mattsaxon / pysonofflan

Python interface for controlling Sonoff smart switches/plugs running original Itead firmware, locally, in "LAN mode".
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Update sphinx to 4.3.1 #390

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

This PR updates Sphinx from 3.0.2 to 4.3.1.

Changelog ### 4.3.1 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 9864: mathjax: Support chnaging the loading method of MathJax to "defer" via :confval:`mathjax_options` Bugs fixed ---------- * 9838: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on building document for functions decorated by functools.lru_cache * 9879: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on building document for an object having invalid __doc__ atribute * 9844: autodoc: Failed to process a function wrapped with functools.partial if :confval:`autodoc_preserve_defaults` enabled * 9872: html: Class namespace collision between autodoc signatures and docutils-0.17 * 9868: imgmath: Crashed if the dvisvgm command failed to convert equation * 9864: mathjax: Failed to render equations via MathJax v2. The loading method of MathJax is back to "async" method again ``` ### 4.3.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * Support Python 3.10 Incompatible changes -------------------- * 9649: ``searchindex.js``: the embedded data has changed format to allow objects with the same name in different domains. * 9672: The rendering of Python domain declarations is implemented with more docutils nodes to allow better CSS styling. It may break existing styling. * 9672: the signature of :py:meth:`` has changed to return a list of nodes instead of a plain string. * 9695: ``domains.js.JSObject.display_prefix`` has been changed into a method ``get_display_prefix`` which now returns a list of nodes instead of a plain string. * 9695: The rendering of Javascript domain declarations is implemented with more docutils nodes to allow better CSS styling. It may break existing styling. * 9450: mathjax: Load MathJax via "defer" strategy Deprecated ---------- * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter._datadescriptor`` * ``sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator._fieldlist_row_index`` * ``sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator._table_row_index`` * ``sphinx.writers.html5.HTML5Translator._fieldlist_row_index`` * ``sphinx.writers.html5.HTML5Translator._table_row_index`` Features added -------------- * 9639: autodoc: Support asynchronous generator functions * 9664: autodoc: ``autodoc-process-bases`` supports to inject reST snippet as a base class * 9691: C, added new info-field ``retval`` for :rst:dir:`c:function` and :rst:dir:`c:macro`. * C++, added new info-field ``retval`` for :rst:dir:`cpp:function`. * 9618: i18n: Add :confval:`gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations` to allow "fuzzy" messages for translation * 9672: More CSS classes on Python domain descriptions * 9695: More CSS classes on Javascript domain descriptions * 9683: Revert the removal of ``add_stylesheet()`` API. It will be kept until the Sphinx-6.0 release * 2068, add :confval:`intersphinx_disabled_reftypes` for disabling interphinx resolution of cross-references that do not have an explicit inventory specification. Specific types of cross-references can be disabled, e.g., ``std:doc`` or all cross-references in a specific domain, e.g., ``std:*``. * 9623: Allow to suppress "toctree contains reference to excluded document" warnings using :confval:`suppress_warnings` Bugs fixed ---------- * 9630: autodoc: Failed to build cross references if :confval:`primary_domain` is not 'py' * 9644: autodoc: Crashed on getting source info from problematic object * 9655: autodoc: mocked object having doc comment is warned unexpectedly * 9651: autodoc: return type field is not generated even if :confval:`autodoc_typehints_description_target` is set to "documented" when its info-field-list contains ``:returns:`` field * 9657: autodoc: The base class for a subclass of mocked object is incorrect * 9607: autodoc: Incorrect base class detection for the subclasses of the generic class * 9755: autodoc: memory addresses are shown for aliases * 9752: autodoc: Failed to detect type annotation for slots attribute * 9756: autodoc: Crashed if classmethod does not have __func__ attribute * 9757: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_inherit_docstrings` does not effect to overriden classmethods * 9781: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_preserve_defaults` does not support hexadecimal numeric * 9630: autosummary: Failed to build summary table if :confval:`primary_domain` is not 'py' * 9670: html: Fix download file with special characters * 9710: html: Wrong styles for even/odd rows in nested tables * 9763: html: parameter name and its type annotation are not separated in HTML * 9649: HTML search: when objects have the same name but in different domains, return all of them as result instead of just one. * 7634: intersphinx: references on the file in sub directory are broken * 9737: LaTeX: hlist is rendered as a list containing "aggedright" text * 9678: linkcheck: file extension was shown twice in warnings * 9697: py domain: An index entry with parens was registered for ``py:method`` directive with ``:property:`` option * 9775: py domain: Literal typehint was converted to a cross reference when :confval:`autodoc_typehints='description'` * 9708: needs_extension failed to check double-digit version correctly * 9688: Fix :rst:dir:`code`` does not recognize ``:class:`` option * 9733: Fix for logging handler flushing warnings in the middle of the docs build * 9656: Fix warnings without subtype being incorrectly suppressed * Intersphinx, for unresolved references with an explicit inventory, e.g., ``proj:myFunc``, leave the inventory prefix in the unresolved text. ``` ### 4.2.0 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 9445: autodoc: Support class properties * 9479: autodoc: Emit a warning if target is a mocked object * 9560: autodoc: Allow to refer NewType instances with module name in Python 3.10 or above * 9447: html theme: Expose the version of Sphinx in the form of tuple as a template variable ``sphinx_version_tuple`` * 9594: manpage: Suppress the title of man page if description is empty * 9445: py domain: ``:py:property:`` directive supports ``:classmethod:`` option to describe the class property * 9524: test: SphinxTestApp can take ``builddir`` as an argument * 9535: C and C++, support more fundamental types, including GNU extensions. Bugs fixed ---------- * 9608: apidoc: apidoc does not generate a module definition for implicit namespace package * 9504: autodoc: generate incorrect reference to the parent class if the target class inherites the class having ``_name`` attribute * 9537, 9589: autodoc: Some objects under ``typing`` module are not displayed well with the HEAD of 3.10 * 9487: autodoc: