not on the website 3-7-16 Verified 3-11-16 Please update the course schedule of EBI AMerica with the latest, i.e. Spring Quarter's schedule. I will send you the latest schedule via email. Please update both the Chinese site, as well as the English site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

4 Completed 2-21-16 The change is not on the website 3-7-16 Verified 3-11-16 Please update the course schedule of EBI Europe with the latest, i.e. Spring Quarter's semester. Please update both the Chinese site, as well as the Englishs site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

5 Completed 2-23-16 The change is not on the website 3-7-16 Verified 3-11-16

Please update the Spring Quarter's course schedule of EBI America. Only the dates on "Biblical Geography" are changed to 04/26/16 – 04/29/16 05/03/16 – 05/06/16 . Please update both the Chinese site, as well as the English site. I will email you the updated schedule.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

6 Completed 2-23-16 Verified 3-11-16 Please update the Spring Quarter's course schedule of EBI Europe. Only the dates on "Biblical Geography" are changed to 04/26/16 – 04/29/16 05/03/16 – 05/06/16 . Please update both the Chinese site, as well as the English site. I will email you the updated schedule.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

7 Completed 2-26-16

Please replace the English version of the "brief history" of CEC Azores at their church landing site with the description below. I will email you a word copy as well. In May 2015, I received a phone call from Brother Jianfeng Ji. After Mr. Ji had witnessed to one of his customer for a long time, he was ready to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. We made an appointment at 12 am Thursday evening during our restaurant Bible Study hour to speak to him on the phone and lead him to Christ. On Thursday night at 12 am, we called him. I thank God that our friend answered the phone and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. When I put down the phone, I told Jianfeng that: we thank the Lord that his friend believes in Jesus. It is too bad he lives so far away from us, a solid three hours by plane. A new believer will be very lonely without church life. Let us pray for him and ask the Holy Spirit to help him. Later I heard from Jianfeng that the brother who just believed in the Lord called him to share with him that since he believed in Jesus, he does not know why he was so joyful, and this joy he never had. I was very grateful for him! Soon it was Thursday Bible Study again. Jianfeng shared with us the testimony of that brother. It occurred to me to visit this brother. I told brothers and sisters in the Bible Study class that I was struck with the beauty of this island a few years back when I went with the Brother Fellowship to this island. We may plan a missionary trip to the island this year. It will serve as a vacation; a missionary trip; and visitation to this brother as well. May be through this short-term missionary trip God will establish a church in this island. I thank the Lord that people agreed with me totally when I shared my thought with them. We then began to pray and plan our "Missionary trip to the island" in July. From the beginning of June we prayed, planned and started preparation for our trip. We decided to hold a four days、three nights musical evangelical trip in the island from July 14 to 17. We prepared gospel leaflets, posters; we rented a site. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, a group of thirty-two of us went to the Islands of Azores on July 14th. We arrived at the island the same day. After we checked in the hotel, some of us went for visitation in seven groups; the rest of the brothers and sisters set up the site, installed audio and video equipment etc. At nine o'clock that evening, our musical evangelistic meeting started. We were very grateful for the number of people that came. We expected twenty-plus people to show up. Instead we had more than sixty local Chinese turning out. Among them twenty-plus were Christians. A few accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord that evening. All of us were exhilarated at the fruit of our labor. People were reluctant to leave afterwards. I asked them: “Will you come if we are going to hold meetings here again?” They replied that they will. We invited a few actively involved brothers and sisters to stay and exchanged ideas. We thank our Lord that the thought to start a church at Azores was born that evening. We thank the Lord that under the leading of our Almighty God the Azores Musical Evangelistic mission trip came to a satisfying end! I immediately reported the result of our mission trip to our bishop at CEM headquarter, Rev. Moses Yang that evening. I also reported to him our desire to start a CEC church in Azores. God’s timing is the best. It happened that Rev. Moses Yang was coming to speak in our CEM Portugal Summer Conference in Aug. 24 -28, 2015. So we decided to establish the CEC in Azores on August 22. On August 22, a group of eighteen of us went with Rev. Yang to the island again. Five brothers and sisters were baptized that day, including brother Chuanjian Chen who decided to accept Jesus Christ as Savior on that Thursday midnight. I thank God, the Christian Evangelical Church in Azores was established on August 22, 2015 under the guiding and blessing of the Holy Spirit and the witness of brothers and sisters. Through this church, may God lead many other Chinese in Azores to come to know Jesus Christ, and to enter into His kingdom.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

