mattwarkentin / openmpp

Programmatic interface to the OpenM++ microsimulation platform
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Beta testing feedback #3

Closed mattwarkentin closed 8 months ago

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

Submit your issues and feedback here.

Please wrap code in code fences (i.e., 3 back-ticks) to make it easier to read.

johnhutchinson99 commented 1 year ago

Most of these are just feature ideas and suggestions, so feel free to ignore anything you don't like.

  1. When trying to modify a readonly workset, it doesn't tell you that its locked. It just sends a generic 400 bad request response. This is minor, but it would be nice to have a check and a warning that it's locked.
  2. It would be convenient if create_scenario also returned the scenario object like load_scenario does. This would remove the need to create a scenario and then manually load it.
  3. (I may be missing something in this one) It would be nice to be able to retrieve the file path of a parameter CSV file in a workset directory. I've been using this paste(modelToUse,".set.",worksetName,"/set.",worksetName,"/",paramName,".csv",sep="") which works though.
mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. Yes, I can add a check for this and a better error message. Thanks.
  2. The original version of create_scenario() did indeed return the scenario object but I then reverted this functionality. I'm not sure which approach I like better. When the function primarily has a non-local side-effect like creating an object in the API, I tend to not like that it also returns the object for the reason that you only create_scenario() once, but you load_scenario() every time you work on the project. So for the time being I have separated these functions, but I will continue to think this over and we can discuss further.
  3. Why are you trying to retrieve the CSV path? If you can provide me some further context or your use-case I can think about how to update the user experience. Thanks.
mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

For posterity, the field scenario$WorksetDir exposes the path to the workset on disk.

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt, Is it possible to add the option of dealing with NA in the get_table function, for example, na = c("", "null") ? When I loaded the output table with empty or null values, the numeric variable expr_value will be coerced as character. Itself isn't a big issue but it creates error when loading several tables with expr_value as either numeric or character. Thanks.

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

Great observation. I also ran into this annoying issue.

You're right, it generally isn't a huge problem when loading a single table from a single run, but when you are trying to load multiple tables (such as with a ModelRunSet) then it becomes a problem because the function tries to stack the tables and it can't stack character and numeric columns. I do want to come up with a better solution.

I think it is safe to assume expr_value should ALWAYS be numeric. If this is true, then I can force/coerce that column to numeric type when reading the CSV data. By forcing it to numeric, anything that doesn't look like a number (NA, "", null) should be coerced to NA, which is fine.

You are the expert. Do you know if ANY of the output tables would return an expr_value that isn't numeric?

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

@YibingRuan I have pushed changes so that expr_value is always coerced to numeric silently. This means that tables should always be stack-able for a ModelRunSet. Let me know if you have any further issues or if you don't think this is a good change.

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

You are the expert. Do you know if ANY of the output tables would return an expr_value that isn't numeric?

All output tables should have numeric expr_value. Thank you for pushing the changes!

johnhutchinson99 commented 1 year ago

Modifying many parameters in a targets pipeline can result in an error

! Error running targets::tar_make() Error messages: targets::tar_meta(fields = error, complete_only = TRUE) Debugging guide: How to ask for help: Last error: _store_ a character vector argument expected

This seems to only happen when running several worksets in a pipeline, making it very difficult to reproduce using a simple example. My best guess is that there are too many API requests being sent in a short time. Putting Sys.sleep to delay runs does not seem to help however

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt, On the Cloud interface, there is a toggle switch for showing and not showing hidden parameters: image Occasionally, we need to modify hidden parameters for our scenarios. For example, Mariet recently needs to change the test performance of the HPV DNA testing in the cervical model under a hidden parameter table ‘HpvDnaTestSensitivitySpecificity’. I noticed that for now we could only copy parameters that are not hidden. Just wonder if there could be a feature in the future to copy and change hidden parameters? Thanks, Yibing

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

@johnhutchinson99 I will investigate when I return.

