mauke / data-default

A class for types with a default value
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Please clarify relation between data-default and data-default-class #29

Open thielema opened 1 month ago

thielema commented 1 month ago

I see you released data-default- yesterday. It does no longer re-export Default class from data-default-class. This is a breaking change, indeed the major version bump to 0.8 indicates that. For instance, package hledger-web imports data-default and yesod, where yesod defines instances for data-default-class. hledger assumes that Default class from data-default and data-default-class are actually the same. Could you clarify which package, data-default or data-default-class, shall be preferred in the future? Will data-default-class become deprecated or what will the relation between the two packages be? Changelog or Release Notes would be nice.

mauke commented 1 month ago

Re: Changelog, see

The plan (starting from 0.8) is to return back to a single data-default package (like before 0.5.2).

data-default-class is not formally deprecated, but effectively requires you to stay with data-default >=0.5.2 && <0.8 because the two packages don't work together otherwise.

sol commented 1 month ago

@mauke It will cause less friction for the ecosystem if you upload a new version of data-default-class that re-exports data-default (0.8.0).

mauke commented 1 month ago

@sol I've been wondering about that. As far as I can see, there are three options:

  1. I do nothing.

    People can still write code compatible with either data-default or data-default-class by doing something like (untested):

    flag use-data-default
     if flag(use-data-default)
       build-depends: data-default ^>=0.8
       build-depends: data-default-class ^>=
    {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
    #if defined(MIN_VERSION_data_default_class)
    import Data.Default.Class
    import Data.Default

    Pros: I don't have to do anything.
    Cons: Requires annoying compatibility checks from each user, plus CPP hacks.

  2. I do nothing.

    People can still write code compatible with both versions of data-default by doing something like this:

     build-depends: data-default >=0.7 && <0.9
    import Data.Default

    Pros: I don't have to do anything. Cons: Manual action required from anyone currently using Data.Default.Class (they have to switch to Data.Default instead). With older versions of data-default, this pulls in extra package dependencies (dlist, old-locale).

  3. I upload a dummy data-default-class that just re-exports Data.Default.

    This will be a new major version because instances were removed, so people depending on data-default-class will have to relax their version bounds:

     build-depends: data-default-class >=0.1 && <0.3

    Pros: In many cases where import Data.Default.Class is currently used, the Haskell code won't have to be touched at all. Cons: I have to do something. :-) And people still need to change their cabal files, so manual action is still required of them.

Do you think option 3 saves enough maintainer effort over 2 that it's worth it?

sol commented 1 month ago

Do you think option 3 saves enough maintainer effort over 2 that it's worth it?


mauke commented 1 month ago

I've uploaded a package candidate:

Does this look reasonable to you?

Disregard that, I've published