mattstauffer / suggestive

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Add additional documentation for how to set up OAuth Integrations for GitHub and Twitter #16

Closed kkoppenhaver closed 7 years ago

kkoppenhaver commented 8 years ago

Maybe link to tutorials on how these things work, how to get the correct credentials, etc...

JacobBennett commented 7 years ago

Was just thinking about this the other day. Where would be the best spot for this? In the Wiki? Or in the Readme? Thoughts @mattstauffer.

Would be happy to help with this as I know it is confusing.

mattstauffer commented 7 years ago

Readme, I think. I hate using the wiki, folks almost never use them so the writing goes unused.

JacobBennett commented 7 years ago

Good to close on this @mattstauffer ?

mattstauffer commented 7 years ago

:+1: Thanks @JacobBennett!