typehint for cached_property is not shown * 9509: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on failed resolving typehints * 9518: autodoc: autodoc_docstring_signature does not effect to ``__init__()`` and ``__new__()`` * 9522: autodoc: PEP 585 style typehints having arguments (ex. ``list[int]``) are not displayed well * 9481: autosummary: some warnings contain non-existing filenames * 9568: autosummary: summarise overlined sectioned headings correctly * 9600: autosummary: Type annotations which contain commas in autosummary table are not removed completely * 9481: c domain: some warnings contain non-existing filenames * 9481: cpp domain: some warnings contain non-existing filenames * 9456: html search: abbreation marks are inserted to the search result if failed to fetch the content of the page * 9617: html search: The JS requirement warning is shown if browser is slow * 9267: html theme: CSS and JS files added by theme were loaded twice * 9585: py domain: ``:type:`` option for :rst:dir:`py:property` directive does not create a hyperlink * 9576: py domain: Literal typehint was converted to a cross reference * 9535 comment: C++, fix parsing of defaulted function parameters that are function pointers. * 9564: smartquotes: don't adjust typography for text with language-highlighted ``:code:`` role. * 9512: sphinx-build: crashed with the HEAD of Python 3.10 ``` ### 4.1.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 9435: linkcheck: Disable checking automatically generated anchors on (ex. anchors in reST/Markdown documents) Bugs fixed ---------- * 9489: autodoc: Custom types using ``typing.NewType`` are not displayed well with the HEAD of 3.10 * 9490: autodoc: Some objects under ``typing`` module are not displayed well with the HEAD of 3.10 * 9436, 9471: autodoc: crashed if ``autodoc_class_signature = "separated"`` * 9456: html search: html_copy_source can't control the search summaries * 9500: LaTeX: Failed to build Japanese document on Windows * 9435: linkcheck: Failed to check anchors in ``` ### 4.1.1 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 9434: sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0 or above * 9434: sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.5 or above Bugs fixed ---------- * 9438: html: HTML logo or Favicon specified as file not being found on output ``` ### 4.1.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * Support jinja2-3.0 Deprecated ---------- * The ``app`` argument of ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment`` becomes required * ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.html_theme`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary._app`` * ``sphinx.util.docstrings.extract_metadata()`` Features added -------------- * 8107: autodoc: Add ``class-doc-from`` option to :rst:dir:`autoclass` directive to control the content of the specific class like :confval:`autoclass_content` * 8588: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_type_aliases` now supports dotted name. It allows you to define an alias for a class with module name like ```` * 9175: autodoc: Special member is not documented in the module * 9195: autodoc: The arguments of ``typing.Literal`` are wrongly rendered * 9185: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_typehints` allows ``'both'`` setting to allow typehints to be included both in the signature and description * 4257: autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_class_signature` to separate the class entry and the definition of ``__init__()`` method * 8061, 9218: autodoc: Support variable comment for alias classes * 3014: autodoc: Add :event:`autodoc-process-bases` to modify the base classes of the class definitions * 9272: autodoc: Render enum values for the default argument value better * 9384: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='none'`` now erases typehints for variables, attributes and properties * 3257: autosummary: Support instance attributes for classes * 9358: html: Add "heading" role to the toctree items * 9225: html: Add span tag to the return typehint of method/function * 9129: html search: Show search summaries when html_copy_source = False * 9307: html search: Prevent corrections and completions in search field * 9120: html theme: Eliminate prompt characters of code-block from copyable text * 9176: i18n: Emit a debug message if message catalog file not found under :confval:`locale_dirs` * 9414: LaTeX: Add xeCJKVerbAddon to default fvset config for Chinese documents * 9016: linkcheck: Support checking anchors on * 9016: linkcheck: Add a new event :event:`linkcheck-process-uri` to modify URIs before checking hyperlinks * 6525: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_allowed_redirects` to mark hyperlinks that are redirected to expected URLs as "working" * 1874: py domain: Support union types using ``|`` in info-field-list * 9268: py domain: :confval:`python_use_unqualified_type_names` supports type field in info-field-list * 9097: Optimize the parallel build * 9131: Add :confval:`nitpick_ignore_regex` to ignore nitpicky warnings using regular expressions * 9174: Add ``Sphinx.set_html_assets_policy`` to tell extensions to include HTML assets in all the pages. Extensions can check this via ``Sphinx.registry.html_assets_policy`` * C++, add support for - ``inline`` variables, - ``consteval`` functions, - ``constinit`` variables, - ``char8_t``, - ``explicit(<constant expression>)`` specifier, - digit separators in literals, and - constraints in placeholder type specifiers, aka. adjective syntax (e.g., ``Sortable auto &v``). * C, add support for digit separators in literals. * 9166: LaTeX: support containers in LaTeX output Bugs fixed ---------- * 8872: autodoc: stacked singledispatches are wrongly rendered * 8597: autodoc: a docsting having metadata only should be treated as undocumented * 9185: autodoc: typehints for overloaded functions and methods are inaccurate * 9250: autodoc: The inherited method not having docstring is wrongly parsed * 9283: autodoc: autoattribute directive failed to generate document for an attribute not having any comment * 9364: autodoc: single element tuple on the default argument value is wrongly rendered * 9362: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on processing a subclass of Tuple[()] * 9404: autodoc: TypeError is raised on processing dict-like object (not a class) via autoclass directive * 9317: html: Pushing left key causes visiting the next page at the first page * 9381: html: URL for html_favicon and html_log does not work * 9270: html theme : pyramid theme generates incorrect logo links * 9217: manpage: The name of manpage directory that is generated by :confval:`man_make_section_directory` is not correct * 9350: manpage: Fix font isn't reset after keyword at the top of samp role * 9306: Linkcheck reports broken link when remote server closes the connection on HEAD request * 9280: py domain: "exceptions" module is not displayed * 9418: py domain: a Callable annotation with no parameters (e.g. ``Callable[[], None])`` will be rendered with a bracket missing (``Callable[], None]``) * 9319: quickstart: Make sphinx-quickstart exit when already exists * 9387: xml: XML Builder ignores custom visitors * 9224: ``:param:`` and ``:type:`` fields does not support a type containing whitespace (ex. ``Dict[str, str]``) * 8945: when transforming typed fields, call the specified role instead of making an single xref. For C and C++, use the ``expr`` role for typed fields. ``` ### 4.0.