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New issue to include the Spring of Life at the website #431

Open jn2chang opened 3 years ago

jn2chang commented 3 years ago
  1. Update of the bottom line of every page. At the English site,

  2. please add the copy right statement as follows: Copyright@2020 Evangelical Mission & Seminary International

  3. please update the telephone number of emsi headquarter to 973 335 7337. So the bottom line of every page would be as below: Copyright@2020 Evangelical Mission & Seminary International. All rights reserved. | EMSI USA Headquarters | 36 Alpine Road | Towaco NJ | 973 335 7337

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

2. Update of the bottom line of every page. At the Chinese site,

  1. please add the copy right statement as follows: Copyright@2020 Evangelical Mission & Seminary International
  2. please update the telephone number of emsi headquarter to 973 335 7337. So the the bottom line of every page would be as below: ©2020 Evangelical Mission & Seminary International 版權所有 未經許可 請勿翻印或轉載 | EMSI USA Headquarters | 36 Alpine Road | Towaco NJ | 973 335 7337
jn2chang commented 3 years ago

3 Update at the Chinese site of Life Publishing House, 生命出版社. In the second paragraph, please change '(1). 刊物刊物' to '(1). 刊物'.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

4 Update to the Life Publishing House under 'Who We Are', to include the latest issue of the Spring of Life

  1. In the Life Publishing House, We need to add one paragraph under a. Periodical At the end of the 1st paragraph, please add the following paragraph: At the Chinese site, please add: 點擊這裡,請看生命之泉。 At the English site, please add: To read the current issue of the Spring of Life, please click here.

  2. We need to insert a page to the Chinese site, and a page to the English site. At the Chinese site, please put in the current issue of the Spring of Life in Chinese; and at the English site, please put in the current issue of the Spring of Life in English. I have to send you via email the link to the latest issue of the Spring of Life.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

5 Announcement update. Please add the following announcement . At the Chinese site, please add: 我們已把最新一期生命之泉放在emsi網站。 At the English site, please add: We have included the latest issue of the Spring of Life at the EMSIONLINE website.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

6 Update to the Life Publishing House under 'Who We Are', to clarify the procedure to read the Spring of Life.

In Section (a) Periodical, we need to modify the second paragraph to: To read the current issue of the Spring of Life, please sign into your Google account and then click here.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

7 Update to 生命出版社under 關於我們, to clarify the procedure to read the Spring of Life.

In section (1) 刊物 , we need to modify the second paragraph to: 欲看本期生命之泉,請先登入谷歌帳號,再點擊這裡。

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

8 Please insert the October issue of 生命之泉 the Spring of Life in Chinese.

In the Chinese section, it is 這裡 in the sentence below where people click on: 欲看本期生命之泉,請先登入谷歌帳號,再點擊這裡

The Spring of Life in Chinese can be located in the following link:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago


Please insert the October issue of the Spring of Life in English.

In the English site, it is 'here' in the sentence below where people click on will see the October issue of the Spring of Life: To read the current issue of the Spring of Life, please sign into your Google account and then click here.

The October issue of the Spring of Life in English can be located in the following link:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

10 Please note this comment has been moved to 417.30 In What’s Up, please add the following : At the Chinese site, please add: 12/27/2020 美東生命堂青少年網上冬令會 At the English site, please add: 12/27/2020 East Coast Christian Evangelical Churches Winter Youth Virtual Retreat

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

11 Please note this comment has been moved to 417.31 In the News, please add the following: At the Chinese site, please add: 12/27/2020 美東生命堂青少年網上冬令會 美東11 間生命堂青少年冬令會將於12/27/2020 星期日晚 6 – 10 時在網上舉行,陳永傑傳道 (Wingkit Chan) 主講 “ “, 主題 ‘知道上帝,認識上帝’. 歡迎青、少年 (13 – 35歲) 參加 ,請上 谷歌文檔 報名.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

12 This comment has been move to 417.32 At the English site of the News, please add: 12/27/2020 East Coast Christian Evangelical Churches Winter Youth Virtual Retreat The Winter Youth Conference for East Coast CEC churches is going to be held virtually (through Zoom) on December 27 from 6:30 PM to 10 PM for youth and young adults (age 13-35). The theme is “Knowing God or Knowing About God”. Ev. Wingkit Chan will be the speaker. Registration will be via Google Doc at .

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

13 Please note this request is replaced by the request 431.17 if this request is not implemented yet,

Please add the following line to the Chinese site of What's Up as the first line in "What's up" if possible: 請點擊這裡看本期生命之泉。 Spring_of_Life_Location12_23_20.docx

It is 這裡 when people will read the latest issue of Spring of Life when people click on. As of now the latest issue of Spring of Life is the same as the one we are reading from Life Publishing House.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

14 Please note this request is replaced by the request 431.18 if this request is not implemented yet. Please add the following line to the English site of "What's up" as the first line in "What's up" if possible: Please click here to read the latest issue of Spring of Life.