8 Updated 3-10-16 CEC Azores change request:

  1. At their Chinese and English church landing site: Please update their email address to:
  2. At their Contact us site, both the Chinese and the English sites, Please update their email address to:
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

9 Updated 3-10-16 CEC Azores change request:

  1. Please insert their partial church group picture at their Chinese church landing site.
  2. Please insert their partial church group picture at their English church landing site. I will send you the picture via email. The picture was taken at the day the church was established.
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

10 Updated 3-10-16 See 290.13, 290.14 Mission Activities (under Missions) update request: Please replace the current content with the following description in the Chinese site and in the English site respectively. I will e-mail you the word file as well. 2015亞速爾海島宣教旅行 2015年五月,葡萄牙陳岳平 牧師帶領一位住在亞速爾海島的弟兄信主,因而想到亞速爾海島的福音需要。是年六月與弟兄姐妹一起禱告,開始準備,七月14日一行三十二人在海島有四天三夜的音樂佈道旅行;第一天晚上音樂佈道會有六十多人參加,有數人決志信耶穌;亞速爾海島的福音工作從此展開。 Musical Evangelical tour in Azores In May 2015, Rev. Yue Ping Chen in Portugal led a person living in Azores to the Lord. The gospel needs in Azores touched Rev. Chen. He and brothers and sisters prayed for the need in Azores and started preparation. On July 14, a group of thirty-two of them went to the islands for a four days and three nights musical evangelical tour. That evening, they held a musical evangelical meeting in Azores. More than sixty people attended the meeting and a few accepted the Lord. The evangelical work thus started.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

11 Updated 3-10-16 CEC Paris church landing site update.

Please remove 方敏華傳道/Ev. Edwidge Chung from the pastors' list.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

12 Completed 3-15-16 CEC Azores change request. In the "Brief History" at their Chinese landing site, please remove the last paragraph: 2015亞速爾海島宣教旅行 2015年五月,葡萄牙陳岳平 牧師帶領一位住在亞速爾海島的弟兄信主,因而想到亞速爾海島的福音需要。是年六月與弟兄姐妹一起禱告,開始準備,七月14日一行三十二人在海島有四天三夜的音樂佈道旅行;第一天晚上音樂佈道會有六十多人參加,有數人決志信耶穌;亞速爾海島的福音工作從此展開。

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

13 Completed 3-15-16 In our home page , there are five buttons:Who we are, Find a church, Seminary, Missions, News. Under Missions, there is "Mission Activities" etc.

Mission Activities (under Missions) update request: In the Chinese site, please replace the current content with the following description. I will e-mail you the word file as well. 2015亞速爾海島宣教旅行 2015年五月,葡萄牙陳岳平 牧師帶領一位住在亞速爾海島的弟兄信主,因而想到亞速爾海島的福音需要。是年六月與弟兄姐妹一起禱告,開始準備,七月14日一行三十二人在海島有四天三夜的音樂佈道旅行;第一天晚上音樂佈道會有六十多人參加,有數人決志信耶穌;亞速爾海島的福音工作從此展開。

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

14 Completed 3-15-16 In our home page , there are five buttons:Who we are, Find a church, Seminary, Missions, News. Under Missions, there is "Mission Activities" etc.

Mission Activities (under Missions) update request: In the English site, please replace the current content with the following description. I will e-mail you the word file as well.

Musical Evangelical tour in Azores

In May 2015, Rev. Yue Ping Chen in Portugal led a person living in Azores to the Lord. The gospel needs in Azores touched Rev. Chen. He and brothers and sisters prayed for the need in Azores and started preparation. On July 14, a group of thirty-two of them went to the islands for a four days and three nights musical evangelical tour. That evening, they held a musical evangelical meeting in Azores. More than sixty people attended the meeting and a few accepted the Lord. The evangelical work thus started.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

15 Completed 3-15-16

CEC Azores change request. In the "Brief History" at their English landing site, please remove the last paragraph :

Musical Evangelical tour in Azores

In May 2015, Rev. Yue Ping Chen in Portugal led a person living in Azores to the Lord. The gospel needs in Azores touched Rev. Chen. He and brothers and sisters prayed for the need in Azores and started preparation. On July 14, a group of thirty-two of them went to the islands for a four days and three nights musical evangelical tour. That evening, they held a musical evangelical meeting in Azores. More than sixty people attended the meeting and a few accepted the Lord. The evangelical work thus started.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

16 Completed 5/2/16

CEC Brussel change request:

At their church landing site , please add the following two names.

