matype / stylefmt

stylefmt is a tool that automatically formats stylesheets.
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Using custom rules with the cli? #152

Closed s10wen closed 8 years ago

s10wen commented 8 years ago

Wondering if via the it's possible to pass a custom file like .stylefmt with your own rules?

Or, as I'm using .stylelintrc if it's possible to pass the stylelintrc path for it to use?

matype commented 8 years ago

@s10wen Where did you install stylfmt? If you installed as -g option, it might not work well.

OK, I will implement --stylelintPath option to set the path of stylelint configuration file.


s10wen commented 8 years ago

@morishitter yeah I installed it globally for now. Ideally I'd like to be local as part of a repo.

Awesome, cheers! Let me know if you want me to test a branch.

matype commented 8 years ago

@s10wen Just released v3.5.0 that includes --config option to specify the path of stylelint configration file. Please update and confirm it :)

s10wen commented 8 years ago

@morishitter I'm on 3.5.0 and created a 'test.css':

.test {
color: #FFF;

and a .stylelintrc:

"rules": {
  "color-hex-case": 'lower'

I then did stylefmt test.css -c .stylelintrc, but I get:

.test {
  color: #fff;

I would expect it to look at the config file and update the hex, but not the indentation. Any ideas?

matype commented 8 years ago

@s10wen It formatted the string to lowercase (#FFF -> #fff). It seems correct. 🤔

s10wen commented 8 years ago

But it also did the indentation that I hadn't set.

s10wen commented 8 years ago

I also tried the example in the

// mixin for clearfix

        @mixin      clearfix    ()      { &:before,
  &:after {
                content:" ";
    display              : table;  }

  &:after        {clear: both;}
       padding:10px;@include        clearfix();}
     .base {  color: red;  } // placeholder


padding: 12px

@extend      .base;}

      {     @extend            %base;


which running stylefmt test.css -c .stylelintrc (my config only contains color-hex-case) yielded:

// mixin for clearfix
@mixin clearfix() {
  &:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table;

  &:after {
    clear: both;

.class {
  padding: 10px;
  @include clearfix();

.base {
  color: red;

// placeholder
%base {
  padding: 12px;

.foo {
  @extend .base;

.bar {
  @extend %base;

So, this also moved the comments as well as indentation, making me think it's not looking at the config and taking effect from what is just in the config.

Any ideas please?

matype commented 8 years ago

@s10wen Oh, I see. stylefmt formats string according to a stylelint configuration file, but if there are no rules for formatting code parts (e.g. block-opening-brace-space-after, indentation), we can get default formatting rules. So, you got 2 spaces indentation after running stylefmt.

May I ask if you understand what I mean? So sorry, I"m not good at English.

s10wen commented 8 years ago

@morishitter ah I understand, thanks. Is there a way to set it so it doesn't pick up the default rules?

matype commented 8 years ago

@s10wen This problem seems the same as .

s10wen commented 8 years ago

@morishitter yep! Something like that would be great :)