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New issue to insert webpage for CEM's #507

Open jn2chang opened 1 year ago

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

Completed 2/15/23 1 CEC in Budapest Chinese Church Landing Site update. There is a duplicate of sentences in the Chinese 'Brief History'. Please reduce the second paragraph to the paragraph below: 2015年十一月,翟廣奇傳道接下陳寶珩傳道在此的事奉。2017年五月,謝敏惠傳道讀神學從美國回到布達佩斯,與翟傳道同工,一同事奉教會。2020年翟傳道回到美國服事,布達佩斯生命堂由謝敏惠傳道負責。願主帶領,讓布達佩斯生命堂在穩定中不斷地成長 budapest2_9_23.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

Completed 2/15/23 2 CEC in Budapest Church Landing Site update. At both the Chinese and the English sites, please replace the church photo with the one below.


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

3 No need to fix this problem. It disappeared. Find a Church site update. At the English 'Find a Church' site, please correct the error that ' this page cannot load Google Map correctly' as shown below. GoogleMapIMG_7089

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

4 No need to fix this problem. It disappears. Find a Church site update. At the Chinese Find a Church site, please correct the error '這個網頁無法正確載入 Google 地圖'.


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

5 Completed 2/17/23 CEC Mandarin in DenHaag Church Landing site change request. At the Chinese site, please (1) add a line on 梅子開牧師 as below, 佈道會: 梅子開 牧師 (+31-(0)62-879-0131) (2) add the language 王濤 傳道 preaches as below, 普通話傳道: 王濤 傳道 (+31-(0)61-749-3457) (3) add the language 陳遠洲 傳道 preaches as below, 荷語傳道: 陳遠洲 傳道 (+31-(0)63 -440-0330) 普通話2_16_23.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

6 Completed 2/17/23 CEC Mandarin in DenHaag Church Landing site change request. At the English site, please (1) add a line on Rev. Tze Hoi Mui as below, Mission: Rev. Tze Hoi Mui (+31-(0)62-879-0131) (2) add the language Ev. Tao Wang is expert in as below, Mandarin Language: Ev. Tao Wang (+31-(0)61-749-3457) (3) add the language Ev. Yan Chow Chan is expert in as below, Dutch Language: Ev. Yan Chow Chan (+31-(0)63-440-0330)

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

7 Completed 2/21/23 CEC Mandarin in DenHaag Church Landing site change request. (1) At the Chinese site, please remove the line on 梅子開牧師, (2) At the English site, please remove the line on Rev. Tze Hoi Mui. That is, this change request undo par. (1) in change request 507.5, and par. (1) in change request 507.6.

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

8 Completed 2/22/23 CEC Mandarin in DenHaag Churc h Landing site change request. At the Chinese site, please add the language 胡松林傳道 preaches, and put his name below 王濤 and above 陳遠洲 as below, 普通話傳道: 王濤 傳道 (+31-(0)61-749-3457) 普通話傳道: 胡松林 傳道 (+31-(0)64 -881-5977) 荷語傳道: 陳遠洲 傳道 (+31-(0)63 -440-0330) 普通話2_22_23.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

9 Completed 2/22/23 CEC Mandarin in DenHaag Church Landing site change request. At the English site, please add the language Ev. Songlin Hu preaches, and put his name below Tao Wang and above Yan Chow Chan as below, Mandarin Language: Ev. Tao Wang (+31-(0)61-749-3457) Mandarin Language: Ev. Songlin Hu (+31-(0)64-881-5977) Dutch Language: Ev. Yan Chow Chan (+31-(0)63-440-0330)

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

10 Completed 2/24/23 CEC Milan church landing site change request.

  1. At the English site, please remove the line on Office address, and update the church worship address to: address: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
  2. At the Chinese site, please remove the line on 佈道會地址, and update the church worship address to 地址: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

11 Completed 2/24/23 CEC Milan Contact Us site change request.

  1. At the English site, please update the address to: Address: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
  2. At the Chinese site, please update the address to: 地址: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

12 Completed 2/24/23 CEC Milan Contact Us site change request. At the Chinese site, please update the line on the pastor's name to: 傳道: Ev. Grace Zheng

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

13 Completed 2/24/23 CEC Milan Contact us site change request.

  1. At the Chinese site, please update the google map according to the church address, 地址: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
  2. At the English site, please update the google map according to the church address, address: Via Braga 1-20125 Milano Italia
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

14 Completed 3/4/23

CEC Milan Church Landing site change request.