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, add C23 keywords ``_Decimal32``, ``_Decimal64``, and ``_Decimal128``. * 9354: C, add :confval:`c_extra_keywords` to allow user-defined keywords during parsing. * Revert the removal of ``sphinx.util:force_decode()`` to become some 3rd party extensions available again during 5.0 Bugs fixed ---------- * 9330: changeset domain: :rst:dir:`versionchanged` with contents being a list will cause error during pdf build * 9313: LaTeX: complex table with merged cells broken since 4.0 * 9305: LaTeX: backslash may cause Improper discretionary list pdf build error with Japanese engines * 9354: C, remove special macro names from the keyword list. See also :confval:`c_extra_keywords`. * 9322: KeyError is raised on PropagateDescDomain transform ``` ### 4.0.2 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 9216: Support jinja2-3.0 Incompatible changes -------------------- * 9222: Update Underscore.js to 1.13.1 * 9217: manpage: Stop creating a section directory on build manpage by default (see :confval:`man_make_section_directory`) Bugs fixed ---------- * 9210: viewcode: crashed if non importable modules found on parallel build * 9240: Unknown node error for pending_xref_condition is raised if an extension that does not support the node installs a missing-reference handler ``` ### 4.0.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 9189: autodoc: crashed when ValueError is raised on generating signature from a property of the class * 9188: autosummary: warning is emitted if list value is set to autosummary_generate * 8380: html search: tags for search result are broken * 9198: i18n: Babel emits errors when running compile_catalog * 9205: py domain: The :canonical: option causes "more than one target for cross-reference" warning * 9201: websupport: UndefinedError is raised: 'css_tag' is undefined ``` ### 4.0.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 4.0.0b3 ``` * 9167: html: Failed to add CSS files to the specific page ``` ### 4.0.0b2 ``` * C, C++, fix ``KeyError`` when an ``alias`` directive is the first C/C++ directive in a file with another C/C++ directive later. ``` ### 4.0.0b1 ``` * 8917: autodoc: Raises a warning if function has wrong __globals__ value * 8415: autodoc: a TypeVar imported from other module is not resolved (in Python 3.7 or above) * 8992: autodoc: Failed to resolve types.TracebackType type annotation * 8905: html: html_add_permalinks=None and html_add_permalinks="" are ignored * 8380: html search: Paragraphs in search results are not identified as ``<p>`` * 8915: html theme: The translation of sphinx_rtd_theme does not work * 8342: Emit a warning if a unknown domain is given for directive or role (ex. ``:unknown:doc:``) * 7241: LaTeX: No wrapping for ``cpp:enumerator`` * 8711: LaTeX: backticks in code-blocks trigger latexpdf build warning (and font change) with late TeXLive 2019 * 8253: LaTeX: Figures with no size defined get overscaled (compared to images with size explicitly set in pixels) (fixed for ``'pdflatex'/'lualatex'`` only) * 8881: LaTeX: The depth of bookmarks panel in PDF is not enough for navigation * 8874: LaTeX: the fix to two minor Pygments LaTeXFormatter output issues ignore Pygments style * 8925: LaTeX: 3.5.0 ``verbatimmaxunderfull`` setting does not work as expected * 8980: LaTeX: missing line break in ``\pysigline`` * 8995: LaTeX: legacy ``\pysiglinewithargsret`` does not compute correctly available horizontal space and should use a ragged right style * 9009: LaTeX: "release" value with underscore leads to invalid LaTeX * 8911: C++: remove the longest matching prefix in :confval:`cpp_index_common_prefix` instead of the first that matches. * C, properly reject function declarations when a keyword is used as parameter name. * 8933: viewcode: Failed to create back-links on parallel build * 8960: C and C++, fix rendering of (member) function pointer types in function parameter lists. * C++, fix linking of names in array declarators, pointer to member (function) declarators, and in the argument to ``sizeof...``. * C, fix linking of names in array declarators. ``` ### 3.5.5 ``` ============================== ``` ### 3.5.4 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 9071: Restrict docutils to 0.16 Bugs fixed ---------- * 9078: autodoc: Async staticmethods and classmethods are considered as non async coroutine-functions with Python3.10 * 8870, 9001, 9051: html theme: The style are not applied with docutils-0.17 - toctree captions - The content of ``sidebar`` directive - figures ``` ### 3.5.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 8959: using UNIX path separator in image directive confuses Sphinx on Windows ``` ### 3.5.2 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8943: i18n: Crashed by broken translation messages in ES, EL and HR * 8936: LaTeX: A custom LaTeX builder fails with unknown node error * 8952: Exceptions raised in a Directive cause parallel builds to hang ``` ### 3.5.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8883: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on assigning __annotations__ on read-only class * 8884: html: minified js stemmers not included in the distributed package * 8885: html: AttributeError is raised if CSS/JS files are installed via :confval:`html_context` * 8880: viewcode: ExtensionError is raised on incremental build after unparsable python module found ``` ### 3.5.