@YibingRuan Thanks for bringing this up. I didn't know this distinction between visible and hidden parameters. I have sent an email to the admin to figure out how we can copy hidden parameters using the API.

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

@YibingRuan I have been told by the OpenM++ team that the visible/hidden toggle is only a GUI thing and shouldn't prohibit copying parameters. Have you tried copying a "hidden" parameter?

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

It didn't work in my previous attempt. I just tried again and it worked. My previous attempt might be during the time they updated the model. Thanks.

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt, What is the syntax to use set_base_digest? I tried with new_scenario$set_base_digest(base = baserun_digest)in which baserun_digestwas the model digest of the default workset. But I got the following error message: " Error in path.expand(path) : argument "file" is missing, with no default " Thanks, Yibing

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a bug introduced in recent changes...will work to fix this asap.

mattwarkentin commented 1 year ago

@YibingRuan I am not able to reproduce this error. Can you please make sure you've installed the most recent version and try again? Let me know if the error persists.

YibingRuan commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt, I have the most recent version. I found this error only occurs if I try to run scenarios previously created from the UI. It does not occur if the scenario is created de novo from R. So probably no big deal if everything is done in R.

mattwarkentin commented 11 months ago

Note to self...

zsun2023 commented 11 months ago

Hi Matt, as mentioned in the meeting, please see the issues I have when using digest numbers. This is my first time reporting a bug and I'm still a R beginner so not too sure how to best describe the issue. I just pasted the codes and error messages I got. Thanks! Issue: Ideally, we want to use digest number "f3611d0b5add6342fcb0f258ac4b38da" for the lung model. However, current oncosimx package seems to have a bug if using digest number. After I change to use 'OncoSimX-lung' instead, it works.

Codes not working

modelToUse <- "f3611d0b5add6342fcb0f258ac4b38da" scenarioNameRandom <-"test" model= load_model(modelToUse) baserun_digest = model$ModelRuns$RunDigest[[1]] scenarioToUse <- create_scenario(modelToUse,scenarioNameRandom,baserun_digest) Error in httr2::req_perform(): ! HTTP 400 Bad Request. Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred.

Works if not using digest number modelToUse <- 'OncoSimX-lung'

model= load_model(modelToUse) baserun_digest = model$ModelRuns$RunDigest[[1]] scenarioToUse <- create_scenario(modelToUse,scenarioNameRandom,baserun_digest)

The scenario was created successfully.

mattwarkentin commented 10 months ago

Good catch, @zsun2023! This was indeed a bug that is now fixed with 1cce1b5c34642d9b5443458b743bfcfb5b06b4d6. Please install the latest version.

mattwarkentin commented 9 months ago
mattwarkentin commented 9 months ago

Probably makes sense to update this function to check that a parameter belongs to a workset:

mattwarkentin commented 9 months ago
# zzz.R
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # << code goes here for instantiating a connection when package is loaded >>
mattwarkentin commented 9 months ago

I think this is wrong, for example...

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Hey Matt,

I was wondering if an argument could be added to opts_run() so that the Mpi list could be excluded if/when users are running a non-MPI model? Something like the following;

opts_run <- function(
  SimulationCases = '5000',
  SubValues = '12',
  RunStamp = NULL,
  Tables = list(),
  Mpi = TRUE
) {
  if (rlang::is_null(RunStamp)) {
    RunStamp <- sub('.' , '_', fixed = TRUE, format(Sys.time(),"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%OS3"))

  SimulationCases <- format(SimulationCases, scientific = FALSE)

  opts_run <- structure(
      RunStamp = RunStamp,
      Opts = list(
        Parameter.SimulationCases = SimulationCases,
        OpenM.SubValues = as.character(SubValues),
        OpenM.RunStamp = RunStamp,
        OpenM.Threads = '4',
        OpenM.LogToConsole = 'true'
      Tables = Tables
    class = c('OpenMppRunOpts', 'list')

  if(isTRUE(Mpi)) {
    opts_run$Mpi <- list(
      Np = 4,
      IsNotOnRoot = TRUE


mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

@barnzilla Great suggestion! I am happy to work this kind of update into the code base. Thanks for the feedback.

