mattwar / iqtoolkit

A Toolkit for building LINQ IQueryable providers. This is the official move of my IQToolkit project from CodePlex.
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Adding nuspec files #7

Closed yavor87 closed 7 years ago

yavor87 commented 7 years ago


I noticed that the packages listed on NuGet are a bit outdated and not full. So in effort to improve this (and expose a Sqlite provider that I needed) I created a set of nuspec files that I want to share with the community. I have used the IQToolkitEx id, but you can change that easily. One significant change is combining the IQToolkit.dll with the IQToolkit.Data.dll in one nuget package. I have noticed that all query providers need access to those two assemblies and found no reason to separate them. Dependencies are now declared inside of the nuget package so that they can be installed with a single click.

Hope you find this useful!

mattwar commented 7 years ago

I've added nuget support based on this PR.