mattsemar / dsp-bulldozer

Automates placing foundation on every square of planet
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[Bug] height map update #2

Closed AlienXtream closed 3 years ago

AlienXtream commented 3 years ago

the foundations place but the (raised) areas height map does not appear to update.

AlienXtream commented 3 years ago

note, using GS2. may be related to that mod being installed too.

mattsemar commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure I understand. Can you give me some more information on what you mean by heightmap?

marr75 commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure this is related to Galactic Scale 2, as the reporter suggests.

With GS2 installed, certain swathes of the planet have terrain sticking up above the foundations after applying the bulldoze effect. This doesn't happen when the normal foundation tool is used, so either a step is skipped by bulldozer or the GS2 team hooked into that code to make sure the terrain heightmap was leveled.

Some other mathematical assumptions don't hold true for GS2, either. On planets with larger radii than the standard size, I ended up with odd striping of colors. Looking at the code, it looks like the assumed relationship between lat, long, and foundations doesn't hold true on GS2 planets.

GS2 compatibility would be really nice (there are HUGE planets that will give you carpal tunnel to pave 100 tiles at a time) but I understand the complexities involved.

mattsemar commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'll take a look at that plugin then

mattsemar commented 3 years ago

How big a planet should I be looking at? I just tried one with a radius of 470 and it seemed to work ok. I do see the issue with the stripes having missing spots (working on that part), but all the terrain is the same height.

Maybe something I changed recently resolved this issue? What plugin version do you see this with?

mattsemar commented 3 years ago

I believe this should be resolved now, but if not, please let me know