mattttvaughn / chronicle

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Downloaded books disappearing #77

Open mattttvaughn opened 2 years ago

mattttvaughn commented 2 years ago

This was an issue on previous builds which I had thought was resolved.

See commit Prevent tracks from decoupling from their downloaded tracks on ID change the previous fix.

The old issue was that track IDs are not persistent within Plex, they can change. So when we get a track with a new id from plex, we want to compare against duration/parentId/title to check if it might be existing track that just changed ID.

Issue reported via reddit here

oucil commented 2 years ago

I can confirm, I've noticed my downloaded books disappearing randomly from the app.


hoorrus commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue.

The error message reads as follows:

h6.c0: None of the available extractors (d, d, g, c, e, a, a, b, c, u, a, a, c, d) could read the stream. image

Cd084 commented 8 months ago

This has happen to me today, it is the second time this has happened since I started using the app about 6-8month ago. Working fine one day and the next all offline content gone. Last time it happened to be able to redownload the offline content that had gone missing I had to clear all cache and uninstall and reinstall the app before it would let me. The same problem again, I can not download items that I had already downloaded that are now missing. I can download new content not previously downloaded without issue. This time after clicking "Deleted synced files" in settings it has let me redownload successfully. Android ver: 13 Chronicle ver: 0.51.3

hydrian commented 5 months ago

I am having the same issue.

The error message reads as follows:

h6.c0: None of the available extractors (d, d, g, c, e, a, a, b, c, u, a, a, c, d) could read the stream. image

I had the same issue. I also had my book storage on my removable SD card. When I switched the storage to the internal storage, this issue seemed to go way. Not optimal since my removable SD card has lots more available storage.