matype / stylefmt

stylefmt is a tool that automatically formats stylesheets.
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Is this library still maintain? #329

Open jimblue opened 6 years ago

jimblue commented 6 years ago

Hi @morishitter ,

I was juts wondering if this library is still maintain as I see so many unfixed issues that are pretty old. Also the last release is 1 year old!

It would be nice to give your Stylefmt community some feedback to let people know if it's still a good choice for long term use.

PS: I know it's open source and I know what that's mean don't take this bad please... 😄

ronilaukkarinen commented 3 years ago

I still use stylefmt daily and all you need for it to work is update stylelint to latest version and run npm update... this repo has not been updated for two years now and I'm getting frustrated since at least 5 other tools (like vscode and gulp plugins) are outdated as well because of outdated stylefmt dependencies. I have emailed the maintainer if he would be willing to share access, here's one active maintainer that would close most of the issues just with npm update... there are pull requests and issues that are almost all related to this one and only problem - maintainer unresponsive.

I hope we get more muscle power to keep stylefmt alive as I love it. It's way better than prettier and others when developing SCSS/CSS in my honest opinion. Prettier and others concentrate too much on JS and other languages rather than CSS which is my top lang. I hope @morishitter will read these messages, there are still people who use stylefmt daily.

ronilaukkarinen commented 3 years ago

FYI anyone who still might follow the stylefmt project. I have discontinued using gulp-stylefmt and sublime-stylefmt in favor of VSCode for the better part of the year. For this reason I have created vscode-stylefmt that uses my active fork of stylefmt (will release an npm package of the fork with unit tests soon!) with permission of the original maintainer of vscode-stylefmt.