傳道: 鍾紹文傳道, 方敏華傳道 to the Chinese site.

Evangelists: Ev. Benjamin SiuMan Chung, Ev. Edwige PHUONG to the English site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

17 Completed 5/2/16 "What's up" update. In the Chinese site , please remove the following announcement: 9/19/15 三藩市與聖荷西基督教生命堂三十週年慶 And add the following announcement: 5/27-30美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會 Learn more In the English site , please remove the following announcement: 9/19/15 Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of the IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco
And add the following announcement: 5/27-30 East Coast CEM Family Conference Learn more

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

18 Completed 5/2/16 "News" update request. In news, please remove the news on “Thirty Year Anniversary Celebration of the IEC in San Diego and IEC in San Francisco “ In news, please remove the news on “9/19/15 三藩市與聖荷西基督教生命堂三十週年慶 “ in the English site and in the Chinese site. And add the following news to the Chinese site:

5/27-30美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會 將在賓州中谷舉行, Dr. David DeRose 主講 “ 健康生活的原則” , 生命堂會友特價5/1截止. 可上網報名: .

To the English site of news please add the following:

5/27-30 East Coast CEM Family Conference
Dr. David DeRose is going to speak on the “Principles of Healthy Living”. CEM member special rate will end on 5/1. One may register on-line at : .

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

19 Completed 5/2/16 Please update the English church landing site of CEMC Towaco as below:

Please change the statement “The congregation is composed of mostly Chinese from Burma, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, American born Chinese, and a small number of Americans” to: “The congregation is composed of mostly members from Burma, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan ancestry.”

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

20 Completed 5/2/16 Please add the following names to the faculty of EBI America

Dr. D. A. Waite (Th.D. & Ph.D.) Dr. Christine J. Tan Dr. Luis C. Ruiz (PH.D) Prof. Gordon Franz (M.A) Pastor Daniel Waite (M.A) (M.Div)

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

21 Completed 5/15/16 “What’s up” change request: Please remove the two announcements in 2015: one on 9/19/2015, one on 10/11/2015, and add the following in the “ What’s up”. East Coast CEC’s Summer Vacation Bible Schools 7/5 – 8 CEMC Oraell VBS Learn more 7/18 -22 CEMC Towaco’s VBS Learn more 8/8 -12 CEMC Livingston VBS Learn more

“News” change request: Please remove the two announcements in 2015: one on 9/19/2015, one on 10/11/2015; and add the following in the “News” East Coast CEC’s Summer Vacation Bible Schools 7/5 – 8 CEMC Oraell VBS To sign up, please call Ev. Sorina Yang at (973) 335-7337 ext. 220, (C) (973) 699-3223. 7/18 -22 CEMC Towaco’s VBS For children ages 5-12 during the week of 7/18-22 from 9am to 1pm. Registration at . 8/8 -12 CEMC Livingston VBS To sign up, please call Ev. Eunice Lim at (973) 402-5138, (C) (973)216-5009.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

22 Completed 5/15/16 “What’s up” change request: Please remove the two announcements in 2015: one on 9/19/2015, one on 10/11/2015, and add the following in the Chinese site of “ What’s up”. 美東各生命堂暑期聖經班 7/5 – 8俄備得生命堂暑期聖經班 詳情 7/18 -22多華谷生命堂暑期聖經班 詳情 8/8 -12活石園生命堂暑期聖經班 詳情

