matus-chochlik / oglplu2

Wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and EGL including utilities for writing distributed applications with graphics and/or audio rendering.
Boost Software License 1.0
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Fixes issue with FindGLUT.cmake #9

Closed deranen closed 8 years ago

deranen commented 8 years ago

The CMake version of FindGLUT doesn't automatically find GLUT, and it seems to do a very bad job of trying to find it. In order to try to fix this I set GLUT_INCLUDE_DIRS and GLUT_LIBRARIES explicitly, but then the code in config/FindGLUT.cmake is not able to do set(GLUT_FOUND 1) since it's inside the if-statement if((NOT GLUT_INCLUDE_DIRS) OR (NOT GLUT_LIBRARIES)).

What do you think?