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * LaTeX: ``multicol`` (it is anyhow a required part of the official latex2e base distribution) Incompatible changes -------------------- * Update Underscore.js to 1.12.0 * 6550: html: The config variable ``html_add_permalinks`` is replaced by :confval:`html_permalinks` and :confval:`html_permalinks_icon` Deprecated ---------- * pending_xref node for viewcode extension * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter.isinstanceattribute()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive.DocumenterBridge.reporter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.get_module_members()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()`` * ``sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.permalink_text`` * ``sphinx.writers.html5.HTML5Translator.permalink_text`` Features added -------------- * 8022: autodoc: autodata and autoattribute directives does not show right-hand value of the variable if docstring contains ``:meta hide-value:`` in info-field-list * 8514: autodoc: Default values of overloaded functions are taken from actual implementation if they're ellipsis * 8775: autodoc: Support type union operator (PEP-604) in Python 3.10 or above * 8297: autodoc: Allow to extend :confval:`autodoc_default_options` via directive options * 759: autodoc: Add a new configuration :confval:`autodoc_preserve_defaults` as an experimental feature. It preserves the default argument values of functions in source code and keep them not evaluated for readability. * 8619: html: kbd role generates customizable HTML tags for compound keys * 8634: html: Allow to change the order of JS/CSS via ``priority`` parameter for :meth:`Sphinx.add_js_file()` and :meth:`Sphinx.add_css_file()` * 6241: html: Allow to add JS/CSS files to the specific page when an extension calls ``app.add_js_file()`` or ``app.add_css_file()`` on :event:`html-page-context` event * 6550: html: Allow to use HTML permalink texts via :confval:`html_permalinks_icon` * 1638: html: Add permalink icons to glossary terms * 8868: html search: performance issue with massive lists * 8867: html search: Update JavaScript stemmer code to the latest version of Snowball (v2.1.0) * 8852: i18n: Allow to translate heading syntax in MyST-Parser * 8649: imgconverter: Skip availability check if builder supports the image type * 8573: napoleon: Allow to change the style of custom sections using :confval:`napoleon_custom_styles` * 8004: napoleon: Type definitions in Google style docstrings are rendered as references when :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` enabled * 6241: mathjax: Include mathjax.js only on the document using equations * 8775: py domain: Support type union operator (PEP-604) * 8651: std domain: cross-reference for a rubric having inline item is broken * 7642: std domain: Optimize case-insensitive match of term * 8681: viewcode: Support incremental build * 8132: Add :confval:`project_copyright` as an alias of :confval:`copyright` * 207: Now :confval:`highlight_language` supports multiple languages * 2030: :rst:dir:`code-block` and :rst:dir:`literalinclude` supports automatic dedent via no-argument ``:dedent:`` option * C++, also hyperlink operator overloads in expressions and alias declarations. * 8247: Allow production lists to refer to tokens from other production groups * 8813: Show what extension (or module) caused it on errors on event handler * 8213: C++: add ``maxdepth`` option to :rst:dir:`cpp:alias` to insert nested declarations. * C, add ``noroot`` option to :rst:dir:`c:alias` to render only nested declarations. * C++, add ``noroot`` option to :rst:dir:`cpp:alias` to render only nested declarations. Bugs fixed ---------- * 8727: apidoc: namespace module file is not generated if no submodules there * 741: autodoc: inherited-members doesn't work for instance attributes on super class * 8592: autodoc: ``:meta public:`` does not effect to variables * 8594: autodoc: empty __all__ attribute is ignored * 8315: autodoc: Failed to resolve struct.Struct type annotation * 8652: autodoc: All variable comments in the module are ignored if the module contains invalid type comments * 8693: autodoc: Default values for overloaded functions are rendered as string * 8134: autodoc: crashes when mocked decorator takes arguments * 8800: autodoc: Uninitialized attributes in superclass are recognized as undocumented * 8655: autodoc: Failed to generate document if target module contains an object that raises an exception on ``hasattr()`` * 8306: autosummary: mocked modules are documented as empty page when using :recursive: option * 8232: graphviz: Image node is not rendered if graph file is in subdirectory * 8618: html: kbd role produces incorrect HTML when compound-key separators (-, + or ^) are used as keystrokes * 8629: html: A type warning for html_use_opensearch is shown twice * 8714: html: kbd role with "Caps Lock" rendered incorrectly * 8123: html search: fix searching for terms containing + (Requires a custom search language that does not split on +) * 8665: html theme: Could not override globaltoc_maxdepth in theme.conf * 8446: html: consecutive spaces are displayed as single space * 8745: i18n: crashes with KeyError when translation message adds a new auto footnote reference * 4304: linkcheck: Fix race condition that could lead to checking the availability of the same URL twice * 8791: linkcheck: The docname for each hyperlink is not displayed * 7118: sphinx-quickstart: questionare got Mojibake if libreadline unavailable * 8094: texinfo: image files on the different directory with document are not copied * 8782: todo: Cross references in todolist get broken * 8720: viewcode: module pages are generated for epub on incremental build * 8704: viewcode: anchors are generated in incremental build after singlehtml * 8756: viewcode: highlighted code is generated even if not referenced * 8671: :confval:`highlight_options` is not working * 8341: C, fix intersphinx lookup types for names in declarations. * C, C++: in general fix intersphinx and role lookup types. * 8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` does not support UTC offset (%z) * 8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` generates wrong time zone for %Z * 1112: ``download`` role creates duplicated copies when relative path is specified * 2616 (fifth item): LaTeX: footnotes from captions are not clickable, and for manually numbered footnotes only first one with same number is an hyperlink * 7576: LaTeX with French babel and memoir crash: "Illegal parameter number in definition of ``\FNHprefntext``" * 8055: LaTeX (docs): A potential display bug with the LaTeX generation step in Sphinx (how to generate one-column index) * 8072: LaTeX: Directive :rst:dir:`hlist` not implemented in LaTeX * 8214: LaTeX: The :rst:role:`index` role and the glossary generate duplicate entries in the LaTeX index (if both used for same term) * 8735: LaTeX: wrong internal links in pdf to captioned code-blocks when :confval:`numfig` is not True * 8442: LaTeX: some indexed terms are ignored when using xelatex engine (or pdflatex and :confval:`latex_use_xindy` set to True) with memoir class * 8750: LaTeX: URLs as footnotes fail to show in PDF if originating from inside function type signatures * 8780: LaTeX: long words in narrow columns may not be hyphenated * 8788: LaTeX: ``\titleformat`` last argument in sphinx.sty should be bracketed, not braced (and is anyhow not needed) * 8849: LaTex: code-block printed out of margin (see the opt-in LaTeX syntax boolean :ref:`verbatimforcewraps <latexsphinxsetupforcewraps>` for use via the :ref:`'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>` key of ``latex_elements``) * 8183: LaTeX: Remove substitution_reference nodes from doctree only on LaTeX builds * 8865: LaTeX: Restructure the index nodes inside title nodes only on LaTeX builds * 8796: LaTeX: potentially critical low level TeX coding mistake has gone unnoticed so far * C, :rst:dir:`c:alias` skip symbols without explicit declarations instead of crashing. * C, :rst:dir:`c:alias` give a warning when the root symbol is not declared. * C, ``expr`` role should start symbol lookup in the current scope. ``` ### 3.4.3 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8655: autodoc: Failed to generate document if target module contains an object that raises an exception on ``hasattr()`` ``` ### 3.4.2 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8164: autodoc: Classes that inherit mocked class are not documented * 8602: autodoc: The ``autodoc-process-docstring`` event is emitted to the non-datadescriptors unexpectedly * 8616: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on non-class object is passed to autoclass directive ``` ### 3.4.