  1. At the Chinese site, please update the church address, 地址: Via Gaetano Braga, 1, 20125 Milano Italia

  2. At the English site, please update the church address, Address: Via Gaetano Braga, 1, 20125 Milano Italia

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

15 Completed 3/4/23 CEC Milan Contact Us site change request.

  1. At the Chinese site, please update the church address, 地址: Via Gaetano Braga, 1, 20125 Milano Italia

  2. At the English site, please update the church address, Address: Via Gaetano Braga, 1, 20125 Milano Italia

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

16 What's up change request. Please update the date of the latest issue of Spring of Life.

  1. At the Chinese site, please update the issue number of Spring of Life to 303, so that the announcement on the latest issue of Spring of Life becomes, 請看生命 之泉第 303 期
  2. Please update the latest Chinese issue of the Spring of Life with the link below: so that when people click the word 詳情 they will see the latest issue of the Spring of Life in Chinese.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

17 What's up update request.

  1. At the English site of What's up page, please update the date of the latest issue of the Spring of Life, so the wording will be: Please click here to read the Spring of Life January ~ February 2023 issue.

  2. Please update the English issue of the Spring of Life with the link below: so that when people click the word Learn more they will see the latest issue of the Spring of Life in English

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

18 Completed 7/26/23 Please update the latest issue of Spring of Life at the Life Publishing House site. At the Life Publishing House site, at the end of the second paragraph under (a) Periodical/刊物, when the last word 'here'/'這裡' is clicked, please replace the Spring of Life with the latest issue:

  1. At the Chinese site: 生命之泉第303期
  2. At the English site, Spring of Life January ~ February issue
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

19 Completed 7/26/23 In What's Up, at the Chinese site,

  1. Please remove the announcement on 美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會.
  2. Please add the following two announcements: 9/10/2023 珍珠河基督教生命堂五十週年慶 詳情

6/18/2023 俄備得基督教生命堂九週年慶 詳情


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

20 Completed 7/26/23 In News, at the Chinese site,

  1. Please remove the news on 美東區生命堂家庭聯合退修會.
  2. Please add the following two news o 9/10/2023 珍珠河基督教生命堂五十週年慶 o 紐約州珍珠河生命堂將於9/10/2023 上午10:30 舉行五十週年感恩崇拜,歡迎參加,共襄盛舉。

• 6/18/2023 俄備得基督教生命堂九週年慶 o 紐約州俄備得生命堂將於6/18/2023上午10:30 慶祝父親節並同時舉行九週年感恩崇拜,歡迎參加。 •

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

21 Completed 7/26/23 In What's App at the English site,

  1. Please remove the announcement on CEM Family Conference.
  2. Please add the following two announcement: 9/10/2023 ECMSI Pearl River 50th Anniversary Celebration Learn More

6/18/2023 CEC Oradell 9th Anniversary Celebration Learn More OradellPearlR_English.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

22 Completed 7/26/23 In News at the English site,

  1. Please remove the news on CEM Family conference.
  2. Please add the following two news, • 9/10/2023 ECMSI Pearl River 50th Anniversary Celebration

o Please join ECMSI in Pearl River to celebrate their 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving worship service on September 10, 2023 at 10:30 am. Their address is 456 North Middle Town Rd, Pearl River, NY 10965.

• 6/18/2023 CEC Oradell 9th Anniversary Celebration

o Please join CEC in Oradell to celebrate Father’s day and their 9th Anniversary Thanksgiving worship service on June 18, 2023 at 10:30 am. Their address is: 343 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ 07649 OradellPearlR_English.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

23 Completed 7/26/23 Performing Artists Gospel Fellowship Church Landing Site update. At the English site, please change the church Established Date to : Nov. 26, 1988. At the Chinese site, please change the church 成立日期 to 1988 年 11 月 26 日.

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

24 **4/28/23 Completed** At the English site, please remove the CEC Mandarin in Den Haag site which includes

  1. the Church Landing site,
  2. Contact Us page,
  3. Church Services Schedule.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

25 4/28/23 Completed At the English Find A Church page,

  1. please change the total number of churches in the Netherlands to 12, so that it will read like: 12 in the Netherlands,
  2. please change the total number of churches under CEMI to 55, so that it will read like: a total of 55 churches.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

26 4/28/23 Completed In the map at the Find A Church page, please remove CEC Mandarin in Den Haag in the list of CEC churches in Belgium churches and CEC churches in the Netherlands when the mouse points to Belgium and the Netherlands area.

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

27 4/28/23 Completed On the Side Bar with the churches and CEM's listing at the English site.

  1. please remove CEC Mandarin in Den Haag.
  2. please remove CEM Mandarin in the Netherlands.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

28 4/28/23 Completed Please remove the Chinese church landing site of 海牙普通話基督教生命堂 and its

  1. 連絡我們 (Contact Us) site, and
  2. 聚會日程 (Church Services Schedule) site.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

29 4/28/23 Completed At the 尋找教會 (Find A Church) site ,

  1. on the third line In the description, please change the number of churches in 荷蘭 to 十二, so that it will read as 荷蘭十二間;
  2. on the fourth line, please change total number of churches to 五十五間, so that it will read like, 總共五十五間教會。
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

30 4/28/23 Completed In the map at the 尋找教會 page, please remove 海牙普通話基督教生命堂 when one's mouse points at the list of the CEC churches in Belgium churches and the CEC churches in the Netherlands.

