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Changes after Chinese New Year Feb. 5, 2019 #390

Open jn2chang opened 5 years ago

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

Minor changes.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

1 Completed 2-10-19 CEC Gran Canaria church landing site change.

On the Chinese site, please change the address of 北區 to: (北) Av. Mesa y Lopez 15, Local 11, 35006 Las Palmas, de Gran Canaria, Spain

On the English site, please change the address of the worship place on the northern part of the island to: (North) Av. Mesa y Lopez 15, Local 11, 35006 Las Palmas, de Gran Canaria, Spain

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

2 Completed 2-10-19 CEC Gran Canaria church contact us site change.

On the Chinese site, please change the address of 北區 to: (北) Av. Mesa y Lopez 15, Local 11, 35006 Las Palmas, de Gran Canaria, Spain

On the English site, please change the address of the worship place on the northern part of the island to: (North) Av. Mesa y Lopez 15, Local 11, 35006 Las Palmas, de Gran Canaria, Spain

Please update the Google location as well, if it is possible.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

3 Completed 2-10-19 CEC Gran Canaria Church Services Schedule update.

Please add the church service schedule site to CEC Gran Canaria . Please add the following two schedules onto the Church Service Schedule of CEC Gran Canaria.

南區聚會時間表 Southern Region Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜Worship Service | 周 日 上 午 十 時Sunday   10:00 am

禱告/練詩Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice 周 二 上 午 九時十五分Tuesday   9:15 am
禱告/查經 Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 周 四 上 午 九時十五分Thursday   9:15 am

北區聚會時間表 Northern Region Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜Worship Service | 周 日 晚 六 時 半Sunday   6:30 pm

查經Bible Study 周 日 晚上 八時             Sunday   8:00 pm

中部聚會時間表 Middle Region Meeting Schedule

查經Bible Study | 周 三 上 午 十時十五分Wednesday  10:15 am

I will send you the word document via email.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

4 Completed 2-20-19 ECMSI Brooklyn church landing site change request. On their Chinese and the English sites, please change their address to: 861 51st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

5 Completed 2-20-19 ECMSI Brooklyn church Contact us site change request. On their Chinese and the English sites, Please change their address to: 861 51st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 Please update their Google map as well.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

6 CEC Tokyo change request.

On the Chinese church landing site,

  1. Please change the word "簡史" to bold face.
  2. Please leave a line between 簡史 and "2012年三月福音事工開展".
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

7 Please ignore this change request. Please add a church under CEM in Japan.

  1. On the "Find a Church" site, on the fourth line of the description, please change the number of churches in Japan, and the total number of churches under CEM to: 4 in Japan... a total of 57 churches.
  2. On the "Find a Church" site, please update the Google map: a. add the following churches in the list of churches in Japan: CEC Saitama. b. update the total number of churches in Japan to 4.
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

8 Please ignore this change request. Please add a church under CEM in Japan.

  1. On the "尋找教會" site, on the fourth line of the description, please change the number of churches in Japan and the total number of churches under CEM to: 日本教會四間,總共五十七間。
  2. On the ""尋找教會" site, please update the Google map: a. add the following church in the list of churches in Japan: 琦玉教會 b. update the total number of churches in Japan to 4.
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

9 Please ignore this change request. Please add a church under CEM in Japan. The Chinese name of this church is 琦玉基督教生命堂. The English name of this church is CEC in Saitama.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

10 Please ignore this change request. Please add a church under CEM in Japan. In the Chinese church landing site, please put in the following information: 琦玉基督教生命堂 牧者: 方秀蘭傳道, 090-9700-4895 地址: 琦玉縣琦玉市中央區上落合 9-9-4-508 電話: 090-9700-4895

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

11 Please ignore this change request. Please add a church under CEM in Japan. In the English church landing site, please put in the following information: CEC in Saitama Evanglist: Ev. Sau Lan Fong, 81-90-9700-4895 Address:
Tel#. : 090-9700-4895

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

12 Completed 3-10-19 CEC Valencia change request.

On their English church landing site, there is an error in the pastor's name. Please change the pastor's to:

Rev. Yong Chun Ye

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

13 Completed 3-10-19
EBI Curriculum Update Please update the English version and the Chinese version of the EBI Curriculum with the following curriculum.