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8559: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when using forward-reference type annotations * 8568: autodoc: TypeError is raised on checking slots attribute * 8567: autodoc: Instance attributes are incorrectly added to Parent class * 8566: autodoc: The ``autodoc-process-docstring`` event is emitted to the alias classes unexpectedly * 8583: autodoc: Unnecessary object comparison via ``__eq__`` method * 8565: linkcheck: Fix PriorityQueue crash when link tuples are not comparable ``` ### 3.4.0 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 8105: autodoc: the signature of class constructor will be shown for decorated classes, not a signature of decorator Deprecated ---------- * The ``follow_wrapped`` argument of ``sphinx.util.inspect.signature()`` * The ``no_docstring`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.add_content()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.get_object_members()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.DataDeclarationDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.GenericAliasDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.InstanceAttributeDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.SlotsAttributeDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.TypeVarDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._getannotations()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._getmro()`` * ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer.parse()`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.movefile()`` * ``sphinx.util.requests.is_ssl_error()`` Features added -------------- * 8119: autodoc: Allow to determine whether a member not included in ``__all__`` attribute of the module should be documented or not via :event:`autodoc-skip-member` event * 8219: autodoc: Parameters for generic class are not shown when super class is a generic class and show-inheritance option is given (in Python 3.7 or above) * autodoc: Add ``Documenter.config`` as a shortcut to access the config object * autodoc: Add Optional[t] to annotation of function and method if a default value equal to None is set. * 8209: autodoc: Add ``:no-value:`` option to :rst:dir:`autoattribute` and :rst:dir:`autodata` directive to suppress the default value of the variable * 8460: autodoc: Support custom types defined by typing.NewType * 8285: napoleon: Add :confval:`napoleon_attr_annotations` to merge type hints on source code automatically if any type is specified in docstring * 8236: napoleon: Support numpydoc's "Receives" section * 6914: Add a new event :event:`warn-missing-reference` to custom warning messages when failed to resolve a cross-reference * 6914: Emit a detailed warning when failed to resolve a ``:ref:`` reference * 6629: linkcheck: The builder now handles rate limits. See :confval:`linkcheck_retry_on_rate_limit` for details. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7613: autodoc: autodoc does not respect __signature__ of the class * 4606: autodoc: the location of the warning is incorrect for inherited method * 8105: autodoc: the signature of class constructor is incorrect if the class is decorated * 8434: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_type_aliases` does not effect to variables and attributes * 8443: autodoc: autodata directive can't create document for PEP-526 based type annotated variables * 8443: autodoc: autoattribute directive can't create document for PEP-526 based uninitialized variables * 8480: autodoc: autoattribute could not create document for __slots__ attributes * 8503: autodoc: autoattribute could not create document for a GenericAlias as class attributes correctly * 8534: autodoc: autoattribute could not create document for a commented attribute in alias class * 8452: autodoc: autodoc_type_aliases doesn't work when autodoc_typehints is set to "description" * 8541: autodoc: autodoc_type_aliases doesn't work for the type annotation to instance attributes * 8460: autodoc: autodata and autoattribute directives do not display type information of TypeVars * 8493: autodoc: references to builtins not working in class aliases * 8522: autodoc: ``__bool__`` method could be called * 8067: autodoc: A typehint for the instance variable having type_comment on super class is not displayed * 8545: autodoc: a __slots__ attribute is not documented even having docstring * 741: autodoc: inherited-members doesn't work for instance attributes on super class * 8477: autosummary: non utf-8 reST files are generated when template contains multibyte characters * 8501: autosummary: summary extraction splits text after "el at." unexpectedly * 8524: html: Wrong url_root has been generated on a document named "index" * 8419: html search: Do not load ``language_data.js`` in non-search pages * 8549: i18n: ``-D gettext_compact=0`` is no longer working * 8454: graphviz: The layout option for graph and digraph directives don't work * 8131: linkcheck: Use GET when HEAD requests cause Too Many Redirects, to accommodate infinite redirect loops on HEAD * 8437: Makefile: ``make clean`` with empty BUILDDIR is dangerous * 8365: py domain: ``:type:`` and ``:rtype:`` gives false ambiguous class lookup warnings * 8352: std domain: Failed to parse an option that starts with bracket * 8519: LaTeX: Prevent page brake in the middle of a seealso * 8520: C, fix copying of AliasNode. ``` ### 3.3.