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

31 4/28/23 Completed On the Side Bar under 歐洲區會 (CEMI in Europe)

  1. please remove 海牙普通話基督教生命堂 under 荷蘭普通話分會,
  2. please remove 荷蘭普通話分會.
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

32 On the Home site, that is, when click on "home" at the top right, there are moving pictures with organization title and description below each picture. On the 'Christian Evangelical Mission International' page, the number of churches under CEMI in each CEM needs to be updated as below, CEM has 11 churches in the eastern United States, 5 in the western United States, 2 in Belgium, 1 in France, 12 in the Netherlands, 7 in Portugal, 1 in Italy, 1 in Hungary, 1 in South Africa, 5 in Japan and 9 in Spain for a total of 55 churches.

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

33 Completed ECMSI Chinatown change request. At the English Church Service Schedule site, please remove most of the programs except the Chinese and the English worship services as described in the word document below.


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

34 Completed ECMSI Chinatown change request. At the Chinese Church Service Schedule site, please remove most of the programs except the Chinese worship service schedule and the English worship service schedule described in the word document below. ChinatownServiceSchedule5_15_23.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

35 Completed 7/26/23 ECMSI Chinatown change request. There is a typo at both the Chinese and the English Church Service Schedule sites. The English Worship Service is conducted at 週日上午. ChinatownServiceSchedule5_25_23.docx

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

36 ** Part 1 of this request was completed on 6/6/23, part 2 will be completed in change request 507.38** This is a modification to the change request 464.100. At the Chinese site,

  1. please create an image with the latest EMSI picture with EMSI Chinese name 國際神學福音佈道會,
  2. Please update the EMSI picture with the Chinese name of EMSI 國際神學福音佈道會. Please note, the image should include both the EMSI picture and the EMSI name. DJI_0305
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

37 **Part 1 of this change request was completed. Part 2 will be completed in 507.39** This is the second part of modification to the change request 464.100. At the English site,

  1. please create an image of the latest EMSI photo with the EMSI name, Evangelical Mission & Seminary International;
  2. at our home page, please update the combined image of EMSI picture and the full name of EMSI. DJI_0305
jn2chang commented 1 year ago

38 This is a continuation of change request 507.36. Please update the EMSI website picture at the home page with the latest EMSI picture and EMSI Chinese name 國際神學福音佈道會. Please note, the image includes both the EMSI picture and the EMSI name. EMSI_chinese_updated

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

39 This is a continuation of change request 507.37. Please update the EMSI English website at the home page the latest EMSI picture. Please note the image includes both the EMSI photo and the EMSI name, Evangelical Mission Seminary International .


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

40 Completed 8/9/23 Organization Chart update. In 'Introduction to Organization' under 'Who We Are', the EMSI organization chart which is viewed when one clicks on 'click here' needs to be updated. 2023 (1) 2023.pdf 2023 (1)

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

41 Completed 8/9/23 組織表(Organization Chart) update. In 組織簡介( Introduction to Organization) under 關於我們( 'Who We Are'), 組織表 (the EMSI organization chart) needs to be updated as below. 2023.pdf 2023

2023 (1)

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

42 Completed 8/10/23 EMSI photo update at the 'Introduction to Organization' under 'Who We Are'. At the English site, please update the EMSI picture. I have enclosed the EMSI picture in jpg, and in word format. EMSIpicture EMSIpicture.docx EMSIpicture

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

43 Completed 8/10/23 EMSI photo update at the 'Introduction to Organization' under 'Who We Are'. At the Chinese site, please update the EMSI picture. I have enclosed the EMSI picture in jpg, and in word format EMSIpicture EMSIpicture.docx EMSIpicture

jn2chang commented 1 year ago

44 Completed 7/26/23

CEMC Towaco Church Service Schedule update. Please include the Monday English Bible Study in the Church Service Schedule. At the English site, the church service schedule is to be modified as below, <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">

Sunday Worship Service | Sunday | 10:30 am -- | -- | -- Children Sunday School | Sunday | 10:00 am Monday English Bible Study | Every 2nd & 4th Monday | 08:00 pm Wednesday Mandarin Bible Study (Led by Pastor Moses) | Wednesday (cancelled temporarily) | 07:30 pm Friday Night Youth/Junior Fellowship (Youth 13 - 18 years old) | Friday | 08:00 pm Young Adult Fellowship (College Students) | Friday | 08:00 pm Joy (Post College) | Friday | 08:00 pm Online Adult Friday Night Fellowship (AFNF) | Every 2nd & 4th Friday | 08:00pm