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Sounds great, Matt! And thanks so much for all the work you've done on the package. It's great!

Take care, Joel

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Hey Matt,

In create_scenario(), I think you're enforcing unique scenario names, which is nice (see bolded portion):

function (model, name, base = NULL) 
    existing_scenarios <- get_worksets(model)$Name
    if (name %in% existing_scenarios) {
        rlang::abort("Scenario name already in use, choose a different name.")
    is_model_name <- model %in% get_models()$Name
    body <- list(ModelName = if (is_model_name) model else get_digest_model(model), 
        ModelDigest = if (!is_model_name) model else get_model_digests(model)[[1]], 
        Name = name)
    if (!rlang::is_null(base)) 
        body$BaseRunDigest <- base

I don't think the same is happening in run(). It's possible to have two model runs with the same name (although, of course, the RunDigest values will differ). Wondering if you think it's a good idea to enforce unique model run names?

Take care, Joel

mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

@barnzilla I agree, I think it would be a good quality-of-life addition to ensure unique run names also. Happy to make this change.

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Thanks, Matt!

mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

Fixed in 9e8fef0c288b44c9caaee7d17399d0c6378d0d4c

mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

@barnzilla Regarding your comment in, does it throw an error when trying to run a model with MPI options for a non-MPI system? I just wanted to clarify the issue further before implementing a fix.

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Hey @mattwarkentin,

Yes, the following error is thrown:

Error in `resp_abort()`:
! HTTP 400 Bad Request.
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.

Here's the code I ran to get this error:

# Load dependencies
library(openmpp) # Deployment:

# Set environment variable
  what = Sys.setenv,
  args = setNames(
    object = paste0("http://localhost:", 61285),
  ) %>%

# Register local connection

# Set model name
model_name <- get_models()$Name[1]

# Load model
pohem <- load_model(model_name)

# Load default scenario
pohem_default <- load_scenario(model_name, "Default")

# Load baserun
baserun_digest <- pohem$ModelRuns$RunDigest[[1]]

# Create new scenario
scenario_name <- "scenario_011"
create_scenario(model_name, scenario_name, baserun_digest)

# Load new scenario
scenario <- load_scenario(model_name, scenario_name)

# Set scenario to read-only
scenario$ReadOnly <- TRUE

# Run model
scenario$run("model_run_007", wait = TRUE, progress = TRUE)
mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

Great, thanks for the reprex.

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Here's the backtrace on the error (should have included previously):

 1. \-scenario$run("model_run_007", wait = TRUE, progress = TRUE)
 2.   \-openmpp::run_model(opts)
 3.     +-httr2::resp_body_json(...)
 4.     | \-httr2:::check_response(resp)
 5.     |   \-httr2:::is_response(req)
 6.     \-httr2::req_perform(...)
 7.       \-httr2:::resp_abort(resp, error_body(req, resp))
Run rlang::last_trace(drop = FALSE) to see 1 hidden frame.
mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

I think the most recent commit should fix this issue. Please give it a try when you have a chance and let me know. After some discussion with the OpenM++ team, it is very clear that run configuration options are very system and model dependent and too many "defaults" can create issues. So I have simplified opts_run() to be more flexible but less prescriptive.

Fixed with 717cba5ec5489bfad970054ffaa8c0614f584f30

barnzilla commented 8 months ago

Awesome, thanks @mattwarkentin! Just updated my version of the package and it works!

Totally get it re: too many default options.

Thanks again!

mattwarkentin commented 8 months ago

@barnzilla No problem, thanks for the feedback!

I am going to close this issue since I think it has outgrown its origins and the package is stabilizing. If any new issues arise, please open a separate issue. Thanks.