mattstein / ee-extract-image-url

ExpressionEngine plugin that will pull an image URL out of a chunk of HTML (like a Wygwam or textarea field, for example).
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EE3 Version #1

Open lincolnpixel opened 7 years ago

lincolnpixel commented 7 years ago

Hi Matt, I’m working on a news aggregator (Rss feeds from multiple websites) few of them includes images in their feeds (example ) and i would like to extract it. My project is based on EE3 and would like to know if you have in plans to port to EE3 your Extract Image plugin

mattstein commented 7 years ago

Hi @lincolnpixel, unfortunately I don't have plans to update any work for EE3. I'd be happy to help if I can get around to it, but I'm not sure yet when I'd have time.

lincolnpixel commented 7 years ago

Ok Matt , will be following/watching. Hopefully it will be possible, thanks for your time.