mattstauffer / suggestive

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Fix data sync #20

Open mattstauffer opened 7 years ago

mattstauffer commented 7 years ago

Props sync in some places and not others. Some places pull global data via props, some manually hit the API themselves. Gotta make it consistent and vue 2.0 friendly.

JacobBennett commented 7 years ago

Started in #21 hopefully more to come. Might be swapping this whole freaking thing over to vuex though!

mattstauffer commented 7 years ago

I think a global data store, whether vuex or at least just storing everything at the top level, would be better than each component independently pulling its own data.

phppirate commented 7 years ago

I think Vuex is overkill in this situation. My PR #34 is using an event bus to talk to the Root component which have all the Topics and Episodes on it initially and is passing them through to the RouterView as a prop to all pages.