matz / streem

prototype of stream based programming language
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What is your opinion about removing the curly brackets? #18

Open mess110 opened 9 years ago

mess110 commented 9 years ago
seq(100) | |x|
  if x % 15 == 0
  else if x % 3 == 0
  else if x % 5 == 0

Indentation could be used instead.

nickserv commented 9 years ago

While I'm not against an indent based syntax, I personally don't like the | |x| bit. I find it confusing since the block parameter and pipe syntax use the same | character. If we went with a syntax like this, there should be a different parameter character (or a different pipe character, but I like | for pipes).

Also, this might be too hard to implement, but that's up to the language designers.

dbohdan commented 9 years ago

An indent-based syntax would make it impossible to implement one-liners with the equivalent of sed -e / ruby -e for Streem.

Edit: clarified.

mess110 commented 9 years ago

@nicolasmccurdy yea, as I was 'converting' the code, the pipe and block part seemed quite meh.

A few ideas:

matz commented 9 years ago

@nicolasmccurdy I feel same way, and now seeking different syntax. If you have idea, please tell me.

As @dbohdan pointed out, indentation based block is against one liners, which is bad for a shell influenced language.

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

Removing curlies is exactly what makes CoffeeScript so beautiful, yet so dangerous, because:

Significant Whitespace + Spaghetti Code == Death!!

Significant whitespace doesn't stop people from writing bad code.

wilhelmtell commented 9 years ago

Remove the braces, remove the parens, remove the trailing | STDOUT, ... just a little further and you'll have re-written Bash. :)

disjukr commented 9 years ago

how about

seq(100) => |x|
    x % 15 == 0 then "FizzBuzz",
    x % 3 == 0 then "Fizz",
    x % 5 == 0 then "Buzz",
jstoja commented 9 years ago

@disjukr I personally prefer having the pipe as the flow operator. Even if the => is explicit enough though...

oleksandr commented 9 years ago

What about existing FBP DSL?

# Simple flow with core components
'3s' -> INTERVAL Ticker1(core/ticker)
'2s' -> INTERVAL Ticker2(core/ticker)
'1s' -> INTERVAL Clock(core/ticker)
Ticker1 OUT -> IN1 Joiner(core/joiner)
Ticker2 OUT -> IN2 Joiner
Joiner OUT -> IN Switch(core/switch)
Clock OUT -> GATE Switch OUT -> IN Splitter(core/splitter)
Splitter OUT1 -> IN Forwarder(core/passthru) OUT -> IN Log(core/console)
Splitter OUT2 -> IN Log
Debugger(debug/oneshot) OUT -> IN Crasher(debug/crasher) OUT -> IN Log
practicalswift commented 9 years ago

What about | as flow operator (familiar for all shell users) and (…) as block parameter (familiar for all programmers since ALGOL 68 and onwards :-)):

seq(100) | (x)
  if x % 15 == 0
  else if x % 3 == 0
  else if x % 5 == 0

Pre-UNIX history about pipes – "The Origin of Unix Pipes",

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

Even if we don't use the no-curly braces idea, I do like the idea of doing a more normal syntax for block paramaters.

roryokane commented 9 years ago

@dbohdan wrote:

An indent-based syntax would make it impossible to implement one-liners with the equivalent of sed -e / ruby -e for Streem.

Thus, indent-based syntax should not be mandatory. But Streem could still support a normal syntax and also an indent-based syntax. For example, you could implement both of these syntaxes:

if x == 0 { "x is zero" }
if x == 0
  "x is zero"
alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

That could cause some confusion. What if you forget one curly brace, but properly indent?

liuxiong332 commented 9 years ago
seq(100) | (x) {
  if x % 15 == 0
    return "FizzBuzz"
  else if x % 3 == 0
    return "Fizz"
  else if x % 5 == 0
   return  "Buzz"
   return  x
Krysl commented 9 years ago

I like curly brackets, and oleksandr's example in my way:

{(=> t1 t2 c)
  t1 = Ticker1('3s')
  t2 = Ticker2('2s')
  c  = Clock('1s')
} | {(t1 t2 c => j c)
  j = Joiner(t1 t2)
} | {(j c => s)
  s = Switch(j c)
} | {(sw => sp1 sp2)
  (sp1 sp2) = Splitter(sw)
} | {(sp1 sp2 => f sp2)
  f = Forwarder(sp1)
} | {(f sp2)
  Log = f
  Log = sp2
jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

Regarding the block idea would be to use Ruby 1.9 / CoffeeScript shorthand lambda -> syntax. Or the less pretty ^ (arg1, arg2) { ... } found in Obj-C.

seq(100) | -> (x) {
  if x % 15 == 0 {
  } else if x % 3 == 0 {
  } else if x % 5 == 0 {
  } else {
mattn commented 9 years ago

I like based syntax. The | |x| may have a problem because expression will have OR operator.

seq(100) | |x|
x = x | 2

having brackets will be a guard to avoid that the parser become complex.

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

(: this is true.

WitzHsiao commented 9 years ago

seq(100) | (x) if x % 15 == 0 "FizzBuzz" else if x % 3 == 0 "Fizz" else if x % 5 == 0 "Buzz" else x | STDOUT

mattn commented 9 years ago

As I said in above, expression may contains (x).

seq(100) | (x)
    y = 2 | (x)
disjukr commented 9 years ago

@mattn 'or' operator is || currently.

and i think (x) expression may have no problem. for example, javascript's block scope syntax is {} although it's already have same syntax to express object literal.

mattn commented 9 years ago

| and || should be different behavior.

jstoja commented 9 years ago

Too many pipes... kill pipes. Brackets / Indentation are a very good way to have both fast and expressive way of writing things.

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

Hmm. Maybe we could do what Ruby does, except with whitespace. One-liners can use braces. But on multiple lines, you have to use whitespace?

naturalethic commented 9 years ago

In LiveScript, the FizzBuzz would look like this:

[1 to 100] |> map ->
  | it % 15 is 0 => \FizzBuzz
  | it % 3  is 0 => \Fizz
  | it % 5  is 0 => \Buzz
  | otherwise    => it
|> each console.log
jaxrtech commented 9 years ago

FizzBuzz would look about the same in F# too (the F# syntax itself is further explained in

|> (function
    | x when x % 15 = 0 -> "FizzBuzz"
    | x when x % 3 = 0 -> "Fizz"
    | x when x % 5 = 0 -> "Buzz"
    | x -> string x)
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

Im for F# or LiveScript syntax. LiveScript looks better to me.

naturalethic commented 9 years ago

While we're thinking about LiveScript, I'd highly desire to allow identifiers with dashes:


I also strongly dislike being forced to use capitalization anywhere.

nickserv commented 9 years ago

@christopherdumas I agree.

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

@naturalethic I agree.

jaxrtech commented 9 years ago
alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

Yup, yup, yup!

naturalethic commented 9 years ago

I really like the way LiveScript handles identifiers. In Javascript, the convention is camelcase with lowercase starting letter suchAsThisIdentifier, in LiveScript you can use that or such-as-this-identifier and the conversion is done automatically. This allows both conventions to be used.

I also dislike underscores. They are ugly and require me to hit the shift key (like capitals do). Dashes and lowercase satisfy my OCD for symmetry by keeping things in a straight line with no waves or crests.

As for PascalCase for classes, if the reasoning is merely stylistic, then don't make them special. Your IDE can colorize them or make them bold if you want, but let the identifier for them be as any other identifier.

These are my personal stylistic opinions, and have no real objective merit, but I want to get them in early, as they will go/no-go this language for me.

alexispurslane commented 9 years ago

@naturalethic Yes i agree. No special stuff for PascalCase, and I agree that dashes are much nicer. It will make the parser more complex though.

ianks commented 9 years ago

Curly braces are fine for scoping. The C-Style will help with adoption as well.