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 8372: autodoc: autoclass directive became slower than Sphinx-3.2 * 7727: autosummary: raise PycodeError when documenting python package without * 8350: autosummary: autosummary_mock_imports causes slow down builds * 8364: C, properly initialize attributes in empty symbols. * 8399: i18n: Put system locale path after the paths specified by configuration ``` ### 3.3.0 ``` ===================================== Deprecated ---------- * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.SingledispatchFunctionDocumenter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.SingledispatchMethodDocumenter`` Features added -------------- * 8100: html: Show a better error message for failures on copying html_static_files * 8141: C: added a ``maxdepth`` option to :rst:dir:`c:alias` to insert nested declarations. * 8081: LaTeX: Allow to add LaTeX package via ``app.add_latex_package()`` until just before writing .tex file * 7996: manpage: Add :confval:`man_make_section_directory` to make a section directory on build man page * 8289: epub: Allow to suppress "duplicated ToC entry found" warnings from epub builder using :confval:`suppress_warnings`. * 8298: sphinx-quickstart: Add :option:`sphinx-quickstart --no-sep` option * 8304: sphinx.testing: Register public markers in sphinx.testing.fixtures * 8051: napoleon: use the obj role for all See Also items * 8050: napoleon: Apply :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` to every field * C and C++, show line numbers for previous declarations when duplicates are detected. * 8183: Remove substitution_reference nodes from doctree only on LaTeX builds Bugs fixed ---------- * 8085: i18n: Add support for having single text domain * 6640: i18n: Failed to override system message translation * 8143: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when False value is passed to autodoc_default_options * 8103: autodoc: functools.cached_property is not considered as a property * 8190: autodoc: parsing error is raised if some extension replaces docstring by string not ending with blank lines * 8142: autodoc: Wrong constructor signature for the class derived from typing.Generic * 8157: autodoc: TypeError is raised when annotation has invalid __args__ * 7964: autodoc: Tuple in default value is wrongly rendered * 8200: autodoc: type aliases break type formatting of autoattribute * 7786: autodoc: can't detect overloaded methods defined in other file * 8294: autodoc: single-string __slots__ is not handled correctly * 7785: autodoc: autodoc_typehints='none' does not effect to overloaded functions * 8192: napoleon: description is disappeared when it contains inline literals * 8142: napoleon: Potential of regex denial of service in google style docs * 8169: LaTeX: pxjahyper loaded even when latex_engine is not platex * 8215: LaTeX: 'oneside' classoption causes build warning * 8175: intersphinx: Potential of regex denial of service by broken inventory * 8277: sphinx-build: missing and redundant spacing (and etc) for console output on building * 7973: imgconverter: Check availability of imagemagick many times * 8255: py domain: number in default argument value is changed from hexadecimal to decimal * 8316: html: Prevent arrow keys changing page when button elements are focused * 8343: html search: Fix unnecessary load of images when parsing the document * 8254: html theme: Line numbers misalign with code lines * 8093: The highlight warning has wrong location in some builders (LaTeX, singlehtml and so on) * 8215: Eliminate Fancyhdr build warnings for oneside documents * 8239: Failed to refer a token in productionlist if it is indented * 8268: linkcheck: Report HTTP errors when ``linkcheck_anchors`` is ``True`` * 8245: linkcheck: take source directory into account for local files * 8321: linkcheck: ``tel:`` schema hyperlinks are detected as errors * 8323: linkcheck: An exit status is incorrect when links having unsupported schema found * 8188: C, add missing items to internal object types dictionary, e.g., preventing intersphinx from resolving them. * C, fix anon objects in intersphinx. * 8270, C++, properly reject functions as duplicate declarations if a non-function declaration of the same name already exists. * C, fix references to function parameters. Link to the function instead of a non-existing anchor. * 6914: figure numbers are unexpectedly assigned to uncaptioned items * 8320: make "inline" line numbers un-selectable Testing -------- * 8257: Support parallel build in sphinx.testing ``` ### 3.2.1 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 8095: napoleon: Add :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` to enable the type preprocessor for numpy style docstrings * 8114: C and C++, parse function attributes after parameters and qualifiers. Bugs fixed ---------- * 8074: napoleon: Crashes during processing C-ext module * 8088: napoleon: "Inline literal start-string without end-string" warning in Numpy style Parameters section * 8084: autodoc: KeyError is raised on documenting an attribute of the broken class * 8091: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on documenting an attribute on Python 3.5.2 * 8099: autodoc: NameError is raised when target code uses ``TYPE_CHECKING`` * C++, fix parsing of template template parameters, broken by the fix of 7944 ``` ### 3.2.0 ``` ===================================== Deprecated ---------- * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.members_set_option()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.merge_special_members_option()`` * ``sphinx.writers.texinfo.TexinfoWriter.desc`` * C, parsing of pre-v3 style type directives and roles, along with the options :confval:`c_allow_pre_v3` and :confval:`c_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3`. Features added -------------- * 2076: autodoc: Allow overriding of exclude-members in skip-member function * 8034: autodoc: ``:private-member:`` can take an explicit list of member names to be documented * 2024: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_filename_map` to avoid conflict of filenames between two object with different case * 8011: autosummary: Support instance attributes as a target of autosummary directive * 7849: html: Add :confval:`html_codeblock_linenos_style` to change the style of line numbers for code-blocks * 7853: C and C++, support parameterized GNU style attributes. * 7888: napoleon: Add aliases Warn and Raise. * 7690: napoleon: parse type strings and make them hyperlinks as possible. The conversion rule can be updated via :confval:`napoleon_type_aliases` * 8049: napoleon: Create a hyperlink for each the type of parameter when :confval:`napoleon_use_params` is False * C, added :rst:dir:`c:alias` directive for inserting copies of existing declarations. * 7745: html: inventory is broken if the docname contains a space * 7991: html search: Allow searching for numbers * 7902: html theme: Add a new option :confval:`globaltoc_maxdepth` to control the behavior of globaltoc in sidebar * 7840: i18n: Optimize the dependencies check on bootstrap * 7768: i18n: :confval:`figure_language_filename` supports ``docpath`` token * 5208: linkcheck: Support checks for local links * 5090: setuptools: Link verbosity to distutils' -v and -q option * 6698: doctest: Add ``:trim-doctest-flags:`` and ``:no-trim-doctest-flags:`` options to doctest, testcode and testoutput directives * 7052: add ``:noindexentry:`` to the Python, C, C++, and Javascript domains. Update the documentation to better reflect the relationship between this option and the ``:noindex:`` option. * 