mauimauer / cheapcast

It's CheapCast.
Apache License 2.0
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just works with WiFi #8

Open salimkayabasi opened 10 years ago

salimkayabasi commented 10 years ago

I tested on some devices nexus 7 nexus 4 galaxy nexus UG007

works with all device only works with android to android casting no connection established with chrome to android

UG007 which has ethernet port when I connect this device on ethernet, ChromeCast cannot connect. I have to change it to Wifi

kaazvaag commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue.

I want to use ethernet instead of WiFi.

jayasafunctionofe commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing the following unhandled exception in logcat when starting CheapCast on an ethernet connection:

D/PreferenceActivity( 1032): Connected to CheapCastService
W/NotificationTrackerService(  315): Dropping notification from at.maui.cheapcast
E/WifiStateMachine(  315): Error! unhandled message{ what=131157 when=0 }
W/System.err( 1058): 2013-08-13 23:45:55.675:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-8.y.z-SNAPSHOT
W/System.err( 1058): 2013-08-13 23:45:55.688:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@
D/CheapCastService( 1058): Initialized HTTP/WS Server
D/CheapCastService( 1058): Initialized SSDP/DIAL Discovery

Does this show up for everyone else having issues on ethernet as well?

kaazvaag commented 10 years ago

No, also when I connect through ethernet to the device I get the message: This is CheapCast :D.

So the cheapcast app is running just fine (and is reachable through ethernet), but it is not able to give a "cheapcast" signal through ethernet (because it only shows the chromecast symbol on youtube/music when putting the Minix X5 in the WiFi only mode).

Any idea how to fix this?

jayasafunctionofe commented 10 years ago

@kaazvaag, if you go to look for the section "URLBase", does it show "" ?

If so, this is why it's not showing up as an available device. I believe the app is failing to properly acquire the IP address when using an ethernet connection,

kaazvaag commented 10 years ago

@ja450n You are right.

When I connect with ethernet (fixed IP and enable CheapCast I get an URLBASE When I connect with WiFi only (fixed IP mode and enable CheapCast I get an URLBASE

Next step. How to fix this issue?

jayasafunctionofe commented 10 years ago

@kaazvaag based on the exception occurring in the WifiStateMachine, i'm going to have to guess that this is a bug only the developer can fix.

gregmac commented 10 years ago

Just confirmed same issue with a Pivos Xios DS