mauimauer / cheapcast

It's CheapCast.
Apache License 2.0
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YouTube: video plays, can hear audio, but image is spinning wheel on gray screen #42

Open gallagth opened 10 years ago

gallagth commented 10 years ago

Running cheapcast on my Nexus 7 (first generation) with Android 4.3. YouTube videos autoplay but most of the time there is only audio and the video shows a spinning wheel on a gray screen (sometimes the video starts correctly though, but rarely and I can't tell why).

I've looked at the logs in depth and I couldn't figure out why this is happening.

Play music works perfectly, Play Movies not at all (it sends 5 POST events and then gives up to play the media locally)

ghost commented 10 years ago

Same problem here. I van head the Sound bit no video at all. Im streaming from gs4 cm11 to a Android TV box Dunning Android 4.0