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

23 Completed 5/15/16 “News” change request: Please remove the two announcements in 2015: one on 9/19/2015, one on 10/11/2015; and add the following in the Chinese “News” 美東各生命堂暑期聖經班 7/5 – 8俄備得生命堂暑期聖經班 詳情請洽楊張秀蘭傳道: (973) 335-7337 ext. 220, (C) (973) 699-3223. 7/18 -22 CEMC Towaco’s VBS 7/18–22 多華谷生命堂暑期聖經班 For children ages 5-12 during the week of 7/18-22 from 9 am to 1pm. Registration at . 每天早上9點到下午1點, 歡迎兒年齡:5-12歲參加。可上網報名: . 8/8 -12活石園生命堂暑期聖經班 詳情請洽上官傳道 (973) 402-5138, (C) 973-216-5009

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

24 Completed 5/21/16 Please update the first two paragraphs of the brief history in the Chinese church landing site of CEMC Towaco as below. Please note only words in bracket are the changes. I will send you the entire brief history. 多華谷生命堂的[建立]是一個意外。當年國際福音佈道會之下已有三間生命堂。一在紐約市中國城,一在紐約州Nanuet(珍珠河生命堂前身),一在新澤西的西橘園。楊牧師並無意在多華谷設立分堂,他[計劃]創辦神學院。但是向政府申請辦學時才知道,神學院必須附屬在教會之下,於是多華谷生命堂於一九八○年應運而生。 建堂之初,會友只有二十人左右,都是西橘園生命堂的會友,為支持神學教育而轉來的。經過二十多年的聖工發展,目前已有近三百名會友,[多半]為台灣、越南、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞、中國大陸等地[華裔]。一九八二年,多華谷生命堂隨著神學院一同遷至亞棚。神學院廣大的校園和各種運動設施,為會友提供了休閒場所。

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

25 Completed 5/21/16

CEC Antwerpen change request on their church landing site. In their "Brief History at their English site, please remove the last statement: "Pictured: CEC in Antwerpen purchased a new church building." At their Chinese site, please remove the last statement: "圖:二○一二年八月二十八日購新堂簽約"

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

26 Completed 5/21/16 CEC Brussels Change Request. Please update their phone numbers to: CEC Brussels: +32-(0)484-148682/+32-(0)483-441680/ +32-(0)497-870127

Please note that we need to update their phone numbers at the Chinese site and at their English site of their (1) Church landing site (2) Contact Us page.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

27 Completed 5/21/16 CEC Gent change request. Please update their phone numbers to:

CEC Gent: 32-3-707-1707/+32-(0)484-148682

Please note that we need to update their phone numbers at the Chinese and the English sites of their (1) Church landing site (2) Contact Us page.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

28 Completed 5/21/16

CEC Leuven Change Request. Please update their phone numbers to: CEC Leuven: +32(0)484-14 86 82/+32-(0)473-882653/ +32-(0)483-441680

Please note that we need to update their phone numbers at the Chinese and the English sites of their (1) Church landing site (2) Contact Us page.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

29 Completed 5/21/16

What’s up change request:

In the Chinese site, please add: 6/25/16美東區生命堂聯合運動會 詳情

In the English site, please add: 6/25/16 East Coast Sports Day Learn More

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

30 Completed 5/21/16 News change request: At the end of the Chinese news, please add: 6/25/16美東區生命堂聯合運動會 美東區九間生命堂聯合運動會將於6/25(週六)上午九點至下午五點在多華谷基督教生命堂運動場舉行。 At the end of the English news, please add: 6/25/16 East Coast Sports Day The CEM East Coast Sports Day will take place in Towaco church sports field from 9 am to 5 pm on June 25, 2016.

I will send you a word document.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

31 Completed 5/21/16 CEMC Towaco church landing site update. In the brief history on the English site, please remove the typo "\u2026" in line.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

32 Completed 5/21/16 CEC Asores' change request.

In 簡史 description in the Chinese church landing site, please remove the last paragraph (shown below): 2015亞速爾海島宣教旅行 2015年五月,葡萄牙陳岳平 牧師帶領一位住在亞速爾海島的弟兄信主,因而想到亞速爾海島的福音需要。是年六月與弟兄姐妹一起禱告,開始準備,七月14日一行三十二人在海島有四天三夜的音樂佈道旅行;第一天晚上音樂佈道會有六十多人參加,有數人決志信耶穌,亞速爾海島的福音工作從此展開。