課  程 Course 學 分 Credits 日 期 Dates 課 時 Day/Time 教 授        Professor
舊約概論 Old Testament Survey 3 03/11/19 – 05/20/19 Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
啟示錄 Revelation 3 03/12/19 – 05/21/19 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
創造論 Creationism 2 03/13/19 – 05/22/19 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
歷代志上、下 I&II Chronicles (Intensive Course) 2 03/04/19 – 03/08/19 Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Daniel Waite
聖經地理 Biblical Geography (Intensive Course) 2 04/29/19 – 05/03/19 05/06/19 – 05/08/19 Monday-Friday Monday-Wednesday 12:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Gordon Franz
合唱 Chorus 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Jing Huang
合唱指揮 Choral Conducting 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Jing Huang
聲樂 Voice 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday/Friday   (Individually Arranged) Jing Huang

二、學費Tuition Fee:全修生每學期$2,000.00, 選修生每學分$200.00。Full time student each quarter $2,000.00; part time student $200.00 per credit.

三、聲樂課Voice Lessons: 一對一的聲樂課(一學分)是選修課程, 請向任課教師報名, 並自行與任課教師安排上課時間。 報名費: $55.00。 Individual Voice Lesson (one credit) is an optional course, please register with the instructor. You have to make an appointment for voice lesson with the instructor individually. Registration fee: $55.00. 自費學生付學費,不用付報名費;有獎學金的學生付報名費; 神學院同工不用付學費,但付報名費。 Students paying full tuition do not need to pay registration fee but students under scholarship must pay registration fee. Seminary co-workers are free from tuition fee but must pay registration fee.

四、註冊Registration:03/04/19 (Mon.) –03/05/19 (Tue.) 敬請準時。 Please register on time. 罰金Late Fee: $50.00

五、備註Memo:1.若您要保留選課資料,請自行影印備份存檔。It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her own record of the courses taken. 2.關於旁聽: (1) 神學院同工最多可旁聽兩門神學課: 一門免費;另一門須付50%的學費。 Seminary co-workers may audit up to two theology courses: The first one is free; second one at 50% off. (2)學生和神學院同工旁聽以前修過的課程,須付10%的學費。 Students and seminary co-workers may audit the same courses that they have taken previously. The cost for that course is 10% of the regular tuition. (3)校外旁聽生一律按學費收費。 External students have to pay the full tuition fee to audit the courses. (注意: 所有旁聽者一律須登記註冊或經院長特許,任何人不得擅自進入課室! Note: All those taking class for audit have to register or receive Verbal Permission from Dr. Rev. Yang!)

I will send you the word document.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

14 Completed 3-10-19 EBI Europe Curriculum Update Please update the English version and the Chinese version of the curriculum of EBI Europe to the following.

課  程 Course 學 分 Credits 日 期 Dates 課 時 Day/Time 教 授        Professor
舊約概論 Old Testament Survey 3 03/11/19 – 05/20/19 Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
啟示錄 Revelation 3 03/12/19 – 05/21/19 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
創造論 Creationism 2 03/13/19 – 05/22/19 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
歷代志上、下 I&II Chronicles (Intensive Course) 2 03/04/19 – 03/08/19 Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Daniel Waite
聖經地理 Biblical Geography (Intensive Course) 2 04/29/19 – 05/03/19 05/06/19 – 05/08/19 Monday-Friday Monday-Wednesday 12:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Gordon Franz

I will send you the word document.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

15 Completed 4/8/19 ECMSI Brooklyn Church Service Schedule Update Request.

At their Chinese and their English sites, please update the schedule to the following:

主日崇拜     Worship Service 週 日 上 午              Sunday 11 am
成人主日學  Adult Sunday School 週 日 上 午                 Sunday 10 am
兒童主日學  Children Sunday School 週 日 上 午                 Sunday 11 am
詩歌練習      Choir Practice 週 日 上 午                 Sunday 1 pm
日間查經班  Bible Class 週 二 下 午                Tuesday 2 pm
禱告查經班  Prayer & Bible Study 週 三晚上                   Wednesday 7:30 pm
少年團契       Youth Fellowship 週 五晚上                   Friday 7:30 pm
成人查經班   Adult Bible Study 週 五晚上                   Friday 7:30 pm
弟兄團契       Men’s Fellowship 每月第四週日下午  Fourth Sunday 2:00 pm

I will send you the word document.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

16 Completed 4/8/19 CEMC Highland Park Service Schedule change request. Please update their church service schedule at their Chinese and English sites to the following:

中文主日崇拜  Chinese Sunday Worship Service 週 日 下 午          Sunday 1:30 pm
英文主日崇拜  English  Sunday Worship Service 週 日 下 午          Sunday 1:30 pm
兒童主日學     Children Sunday School 週 日 下 午          Sunday 1:30 pm
餐館查經班      Restaurant Bible Study 週 一(每隔一週)   Every Other Monday 8:00 pm
禱告會              Prayer Meeting 週三                        Wednesday 8:00 pm
錫安團契          Zion Fellowship 每月第三週六       Every Third Saturday 7:30 pm
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

17 Completed 4/8/19 What's up update.

Please replace what's in the "What's Up" Chinese site with the following titles:

3/9/19 - 3/10/19馬德里南區生命堂15週年慶

3/8/19 加納利亞生命堂獻堂

3/2/19 - 3/3/19 馬德里基督教生命堂廿三週年慶

1/12/19 百利達基督教生命堂獻堂

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

18 Completed 4/8/19 What's up English site update request.

Please replace what's in the What's up English site with the following titles:

3/9/19 - 3/10/19 CEC South Madrid 15th Anniversary Celebration

3/8/19 CEC Gran Canari New Church Building Dedication

3/2/19 -3/3/19 CEC Madrid 23rd Anniversary Celebration

1/12/2019 CEC Breda New Church Building Dedication

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

19 Completed 4/8/19 News Update Request. On the Chinese site , please replace what's in the news with the following: 1/12/19 百利達基督教生命堂獻堂 百利達基督教生命堂於1/12/19舉行獻堂禮,總監楊摩西牧師帶領荷蘭、比利時佈道會的8位牧者一起剪綵正式啓用。

3/2/19 -3/3/19 馬德里基督教生命堂廿三週年慶 馬德里生命堂廿三週年慶感恩特會,邀請全球總監督、神學院院長楊摩西牧師蒞臨主禮!

3/8/19 加納利亞生命堂獻堂 加納利亞生命堂於3/8/19上午十時舉行獻堂禮,楊摩西牧師親臨主持。

3/9/19 - 3/10/19馬德里南區生命堂15週年慶 馬德里南區生命堂慶祝成立15週年,舉辦培靈會及十五週年慶典,楊摩西牧師主持!

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

20 News Update Request. Completed 4/8/19

At the English site, please replace what's in the news with the following: 1/12/2019 CEC Breda New Church Building Dedication The Christian Evangelical Church in Breda held its church building dedication ceremony on 1/12/2019. CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang along with seven CEC pastors from the Netherlands and Belgium cut the ribbons.

3/2/19 -3/3/19 CEC Madrid 23rd Anniversary Celebration The CEC Madrid held the 23rd Anniversary Celebration on 3/2/2019 – 3/3/2019. CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang came and delivered the messages.

3/8/19 CEC Gran Canari New Church Building Dedication The Christian Evangelical Church in Gran Canaria held its church building dedication ceremony on 3/8/2019. CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang came and delivered the message.

