Open paoliniluis opened 6 months ago
The ubuntu way is acutally a few MB smaller than using debian:stable-slim
instead (both about 870MB).
One should add rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
to the apt command to remove the cache right away.
the plain python way does fail due to missing gcc
FROM python:3.12
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y graphviz libgraphviz-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN pip install eralchemy2
While the conda way creates a much larger image (1.6GB)
FROM continuumio/miniconda3
RUN conda install -y -c conda-forge eralchemy2
So this seems to be the best way to do this. Could you add some docs on how to use this and eventually create a ghcr image right away too?
Sure, I'm still working on it as I can't run it from the container since it gives me a few errors, probably will finish it over this weekend
This produces a docker image which is 320MB small:
FROM ubuntu:24.04
WORKDIR /app/eralchemy2
ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:${PATH}"
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential python3-dev python3-pip pipx graphviz libgraphviz-dev && pipx install eralchemy2 && apt purge -y python3-dev build-essential && apt autoremove -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
CMD ["eralchemy2"]
but I think I would go with the python-slim way instead of pipx (which is 326 MB):
FROM python:3.12-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
build-essential \
python3-dev \
graphviz \
libgraphviz-dev && \
pip install eralchemy2 && \
apt purge -y python3-dev build-essential && \
apt autoremove -y && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
CMD ["eralchemy2"]
To interact with it, it probably makes sense to mount a volume, otherwise I need to add a stdin and stdout mode as well
@maurerle it's ready
Nice! Would you also like to add a GitHub action which builds and pushes this image on a tag push – or should I add this myself? Thanks!
That would be awesome but I would need the dockerhub access token (considering we want to push this to dockerhub). If you can create it and tell me the name I would be able to add this (next weekend for sure)
I would only publish it to ghcr (Github container registry), for this, the default auth_token for repository actions is fine. I think you need and docker/build-push-action for this?
Would you mind opening this PR against That would be very cool!
Add a Dockerfile to build and run the application in a containerized environment