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

33 Completed 5/21/16 CEC Azores' change request.

In the "Brief History" in the Chinese church landing site,

  1. please remove the last paragraph.
  2. After removing the last paragraph, the last two paragraphs should be modified as follows:

On August 22, a group of eighteen of us went with Rev. Yang to the island. We held an evangelistic meeting. Five brothers and sisters were baptized, including Brother Chuanjian Chen who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior on that Thursday midnight. The Christian Evangelical Church in Azores was established that evening. I thank God, the C E C in Azores was established under the guiding and blessing of the Holy Spirit and the witness of brothers and sisters. Through this church, may God lead many other Chinese in Azores to come to know Jesus Christ, and to enter into His kingdom.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

34 Completed 5-31-16 In the Mission Activities under Missions, please remove the paragraph with the title " Zion Fellowship in Northern Paris".

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

35 Completed 5-31-16 In the Chinese counterpart of Mission Activities(宣教活動) under Missions(宣教), please remove the paragraph with the title "2013年 巴黎北區成立锡安团契".

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

36 Completed 6-3-16

ECMSI Brooklyn Update Request:

Please add their email address information to their English and Chinese church landing sites , respectively:

Email: 電郵:

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

37 Completed 6-8-16 EBI America curriculum update request.

We need to update the curriculum with the Fall Quarter/2016 curriculum in the Chinese and the English sites. I will send you the Fall Quarter curriculum via email.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

38 Completed 6/21/16 Please change the evangelists’ names, and add the email address in the church landing site of CEC Prato to: At the English site: Evangelists: Ev. Ruoshu Chen Ev. Na Li Email:

At the Chinese site: 傳道: 陳若抒 傳道 李娜 傳道 電郵:

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

39 Completed 6/21/16 Please change the evangelists’ names, and add the email address in the “contact us” site of CEC Prato to: At the English site: Evangelists: Ev. Ruoshu Chen Ev. Na Li Email:

At the Chinese site: 傳道: 陳若抒 傳道 李娜 傳道

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

40 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the What’s up.

  1. In the Chinese site of What’s up, please change: 美東區生命堂暑期聖經班


美東俄備得、多華谷、活石園生命堂舉辦暑期兒童夏令營 詳情

  1. In the English site of What’s up, please change: East Coast CEC’s Summer Vacation Bible Schools 7/5 – 8 CEMC Oradell VBS Learn more 7/18 -22 CEMC Towaco’s VBS Learn more 8/8 -12 CEMC Livingston VBS Learn more

To: Vacation Bible Schools by CEC’s in Oradell, Towaco, Livingston Learn More

I will send the word file.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

41 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the News with regards to VBS: On the English site, please change it to: Vacation Bible Schools by CEC’s in Oradell, and Towaco, and Livingston,

  1. 7/5 – 8 CEC in Oradell will have Vacation Bible School from 1:30 pm to 5 pm. To sign up, please call (973) 335-7337 ext. 220, (C) (973) 699-3223.
  2. 7/18-22 CEC in Towaco will have Vacation Bible School from 9 am to 1pm. Registration can be done at : .
  3. 8/8 – 12 CEC in Livingston will have Vacation Bible School from 8:45 am to 12:00 noon. Please register at or call (973)402-5138.
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

42 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the News concerning the VBS on the Chinese site.


  1. 7/5– 8 俄備得兒童暑期聖經班。請電詢: 973-335-7177 ext. 220, (973) 699-3223。
  2. 7/18-22多華谷生命堂兒童暑期聖經班,請上網報名:
  3. 8/8-12活石園兒童暑期聖經班,請上網報名: ,或電: (973)402-5138。
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

43 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the "what's up" with the following information:

  1. On the Chinese site, please add: 荷蘭、西班牙生命堂夏令會 詳情
  2. On the English site, please add: Christian Evangelical Mission Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland Learn More
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

44 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the "News" with the following information: On the Chinese site, please add 荷蘭、西班牙生命堂夏令會

  1. 7/25-29荷蘭十二間生命堂聯合主辦少年福音夏令營將在 Jugendherberge Biggesee, Olpe, Germany (nabij Düsseldorf).舉行,主題是 ”你要怎麼做?”,講員為陳永傑傳道。
  2. 8/9 – 11國際神學院福音佈道會將在西班牙馬德里生命堂舉辦教牧同工特別講座,主題是 ”末世教會福音事工的危機”。
  3. 8/15-18西班牙八間生命堂將在Benicassim, Spain舉辦第九屆家庭夏令會,詳情請電0034 618618993。
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