7899: C, add possibility of parsing of some pre-v3 style type directives and roles and try to convert them to equivalent v3 directives/roles. Set the new option :confval:`c_allow_pre_v3` to ``True`` to enable this. The warnings printed from this functionality can be suppressed by setting :confval:`c_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3`` to ``True``. The functionality is immediately deprecated. * 7999: C, add support for named variadic macro arguments. * 8071: Allow to suppress "self referenced toctrees" warning Bugs fixed ---------- * 7886: autodoc: TypeError is raised on mocking generic-typed classes * 7935: autodoc: function signature is not shown when the function has a parameter having ``inspect._empty`` as its default value * 7901: autodoc: type annotations for overloaded functions are not resolved * 904: autodoc: An instance attribute cause a crash of autofunction directive * 1362: autodoc: ``private-members`` option does not work for class attributes * 7983: autodoc: Generator type annotation is wrongly rendered in py36 * 8030: autodoc: An uninitialized annotated instance variable is not documented when ``:inherited-members:`` option given * 8032: autodoc: A type hint for the instance variable defined at parent class is not shown in the document of the derived class * 8041: autodoc: An annotated instance variable on super class is not documented when derived class has other annotated instance variables * 7839: autosummary: cannot handle umlauts in function names * 7865: autosummary: Failed to extract summary line when abbreviations found * 7866: autosummary: Failed to extract correct summary line when docstring contains a hyperlink target * 7469: autosummary: "Module attributes" header is not translatable * 7940: apidoc: An extra newline is generated at the end of the rst file if a module has submodules * 4258: napoleon: decorated special methods are not shown * 7799: napoleon: parameters are not escaped for combined params in numpydoc * 7780: napoleon: multiple parameters declaration in numpydoc was wrongly recognized when napoleon_use_params=True * 7715: LaTeX: ``numfig_secnum_depth > 1`` leads to wrong figure links * 7846: html theme: XML-invalid files were generated * 7894: gettext: Wrong source info is shown when using rst_epilog * 7691: linkcheck: HEAD requests are not used for checking * 4888: i18n: Failed to add an explicit title to ``:ref:`` role on translation * 7928: py domain: failed to resolve a type annotation for the attribute * 8008: py domain: failed to parse a type annotation containing ellipsis * 7994: std domain: option directive does not generate old node_id compatible with 2.x or older * 7968: i18n: The content of ``math`` directive is interpreted as reST on translation * 7768: i18n: The ``root`` element for :confval:`figure_language_filename` is not a path that user specifies in the document * 7993: texinfo: TypeError is raised for nested object descriptions * 7993: texinfo: a warning not supporting desc_signature_line node is shown * 7869: :rst:role:`abbr` role without an explanation will show the explanation from the previous abbr role * 8048: graphviz: graphviz.css was copied on building non-HTML document * C and C++, removed ``noindex`` directive option as it did nothing. * 7619: Duplicated node IDs are generated if node has multiple IDs * 2050: Symbols sections are appeared twice in the index page * 8017: Fix circular import in sphinx.addnodes * 7986: CSS: make "highlight" selector more robust * 7944: C++, parse non-type template parameters starting with a dependent qualified name. * C, don't deepcopy the entire symbol table and make a mess every time an enumerator is handled. ``` ### 3.1.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for decorated functions, not a signature of decorator Bugs fixed ---------- * 7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module name given * 7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object is given to the autoclass directive * 7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when autodoc_typehints is 'description' * 7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an attribute and module that are same name * 7650: autodoc: function signature becomes ``(*args, **kwargs)`` if the function is decorated by generic decorator * 7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains an attribute and module that are same name * 7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd party builders * 7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space * 7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and "float" ``` ### 3.1.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed field Features added -------------- * 7807: autodoc: Show detailed warning when type_comment is mismatched with its signature Bugs fixed ---------- * 7808: autodoc: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations * 7802: autodoc: EOFError is raised on parallel build * 7821: autodoc: TypeError is raised for overloaded C-ext function * 7805: autodoc: an object which descriptors returns is unexpectedly documented * 7807: autodoc: wrong signature is shown for the function using contextmanager * 7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains an attribute and module that are same name * 7808: napoleon: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations * 7811: sphinx.util.inspect causes circular import problem ``` ### 3.1.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ * 7746: mathjax: Update to 2.7.5 Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7477: imgconverter: Invoke "magick convert" command by default on Windows Deprecated ---------- * The first argument for sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer has been changed to Sphinx object * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer`` takes an object type as an argument * The ``ignore`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.get_doc()`` * The ``template_dir`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. AutosummaryRenderer`` * The ``module`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. find_autosummary_in_docstring()`` * The ``builder`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. generate_autosummary_docs()`` * The ``template_dir`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. generate_autosummary_docs()`` * The ``ignore`` argument of ``sphinx.util.docstring.prepare_docstring()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer.exists()`` * ``sphinx.util.rpartition()`` Features added -------------- * LaTeX: Make the ``toplevel_sectioning`` setting optional in LaTeX theme * LaTeX: Allow to override papersize and pointsize from LaTeX themes * LaTeX: Add :confval:`latex_theme_options` to override theme options * 7410: Allow to suppress "circular toctree references detected" warnings using :confval:`suppress_warnings` * C, added scope control