It is 'here' when people click they will see the latest issue of Spring of Life will show up. As of now the latest issue of Spring of Life is the same as the one we are seeing through Life Publishing House.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

15 News update at the English site. Please remove the following news in the English section. We have included the latest issue of the Spring of Life at the EMSIONLINE website.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

16 News update at the Chinese site. Please remove the following news in the Chinese section. 我們已把最新一期生命之泉放在emsi網站。

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

17 Completed 1-8-21 Please note this request is to replace the request 431.13 if it is not implemented yet.

What's Up update request.

  1. Please add the following line to the Chinese site of What's Up as the first line in "What's up" if possible. 請點擊這裡看本期生命之泉。 It is 這裡 when people click will read the latest issue of Spring of Life when people click on.
  2. Please update the link to the Chinese Spring of Life with the latest link below.

Request 431_17.docx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

Request 431_18.docx 18 Completed 1-8-21 Please note this request is to replace the request 431.14 if it is not implemented yet.

  1. Please add the following line to the English site of "What's up" as the first line in "What's up" if possible. Please click here to read the latest issue of Spring of Life.
  2. Please update the link to the English version of the Spring of Life with the latest link .

It is 'here' in (1) when people click the latest issue of Spring of Life will show up.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago


Life Publishing House update.

  1. In the second paragraph under Periodical, please remove the reference to the Google account, and correct the typo TTo to To as below: To read the current issue of the Spring of Life, please click here

  2. Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life in the second paragraph under Periodical under Life Publishing house when people click on ' here' :

jn2chang commented 3 years ago


生命出版社 update request.

  1. In the the second paragraph under 刊物 please remove reference to the Google account and update the paragraph to: 欲看本期生命之泉,請點擊這裡
  2. Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life when people click on 這裡 to:
jn2chang commented 3 years ago

21 Life Publishing House update.

  1. Please add a second paragraph under Periodical as below. To read the current issue of the Spring of Life, please click here

  2. Please insert the following link so that people will read the latest issue of Spring of Life when people click on ' here’:


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

22 生命出版社 (under who we are) update request.

  1. Please add a second paragraph under 刊物 as below: 欲看本期生命之泉,請點擊這裡。
  2. Please insert the following link to the latest issue of Spring of Life so that people will read the latest Spring of Life when they click on 這裡 :


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

33 Completed 3/28/21 In the 'Audio CD listing' of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please remove the item '2D East Coast Joint Family Conference' at both the Chinese and the English sites.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

34 Completed 3/28/21 In the 'Books' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the book listing under 1D Science and the Bible with the book listing in the attached file under 1D. Please note that all the book listing categorized from 1A to 1L are included in the attached file, 出版品目錄表_3_2_21.xlsx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

35 No change is necessary 3/28/21 In the 'Books' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the book listing under 1H Bible Characters with the book listing in the attached file under 1H. Please note that all the book listing categorized from 1A to 1L are included in the attached file. 出版品目錄表_3_2_21.xlsx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

36 Completed 3/28/21 In the 'Books' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the book listing under 1K Testimonials with the book listing in the attached file under 1K. Please update the book listing at both the Chinese and the English site. Please note that all the book listing categorized from 1A to 1L are included in the attached file. 出版品目錄表_3_2_21.xlsx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

37 Completed 3/28/21 In the 'Books' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the book listing under 1L Miscellaneous with the book listing in the attached file under 1L. Please update the book listing at both the Chinese and the English site. Please note that all the book listing categorized from 1A to 1L are included in the attached file. 出版品目錄表_3_2_21.xlsx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

38 Completed 3/28/21 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the audio CD listing under 2A Old Testament Bible Series with the audio CD listing in the attached file under 2A. Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English site. Please note that all the audio CD listing categorized from 2Ato 2F are included in the attached file.


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

39 Completed 3/28/2021 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the audio CD listing under 2B New Testament Bible Study Series with the audio CD listing in the attached file under 2B . Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English site. Please note that all the audio CD listing categorized from 2Ato 2F are included in the attached file.


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

40 Completed 3/28/2021 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please remove 2E 'Holiday Series' in the audio CD listing . Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English site.

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

41 Completed 3/28/2021 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the audio CD listing under 2C 'Signs of the End Times' with the audio CD listing in the attached file under 2C. Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English site. Please note that all the audio CD listing categorized from 2Ato 2F are included in the attached file. 出版品目錄表_3_2_21.xlsx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

42 Completed 3/28/2021 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the audio CD listing under 2F 'Gospel Broadcasts' with the audio CD listing in the attached file under 2F. Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English sites. Please note that all the audio CD listing categorized from 2Ato 2G are included in the attached file.