3/9/19 - 3/10/19 CEC South Madrid 15th Anniversary Celebration The CEC South Madrid held its 15th Anniversary Celebration with a spiritual revival meeting on 3/9 and 3/10. CEM Bishop Rev. Moses Yang came and delivered the messages.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

21 Completed 4/8/19 CEC Budapest Update. On the church landing site, please update the evangelist name, church phone number, and email address. At the Chinese site: 傳道: 謝敏惠 傳道 電話: 0036-30-728-8888 電郵: At the English site: Evangelist: Ev. Minhui Xie Tel.#: 0036-30-728-8888 email:

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

21 Completed 4/8/19 CEC Budapest Update. On the Contact Us page, please update the evangelist name, church phone number, and email address. At the Chinese site: 傳道: 謝敏惠 傳道 電話: 0036-30-728-8888 電郵: At the English site: Evangelist: Ev. Minhui Xie Tel.#: 0036-30-728-8888 email:

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

22 Completed 4/8/19 CEC Budapest Update. At the church landing site, please update the church photo which I will send you via email.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

23 Completed 4-25-19 In What’s Up, please remove announcement on CEC Breda New Church Building Dedication, and add the following: at the English site : 5/24-5/27 CEM East Coast Family Conference Learn More

At the Chinese site: 5/24-5/27美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會 詳情

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

24 Completed 4-25-19 In News, please remove announcement on CEC Breda New Church Building Dedication, and add the following:

at the English site: 5/24-5/27 CEM East Coast Family Conference CEM East Coast Family Conference will be held on 5/24-5/27 during Memorial Day weekend. You can register on-line at

at the Chinese site: 5/24-5/27美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會 美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會,將於5/24-27舉行。可上網報名。

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

25 Completed 4-25-19 At the Chinese site of What’s Up, please italicized all “詳情”, i.e. change them to 詳情. At the English site of What’s Up, please italicized “Learn more” Learn more. I will send you the Word document.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

26 Completed 4-25-19 Please update the curriculum of EBI America at the Chinese site and at the English site to the following:

課  程 Course 學 分 Credits 日 期 Dates 課 時 Day/Time 教 授        Professor
舊約概論 Old Testament Survey 3 03/11/19 – 05/20/19 Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
講道學 Homiletics 2 03/25/19 – 05/21/19 Monday-Tuesday 01:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m. Moses Yang
啟示錄 Revelation 3 03/12/19 – 05/21/19 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
創造論 Creationism 2 03/13/19 – 05/22/19 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
歷代志上、下 I&II Chronicles (Intensive Course) 2 03/04/19 – 03/08/19 Monday-Friday 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 01:00 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. Daniel Waite
聖經地理 Biblical Geography (Intensive Course) 2 04/29/19 – 05/03/19 05/06/19 – 05/08/19 Monday-Friday Monday-Wednesday 12:45 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. Gordon Franz
合唱 Chorus 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Jing Huang
合唱指揮 Choral Conducting 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday 01:00 p.m. – 02:00 p.m. Jing Huang
聲樂 Voice 1 03/14/19 – 05/23/19 Thursday/Friday   (Individually Arranged) Jing Huang
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

27 Completed 4-25-19 EBI Europe Curriculum update: Please update the curriculum at both the Chinese and the English sties as follow:

課  程 Course 學 分 Credits 日 期 Dates 課 時 Day/Time 教 授        Professor
舊約概論 Old Testament Survey 3 03/11/19 – 05/20/19 Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
講道學 Homiletics 2 03/25/19 – 05/21/19 Monday-Tuesday 01:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m. Moses Yang
啟示錄 Revelation 3 03/12/19 – 05/21/19 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
創造論 Creationism 2 03/13/19 – 05/22/19 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Moses Yang
歷代志上、下 I&II Chronicles (Intensive Course) 2 03/04/19 – 03/08/19 Monday-Friday 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 01:00 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. Daniel Waite
聖經地理 Biblical Geography (Intensive Course) 2 04/29/19 – 05/03/19 05/06/19 – 05/08/19 Monday-Friday Monday-Wednesday 12:45 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. Gordon Franz
jn2chang commented 5 years ago

