Open ddenglina opened 4 months ago
Hi @ddenglina, I have not tried dn-splatter with Orbber femto camera before. Can you send me the processed dataset so I can have a try? (google drive or something maybe). Thanks.
Hi @ddenglina, I have not tried dn-splatter with Orbber femto camera before. Can you send me the processed dataset so I can have a try? (google drive or something maybe). Thanks.
Thanks you reply. The link is processed dataset by Spectacular AI SDK .Orbber femto data.tar.gz
Looking forward to your reply!
Hi! Thanks for this awesome project. I trying to train dnsplatter,using custom data collected with an Orbber femto camera. Contain RGB and depth images.
And then I used Spectacular AI SDK processed data.
Finally, I run
ns-train dn-splatter --pipeline.model.use-depth-loss True --pipeline.model.sensor-depth-lambda 0.2 --pipeline.model.use-depth-smooth-loss True --pipeline.model.use-sparse-loss True normal-nerfstudio --data Orbber_femto/ --load-normals False
``gs-mesh dn --load-config outputs/unnamed/dn-splatter/2024-07-31_032623/config.yml --output-dir outputs/unnamed/dn-splatter/2024-07-31_032623/possion_tsdf
The mesh result is so bad.
Whether I need to set any parameters, I have not changed them. Looking forward to your reply!