directives, :rst:dir:`c:namespace`, :rst:dir:`c:namespace-push`, and :rst:dir:`c:namespace-pop`. * 2044: autodoc: Suppress default value for instance attributes * 7473: autodoc: consider a member public if docstring contains ``:meta public:`` in info-field-list * 7487: autodoc: Allow to generate docs for singledispatch functions by py:autofunction * 7143: autodoc: Support final classes and methods * 7384: autodoc: Support signatures defined by ``__new__()``, metaclasses and builtin base classes * 2106: autodoc: Support multiple signatures on docstring * 4422: autodoc: Support GenericAlias in Python 3.7 or above * 3610: autodoc: Support overloaded functions * 7722: autodoc: Support TypeVar * 7466: autosummary: headings in generated documents are not translated * 7490: autosummary: Add ``:caption:`` option to autosummary directive to set a caption to the toctree * 7469: autosummary: Support module attributes * 248, 6040: autosummary: Add ``:recursive:`` option to autosummary directive to generate stub files recursively * 4030: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_context` to add template variables for custom templates * 7530: html: Support nested <kbd> elements * 7481: html theme: Add right margin to footnote/citation labels * 7482, 7717: html theme: CSS spacing for code blocks with captions and line numbers * 7443: html theme: Add new options :confval:`globaltoc_collapse` and :confval:`globaltoc_includehidden` to control the behavior of globaltoc in sidebar * 7484: html theme: Avoid clashes between sidebar and other blocks * 7476: html theme: Relbar breadcrumb should contain current page * 7506: html theme: A canonical URL is not escaped * 7533: html theme: Avoid whitespace at the beginning of genindex.html * 7541: html theme: Add a "clearer" at the end of the "body" * 7542: html theme: Make admonition/topic/sidebar scrollable * 7543: html theme: Add top and bottom margins to tables * 7695: html theme: Add viewport meta tag for basic theme * 7721: html theme: classic: default codetextcolor/codebgcolor doesn't override Pygments * C and C++: allow semicolon in the end of declarations. * C++, parse parameterized noexcept specifiers. * 7294: C++, parse expressions with user-defined literals. * C++, parse trailing return types. * 7143: py domain: Add ``:final:`` option to :rst:dir:`py:class:`, :rst:dir:`py:exception:` and :rst:dir:`py:method:` directives * 7596: py domain: Change a type annotation for variables to a hyperlink * 7770: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive support arguments in the form of ``foo[=bar]`` * 7582: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented like type annotation * 7734: napoleon: overescaped trailing underscore on attribute * 7247: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_request_headers` to send custom HTTP headers for specific host * 7792: setuptools: Support ``--verbosity`` option * 7683: Add ``allowed_exceptions`` parameter to ``Sphinx.emit()`` to allow handlers to raise specified exceptions * 7295: C++, parse (trailing) requires clauses. Bugs fixed ---------- * 6703: autodoc: incremental build does not work for imported objects * 7564: autodoc: annotations not to be shown for descriptors * 6588: autodoc: Decorated inherited method has no documentation * 7469: autodoc: The change of autodoc-process-docstring for variables is cached unexpectedly * 7559: autodoc: misdetects a sync function is async * 6857: autodoc: failed to detect a classmethod on Enum class * 7562: autodoc: a typehint contains spaces is wrongly rendered under autodoc_typehints='description' mode * 7551: autodoc: failed to import nested class * 7362: autodoc: does not render correct signatures for built-in functions * 7654: autodoc: ``Optional[Union[foo, bar]]`` is presented as ``Union[foo, bar, None]`` * 7629: autodoc: autofunction emits an unfriendly warning if an invalid object specified * 7650: autodoc: undecorated signature is shown for decorated functions * 7676: autodoc: typo in the default value of autodoc_member_order * 7676: autodoc: wrong value for :member-order: option is ignored silently * 7676: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for C module * 3673: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for a module having __all__ * 7668: autodoc: wrong retann value is passed to a handler of autodoc-process-signature * 7711: autodoc: fails with ValueError when processing numpy objects * 7791: autodoc: TypeError is raised on documenting singledispatch function * 7551: autosummary: a nested class is indexed as non-nested class * 7661: autosummary: autosummary directive emits warnings twices if failed to import the target module * 7685: autosummary: The template variable "members" contains imported members even if :confval:`autossummary_imported_members` is False * 7671: autosummary: The location of import failure warning is missing * 7535: sphinx-autogen: crashes when custom template uses inheritance * 7536: sphinx-autogen: crashes when template uses i18n feature * 7781: sphinx-build: Wrong error message when outdir is not directory * 7653: sphinx-quickstart: Fix multiple directory creation for nested relpath * 2785: html: Bad alignment of equation links * 7718: html theme: some themes does not respect background color of Pygments style (agogo, haiku, nature, pyramid, scrolls, sphinxdoc and traditional) * 7544: html theme: inconsistent padding in admonitions * 7581: napoleon: bad parsing of inline code in attribute docstrings * 7628: imgconverter: runs imagemagick once unnecessary for builders not supporting images * 7610: incorrectly renders consecutive backslashes for docutils-0.16 * 7646: handle errors on event handlers * 4187: LaTeX: EN DASH disappears from PDF bookmarks in Japanese documents * 7701: LaTeX: Anonymous indirect hyperlink target causes duplicated labels * 7723: LaTeX: pdflatex crashed when URL contains a single quote * 7756: py domain: The default value for positional only argument is not shown * 7760: coverage: Add :confval:`coverage_show_missing_items` to show coverage result to console * C++, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting in global scope, e.g., ``::A::B``. * C, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting in global scope, e.g., ``.A.B``. * 7763: C and C++, don't crash during display stringification of unary expressions and fold expressions. ``` ### 3.0.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic types * 7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9 * 7696: html: Updated jQuery version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1 for security reasons * 7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled * 7626: release package does not contain ``CODE_OF_CONDUCT`` ``` ### 3.0.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing its attributes ```
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pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Closing this in favor of #400