28 Completed 5/18/19 CEC Rotterdam church landing site change request.

Please remove the name of Ev. Fenxia Liu-Chen at the English church landing site, and at the Chinese church landing site.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

29 Completed 5/18/19 CEC Den Haag church landing site change request.

Please remove the name of Ev. Shuqi Chan-Hu from the English site and from the Chinese site.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

30 Completed 5/18/19 What's New update. Please remove the announcement on CEC Madrid ... and add the following announcement at the Chinese site: 5/4-5/19 神戶生命堂培靈會 詳情 At the English site: 5/4-5/19 CEC Osaka Revival Meeting Learn More

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

31 Completed 5/18/19 News update. Please remove the announcement on CEC Madrid ... and add the following announcement at the Chinese site:

5/4-5/19 神戶生命堂培靈會 神戶生命堂於5/4-5 舉行培靈會,主題為 “末世的挑戰”,全球生命堂總監楊摩西牧師親臨主講。

At the English site:

5/4-5/19 CEC Osaka Revival Meeting A Revival Meetings on 5/4- 5/5 was held at CEC Osaka. Rev. Moses Yang spoke on “Challenge of the End Times”.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

32 Completed 5/18/19 IEC San Diego Update. Please insert the following schedule in both the Chinese and the English sites. I will send you the word document.

聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 ( 印尼語、英語)                             Worship Service (Indonesian) | 周 日 上 午                             九 時卅分                        Sunday                                   9:30 am 主日學 ( 英語)                                          Sunday School ( English) | 周 日 上 午                             九 時卅分                        Sunday                                   9:30 am 禱 告 會 (印尼語)                                                       Prayer Meeting (Indonesian) | 每月第一、三周周 四 晚上        七 時                         1st and 3rd Thursday of the month   7 pm 夫妻團契(印尼語)                                                             Couples Fellowship (Indonesian) | 每月第二周周 五 晚上             六時 卅分            2nd Friday of  the month           6:30 pm 青少年團契( 英語)                                             Youth Fellowship  (Indonesian) | 每月第四周周 五 晚上             六時 卅分                                     4th Friday of the month             6:30 pm

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

33 Completed 5/22/19 IEC San Diego Schedule Update.

Please update the schedule. The Youth Fellowship is conducted in English.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

34 Completed 5/22/19 IEC Sacramento Church Service Schedule Please put in the church service schedule as below:

聚會時間表 Meeting Schedule

主日崇拜 ( 印尼語)                                Worship Service (Indonesian) | 周 日下午                                  四 時                     Sunday                                    4 pm 主日學 ( 英語)                                          Sunday School ( English) | 周 日下午                                  四 時                     Sunday                                    4 pm 青少年團契( 英語)                                             Youth Fellowship  (English) | 周 日下午                                  四 時                     Sunday                                    4 pm 查經 禱 告 會 (印尼語)                                                       Prayer Meeting & Bible Study (Indonesian) | 周 六 晚上                                  七 時                         Saturday                                 7 pm 成人團契(印尼語)                                                             Men & Women Fellowship (Indonesian) | 每月第四周 周五 晚上            七時            4th Friday of  the month          7 pm

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

35 Completed 5/22/19 CEC Utrecht church landing site update. Please remove the name of Ev. Andy Chu from both the Chinese and the English sites.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

36 Completed 5/28/19 CEC Veenendaal church schedule insert. Please put in the church schedule as follows.

聚會時間表 Service Schedule

主日崇拜                                                      Worship Service | 上午 十 時                                                   10 am | 周 日                                         Sunday 主日學                                                              Sunday School | 上午十  時                         10 am | 周 日                                        Sunday 姊妹團契                                                           Sisters Fellowship | 上午 十 時                    10 am | 每月第二個 周六                           2nd Saturday of the month 中文 查經                                                            Chinese Bible Study | 上午 十 時                 10 am | 每月第二、第四個周一            2nd and 4th Monday of the month

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

37 Completed 6/2/19 IEC San Diego church landing site update. Please update the 傳道's name to Chinese : 陳善謙.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

38 Completed 6/2/19 IEC San Francisco church service schedule update. Please put in the church service schedule as below.