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

43 Completed 3/28/2021 In the 'Audio CD' listing of 'ECMSI Christian Bookstore', please update the audio CD listing under 2G 'Gospel Songs' with the audio CD listing in the attached file under 2G. Please update the audio CD listing at both the Chinese and the English sites. Please note that all the audio CD listing categorized from 2Ato 2G are included in the attached file.


jn2chang commented 3 years ago

44 Completed 3/28/2021 Request to update the link to the Chinese version of the Spring of Life in What's Up in Chinese.

In 'What's up' at Chinese site, please update.

  1. Please update the first line under ' What's Up' to 請看生命之泉第291期。

  2. Please update the link to the Chinese Spring of Life when people click on 詳情 below the line '請看生命之泉第291期' with the link below:

It is 這裡 when people click will read the latest issue of Spring of Life when people click on. Please update the link to the Chinese Spring of Life with the latest link below when people

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

45 Completed 3/28/2021 In What's Up,

  1. Please update the 1st line below 'What's Up" to:

    Please click here to read the Spring of Life January ~ February issue.

  2. Please update the the link to the English version of the Spring of Life with the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago


Life Publishing House update.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life , English Spring of Life January - February 2021 , when people click on ' here' in the second paragraph under Periodical under Life Publishing house to the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

47 生命出版社 update request.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life Chinese 生命之泉第291期 when people click on 點擊這裡 to:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

48 In What's Up,

  1. Please update the first line under ' What's Up' to 請看生命之泉第292期。

  2. Please update the link to the Chinese Spring of Life when people click on 詳情 below the line '請看生命之泉第292期' with the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago


  1. Please update the 1st line below 'What's Up" to:

Please click here to read the Spring of Life March ~ April issue.

  1. Please update the the link to the English version of the Spring of Life with the link below:

Please update the the link to the English version of the Spring of Life with the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

50 生命出版社 update request.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life Chinese 生命之泉第292期 when people click on 點擊這裡 in the paragraph under (1)刊物 to:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

51 Life Publishing House update.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life , English Spring of Life March - April 2021 , when people click on ' here' in the second paragraph under Periodical under Life Publishing house to the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

52 Completed 7/29/21 生命出版社 update request.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life Chinese 生命之泉第293期 when people click on 點擊這裡 in the paragraph under (1)刊物 to:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

53 Completed 7/29/21 Life Publishing House update.

Please update the link to the latest issue of Spring of Life , English Spring of Life May - June 2021 , when people click on ' here' in the second paragraph under Periodical under Life Publishing house to the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

54 Completed 7/29/21 In What's Up,

Please update the first line under ' What's Up' to 請看生命之泉第293期。

Please update the link to the Chinese Spring of Life when people click on 詳情 below the line '請看生命之泉第292期' with the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

55 Completed 7/29/21

  1. Please update the 1st line below 'What's Up" to:

Please click here to read the Spring of Life May ~ June issue.

  1. Please update the the link to the English version of the Spring of Life with the link below:

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

56 Completed 8/23/21 CEC Akabane English Church Landing site update. Please insert the following article as CEC Akabane Brief History, In 2019, a sister in my online Bible Study suggested that we should reach out to the Chinese in Kita-Ku, Tokyo and preach the Gospel to them. So I (Evangelist Yang Xi) discussed it with Rev. Moses Yang who then commissioned me to begin that ministry in Kita-Ku, Tokyo. When I went to Tokyo, sister Wang Yu Xing received me, and allowed me to use her house to start a Bible Study.

In July 2020, Evangelist Dong Jinbo, who finished her study in EBI in the USA, was commissioned by Rev. Yang to serve with Evangelist Yang Xi in Kita-Ku, Tokyo to outreach to the Chinese there. Soon after, we started Sunday Worship Service in the home of sister Wang Yu Xing as well as a series of Bible teaching classes for those brothers and sisters who want to serve the Lord and preach the Gospel during the pandemic.

May the Lord lead us, and bless us so that we can be a blessing for many! May the Lord remember the brothers and sisters who give selflessly for the Lord's work! May the Lord’s house prosper! Brief History of CEC Akabane8_23_21.docx

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

57 Completed 8/25/21 What's Up update. Please remove the announcement on '12/27/2020 East Coast Christian Evangelical Churches Winter Youth Virtual Retreat Learn more "

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

58 Completed 8/25/21 What's Up update on the Chinese side. Please remove the announcement on "12/27/2020 美東生命堂青少年網上冬令會 詳情 "

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

59 Completed 8/25/21 News Update. Please remove the news on "12/27/2020 East Coast Christian Evangelical Churches Winter Youth Virtual Retreat,,,,".

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

60 Completed 8/25/21 News Update on the Chinese side. Please remove the news on "12/27/2020 美東生命堂青少年網上冬令會.....".

jn2chang commented 3 years ago

61 Completed 9/12/21 CEC South Africa Church Landing Site update. On the English site, please update the information of the evangelist. Pastor: Intern Ev. Luke Feng, (C) 0027-(0)74-961-6036 Tel#: 0027-(0)21-686-0714, (C) 0027-(0)74-961-6036 Email: The address of the church remains the same. Capetown8_6_21.docx