matveyt / vim-modest

Vim color scheme for all kinds of terminals
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Convo around some of the colors #1

Closed shmup closed 4 years ago

shmup commented 4 years ago

This isn't an issue really, but every once in a while I see a color configuration and wonder if it could be better. I was hoping to make this issue and attach some images as I come across examples for myself. It might have to be open for a few weeks heh, if you don't mind.

Feel free to label this appropriately if you want :P

In this image's case I wonder about the QuickFix list colors, but in staring closer now and thinking.. the colors are great.. it's just when they invert for active row I have thoughts, but I think I'm ok with them now haha..


shmup commented 4 years ago

As an aside.. huge fan of this colorscheme

I use it in sunny window settings, and in the spirit of tpope's unimpaired toggles, I do a:

nnoremap <silent>yot :exec "color " .
      \ ((g:colors_name == "apprentice") ? "modest" : "apprentice")<CR>

matveyt commented 4 years ago

Well, by default QuickFixLine group links to Search which currently (through another link to StatusLineNC) is "reverse". And so the colors are such. Perhaps, it makes sense to change that, so QuickFixLine will be of "a single color" like in a majority of other schemes. I'm thinking of hi! link QuickFixLine WildMenu, so it'll be a little more consistent with popup menu selection. Another option is Visual group, but I like it less. Still unsure though. Feel free to share your thoughts. BTW. If you're used to switch both background and colorscheme at the same time (e.g. dark/apprentice vs. light/modest) you may want to improve the mapping to do both things simultaneously. For instance,

nnoremap <silent><expr>yob printf(":set bg=%s \| colo %s\r", &bg ==# 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark', &bg ==# 'dark' ? 'modest' : 'apprentice')
shmup commented 4 years ago

Ah, neat, yeah thanks

I was currently just setting the background in your scheme manually, but this is efficient

matveyt commented 4 years ago

QuickFixLine is linked to WildMenu in the latest commit.

shmup commented 4 years ago

I think that is a good adjustment no doubt, good call @matveyt

Found another area for improvement. I don't know the name of this highlight group, but it's a status line message. Something with better contrast would be a win I think


I'm not ever sure it needs an alternative background color, could just be a text coloring:


Guess it depends on what level of attention you want

matveyt commented 4 years ago

Ah, I know that one. That's WarningMsg (linked from Error and ErrorMsg).

Yes, it's a bit blurry, but it was made as a poor compromise to keep number of colors as small as possible. Not sure, if I want to use red color at all, and if it's contrast enough on both backgrounds. I need to think.

shmup commented 4 years ago

I don't blame you for limiting the color options, think away.

Here's another thing but what confuses me is, I have (under what conditions I am not sure), seen symbols in the SignColumn before, but not consistently and I have no idea why



Mostly I'm pointing this out because my workflow leans heavily on moving between hunk changes in a buffer and even doing inline staging at times, so I like to see that column's text quite a bit

(note that this is tied to but the SignColumn fix itself should be enough)

matveyt commented 4 years ago

I have no idea either, as I don't use gitgutter.

hl-SignColumn is currently linked to Comment (so it's grayed), but plugins are not bound to use it. The typical choices are DiffAdd, DiffDelete and such.

shmup commented 4 years ago

Yeah, by default all the various symbols (add/delete/edit) for hunk changes are assigned to DiffAdd, DiffDelete, DiffChange

It's just DiffAdd I gotta fix up (all the blank spaces above in this image, are the example). I'll get it adjusted and edit this comment and move on, heh. I suppose for this fix I'll just come up with something in my vimrc, tho less ideal. Maybe I'm mistaken, though


For now, out of pure laziness and moving back to Actual work, I'm just going to move DiffAdd up into this and it fixes it, heh:

call s:hilink('StatusLineNC', 'Cursor', 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'helpNote', 'lCursor', 'Search',
    \ 'StatusLineTermNC')
matveyt commented 4 years ago

After some hesitation I decided to keep that "chestnut" background but to reverse the foreground color. Hopefully, it gets more contrast now.

shmup commented 4 years ago

I think that's a good change, nice.


Showing it off here, for visibility's sake

shmup commented 4 years ago

yo @matveyt I wondered how you felt about the cursor color when you have lines on:

it is legible, but if outdoors it really suffers, and this is the scheme i like to use when i'm in sunnier environments and need high contrast


currently i have no suggestions on what would be "better" for contrast reasons, but, even if you have no desire to change this, mind showing me an Example of a diff that Would change it to any example color? I minimally futzed with it and fell short, heh

matveyt commented 4 years ago

@shmup I cannot reproduce it. Is this for set cursorline only? Vim/Neovim/GUI/TUI? Does cursor blink? Or is it set to non-blinking? Dit it happen after the last commit, or was it always like this?

As cursor is set to reverse, I expect it to have the fore color of the text underneath ("chestnut" here).

shmup commented 4 years ago

Ah @matveyt thanks, I haven't been using urxvt for too long and am still unaccustomed to it having control of things like:

URxvt*cursorColor:  #whatever
URxvt*cursorBlink:  on

This is in my court :P