45 Completed 6/25/16 Please update the "News" with the following information: On the English site, please add: Christian Evangelical Mission Summer Conferences in Spain, Holland

  1. 7/25-29 The Christian Evangelical Churches in the Netherlands will hold a Teenage Summer Camp at Jugendherberge Biggesee, Olpe, Germany (nabij Düsseldorf). The theme of the conference is “What would you do?” The speaker is Ev. Wing Kit Chan. Please write to for information.
  2. 8/9 – 11 EMSI will hold a ministers conference at CEC Madrid at CEMC Madrid. The theme of the conference is “The Crisis of Christian Church in the End Time”. The speaker is Rev. Moses Yang.
  3. 8/15-18 The Christian Evangelical Mission in Spain will hold its 9th Summer Family Retreat at Benicassim, Spain. Please call 0034 618618993 for information.
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

46 Completed 7/26/16 Revision request for "Introduction to Organization" under "Who we are".

At the English site, in the last paragraph, please remove the name " Saw Sim Sie". At the Chinese site, in the last paragraph, please remove the name " 紀素心".

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

47 Completed 7/26/16 What’s up change request. Please remove the announcements on:

  1. CEM East Coast Winter Conference
  2. Fuenlabrada New Church Building Dedication at the English site, and the corresponding announcements at the Chinese site. Please add the following announcements at the end: 8/5-6 Church Building Dedication of Portuguese CEC’s Detail
    8/5-6葡萄牙生命堂獻堂典禮 詳情 at the English and the Chinese sites, respectively.
jn2chang commented 8 years ago

48 Completed 7/26/16 News change request. Please remove the news on:

  1. CEM East Coast Winter Conference
  2. Fuenlabrada New Church Building Dedication And add the following news: At the Chinese site: 8/5-6葡萄牙生命堂獻堂典禮
  3. 8/5晚九時思督堡生命堂將舉行献堂典禮,陳岳平牧師主持, 佈道會監督楊摩西牧師親臨證道。新堂地址: RUA CAMILO CASTELO BRANCO 163 LOJA G, 2910-450 SETÚBAL, PORTUGAL電話: 351-965-077-777。
  4. 8/6晚九時亞速爾生命堂將舉行献堂典禮,陳岳平牧師主持, 佈道會監督楊摩西牧師親臨證道。新堂地址: AV ALBERTO I PRÍNCIPE DO MÓNACO Nº5 9500-234 PONTA DELGADA AÇORES, PORTUGAL. At the English site: 8/5-6 Church Building Dedication of Portuguese CEC’s
  5. 8/5 CEC SETÚBAL is going to hold its new church building dedication at 9 pm. Rev. Yue Ping Chen will preside the meeting. CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang will deliver the message. The new building is located at: RUA CAMILO CASTELO BRANCO 163 LOJA G, 2910-450 SETÚBAL, PORTUGAL. Tel: 351-965-077-777。
  6. 8/6 CEC AÇORES is going to hold its new church building dedication at 9 pm. Rev. Yue Ping Chen will preside the meeting CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang will deliver the message. The new building is located at: AV ALBERTO I PRÍNCIPE DO MÓNACO Nº5 9500-234 PONTA DELGADA AÇORES, PORTUGAL. Tel: 351-965-077-777.

I will email you a doc file.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

49 Completed 9-25-16 CEMC Towaco church landing site change request.

Please change the two phone numbers of church into one: 973-335-7337.

Please update the phone number in both the Chinese site, and the English site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

50 Completed 9-25-16 CEMC Towaco church Contact Us page change request.

Please change the two phone numbers of church into one: 973-335-7337.

Please update the phone number in both the Chinese site, and the English site.

jn2chang commented 8 years ago

51 Completed 10-17-16 CEC Azores change request.

Please update the church address at the church landing site to:

Av Alberto I Príncipe Do Mónaco Nº5 9500-234 Ponta Delgada Açores, Portugal.

Please update both the Chinese and the English sites.