中文聚會時間表 Mandarin Services Schedule

主日崇拜 ( 中文)                                    Worship Service (Mandarin) | 周 日上午                                   9 時                     Sunday                                    9 am 主日學 (中文)                                          Sunday School (Mandarin) | 周 日上午                                   9 時                     Sunday                                    9 am 禱 告 會 (中文)                                                       Prayer Meeting (Mandarin) | 周 三 晚上                                  7:30                          Wednesday                        7 :30 pm

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

39 Completed 6/9/19 In What’s up, please remove the announcement of CEC Gran Canari dated 3/8/19, and add the following at the Chinese and the English sites of What’s up respectively:

希頓島基督教生命堂成立 詳情

Establishment of the ECMSI Staten Island Detail

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

40 Completed 6/9/19 In News, please remove the announcement on CEC Gran Canari dated 3/8/19, and add the following at the Chinese and the English sites of News respectively

希頓島基督教生命堂成立 希頓島基督教生命堂於六月一日在史泰登島Staten Island舉行第一次崇拜,戚厚生牧師主持,楊摩西牧師證道。希頓島生命堂地址: 4550 Amboy Rd. Staten Island, NY 電話: 646-979-0107. Establishment of the ECMSI Staten Island ECMSI Staten Island Inaugural Service was conducted on June 1, 2019. Rev. Hosea Chi presided over the service while Pastor Moses Yang preached. ECMSI Staten Island address: 4550 Amboy Rd. Staten Island, NY Tel.: 646-979-0107.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

41 Completed 6/17/19 In What’s up, please delete the news on CEC South Madrid dated 3/9/19¸and add the following:

7/20/19 美東區生命堂聯合運動會 詳情 7/20/19 East Coast CEM SPORTS DAY Learn More

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

42 Completed 6/17/19 ECMSI Brooklyn church change request.

At their Chinese church landing site and their English church landing site, Please remove the phone number : 973-960-8065.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

43 Completed 6/17/19 ECMSI Brooklyn church change request.

At their Chinese church Contact us site and their English church Contact us site, Please remove the phone number : 973-960-8065.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

44 Completed 6/24/19 Please add ECMSI Staten Island / 希頓島 基督教生命堂 under CEM East Coast.

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

45 Completed 6/24/19 At the Find a Church site, please update as below: 11 churches in the eastern United States, total of 57 churches. At the Chinese site of Find a Church, please update as follows: 美東建立十一間生命堂, 總共五十七間教會

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

46 Completed 6/24/19 At the Find a Church site, please update the map, and data as well. Please update the total number of churches at the East Coast to 11 at both the Chinese and the English sites. The 11th church name and address are as follows: ECMSI Staten Island / 希頓島 基督教生命堂 4550 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10312

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

47 Completed 6/24/19 At the Chinese landing site of 希頓島 基督教生命堂 , please put in the following information: 牧者 : 戚厚生牧師 973-335-7337, ext.219 地址: 4550 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10312 (Bethal Evangelical Free Church) 電話: 646-979-0107 電郵:

成立日期: June 1, 2019

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

48 Completed 6/24/19 At the English Landing site of ECMSI Staten Island, please put in the following information:

Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi 973-335-7337, ext. 219 Address: 4550 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10312 (Bethal Evangelical Free Church) Tel#: 646-979-0107 Email:

Established Date: June 1, 2019

jn2chang commented 5 years ago

49 Completed 6/24/19 At the church Contact us site of ECMSI Staten Island,

  1. please put in the following information at the English site: Pastor: Rev. Hosea Chi 973-335-7337, ext.219 Mrs. Chialin Chi, (C) 973-932-3534 Address: 4550 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10312 (Bethal Evangelical Free Church) Tel#: 646-979-0107 Email:
  2. Please put in the Google map of the church location.