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

45 Completed 7/26/23

CEMC Towaco Church Service Schedule update request. Please include the Monday night English Bible Study in the schedule. At the Chinese site, the Church Service Schedule is to be modified as below, <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">


主日崇拜 | 星期日上午 | 10:30 am -- | -- | -- 兒童主日學 | 星期日上午 | 10:00 am 英語查經班 | 每月第二、 四 週一晚 | 08:00 pm 國語查經禱告會 (楊摩西牧師帶領) | 星期三晚上    (暫停) | 07:30 pm 少年團契 (十三 至 十八歲少年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 青年團契 (十八歲至二十四歲青年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 中青團契 (二十四歲以上青年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 成人英語團契 (網上查經) | 每月第二、 四 週五晚 | 08:00 pm



jn2chang commented 1 year ago

46 CEMC Towaco church service schedule update. This is the same request as request #507.44 which was not implemented. We need to add Monday English Bible Study and the temporary cancellation of Wednesday Mandarin Bible Study. For clarity I will put down below the entire church service schedule . <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">

Sunday Worship Service | Sunday | 10:30 am -- | -- | -- Children Sunday School | Sunday | 10:00 am Monday English Bible Study | Every 2nd & 4th Monday | 08:00 pm Wednesday Mandarin Bible Study (Led by Pastor Moses) | Wednesday (cancelled temporarily) | 07:30 pm Friday Night Youth/Junior Fellowship (Youth 13 - 18 years old) | Friday | 08:00 pm Young Adult Fellowship (College Students) | Friday | 08:00 pm Joy (Post College) | Friday | 08:00 pm Online Adult Friday Night Fellowship (AFNF) | Every 2nd & 4th Friday | 08:00pm


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

47 CEMC Towaco church service schedule update. This is the same request as request 507.45 which was not implemented. We need to add Monday English Bible Study and temporary cancellation of Wednesday Mandarin Bible Study. For clarity I will put down below the entire church service schedule, <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">


主日崇拜 | 星期日上午 | 10:30 am -- | -- | -- 兒童主日學 | 星期日上午 | 10:00 am 英語查經班 | 每月第二、 四 週一晚 | 08:00 pm 國語查經禱告會 (楊摩西牧師帶領) | 星期三晚上    (暫停) | 07:30 pm 少年團契 (十三 至 十八歲少年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 青年團契 (十八歲至二十四歲青年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 中青團契 (二十四歲以上青年) | 星期五晚上 | 08:00 pm 成人英語團契 (網上查經) | 每月第二、 四 週五晚 | 08:00 pm


jn2chang commented 1 year ago

48 Completed 8/2/23 See Request Change 507.61 CEMC Oradell English Church Service Schedule update request. Please update the Church Service Schedule as below, <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">


Sunday Worship | Sunday | 2:00 pm -- | -- | -- Sunday School | Sunday | 2:00 pm Youth Fellowship | Sunday | 2:00 pm Youth Orchestra | Sunday | 3:30 pm Men’s Fellowship | 1st Sunday of the month | 3:30 pm Sister’s Fellowship | 1st Sunday of the month | 3:30 pm Prayer Meeting (online) | Wednesday | 7:00pm Bible Study (online) | Friday | 10:00 am New-life Fellowship | Sunday | Cancelled temporarily English Class | Friday | Cancelled temporarily Summer Bible School | 8/28/23 -9/1/23 | 9:00  am – 3:00 pm



jn2chang commented 1 year ago

49 Completed 8/2/23 See Request Change 8/29/23 CEMC Oradell Chinese Church Service Schedule update request. Please update the Church Service Schedule as below. <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">



主日崇拜 | 星期日 下午 | 2:00  pm -- | -- | -- 兒童主日學 | 星期日 下午 | 2:00  pm 青少年團契 | 星期日 下午 | 2:00  pm 少年樂團 | 星期日 下午 | 3:30  pm 弟兄團契 | 每月第一個星期日下午 | 3:30  pm 姊妹團契 | 每月第一個星期日下午 | 3:30  pm 週三線上禱告會 | 星期三 晚 | 7:00  pm 週五線上查經班 | 星期五上午 | 10:00am 新生命團契 | 星期日 下午 | 暫停 英語會話 | 星期五下午 | 暫停 暑期聖經學校 | 8/28/23 -9/1/23 | 9:00  am – 3:00 pm



jn2chang commented 1 year ago

50 Completed 8/2/23 Checked 8/29/23 ECMSI Staten Island church landing site change request.

  1. At the Chinese site, please add the church email address as below, 電郵:
  2. At the English site, please add the church email address as below, Email: