mattwhitfield / Unitverse

A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.
MIT License
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Support for deriving generated unit test classes from a base class #163

Closed AdaTheDev closed 1 year ago

AdaTheDev commented 1 year ago

It would be great to have an option under "Generation Options" to specify a base class from which generated unit test classes should derive from. This would help scenarios where currently, you have to manually inherit from a base class post-generation - not a huge inconvenience, but 1 less thing to cover when onboarding a team to the tool (of awesomeness).

mattwhitfield commented 1 year ago

This is resolved in 0.160 - you can set 'Test type base class' and 'Test type base class namespace' in the UI or set TestTypeBaseClass=MyClassName and TestTypeBaseClassNamespace=My.Awesome.Namespace in a .unitTestGeneratorConfig file.

You can operate it one of two ways - you can either specify a fully qualified type name in TestTypeBaseClass and leave TestTypeBaseClassNamespace blank, or you can specify a type name only in TestTypeBaseClass and put the namespace in TestTypeBaseClassNamespace, in which case it will emit a using for the namespace.

They are just strings - there isn't anything that does type lookups or validation on what's entered - so just be aware that it's possible to put rubbish in there and the tool really won't be any the wiser. 👍

AdaTheDev commented 1 year ago

This is awesome. Thanks. Already being put to good use 👍