mattvenn / efabless_project_tool

Tool to fetch and parse data about Efabless MPW projects
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 3 forks source link

Pull data from the `info.yaml` files found in the shuttle repositories #8

Open mithro opened 1 year ago

mithro commented 1 year ago


mithro commented 1 year ago

I wrote a quick script at to download all the info.yml files and merge them into a single .json file.

mithro commented 1 year ago

What I can't quite figure out is how to connect the data in the info.yml file to an Efabless Project ID.

mithro commented 1 year ago

So far the best thing I have to go on is the git url.

2 28
{'category': 'Test Harness',
 'cover_image': 'docs/source/_static/cover.png',
 'description': 'ASIC-prepared variant of SERV within the Caravel harness.',
 'foundry': 'SkyWater',
 'git_url': '',
 'layout_image': './signoff/caravel_layout.png',
 'organization': '2550 Engineering',
 'organization_url': '',
 'owner': 'Klas Nordmark',
 'process': 'SKY130',
 'project_id': '0002001c',
 'project_name': 'Subservient',
 'shuttle_url': '',
 'tags': ['Open MPW', 'Test Harness'],
 'top_level_netlist': 'caravel/verilog/gl/caravel.v',
 'user_level_netlist': 'verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v',
 'version': '1.00'}
[{'giturl': '',
  'id': '104',
  'mpw': 'MPW-2',
  'owner': 'Klas Nordmark',
  'precheck': 'n/a',
  'process': 'sky130A',
  'selected': 'yes',
  'summary': 'ASIC adaption of SERV, the award-winning bit serial RISC-V '
  'tapeout': 'n/a'}]