mattzhao92 / Planet-Blitz

Game for COMP460
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HUD display #164

Open pc123 opened 10 years ago

pc123 commented 10 years ago

We should be able to use this technique like in

Wrap the div that holds our THREE.js output in a div that will hold our 2D elements. '''



Then attach CSS elements to the div programmatically like in

function attachMarkerToCountry( countryName, importance ){
    //  look up the name to mesh
    countryName = countryName.toUpperCase();
    var country = countryData[countryName];
    if( country === undefined )

var container = document.getElementById( 'visualization' ); var template = document.getElementById( 'marker_template' ); var marker = template.cloneNode(true);

country.marker = marker; container.appendChild( marker );

marker.countryName = countryName;

marker.importance = importance; marker.selected = false; marker.hover = false;


and lastly use this helper method

function screenXY(vec3){
    var projector = new THREE.Projector();
    var vector = projector.projectVector( vec3.clone(), camera );
    var result = new Object();
    result.x = Math.round( vector.x \* (window.innerWidth/2) ) + window.innerWidth/2;
    result.y = Math.round( (0-vector.y) \* (window.innerHeight/2) ) + window.innerHeight/2;
    return result;

More information here:

> The basic idea: match the CSS3D's matrix transform to THREE's camera and scene, and you can "place" CSS elements in 3D as if it were on top of THREE's scene. There are limitations to this though, for example you won't be able to have text go underneath a THREE.js object. This is still much faster than trying to perform layout using "top" and "left" CSS attributes.
pc123 commented 10 years ago

At the very least, add a sprite that corresponds to main menu button

pc123 commented 10 years ago

Would be really nice to display portraits of units that are selected