maurerle / eralchemy2

Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool based on
Apache License 2.0
63 stars 15 forks source link

Should it be moved to the sqlAlchemy organization ? #47

Open 12rambau opened 6 days ago

12rambau commented 6 days ago

I saw that you fork this repository from a staled project and my fear is that once you get less time to work on it this one will also end up on stale. What do you think of asking to add it to the sqlAlchemy organization ? IT would get more exposure and with it more people could help you maintain it.

maurerle commented 6 days ago

Thanks for this good idea, this surely might be the case, though the current work of maintaining this project is not in fear of ending staled for now :) Also note, that this risk is not automatically mitigated by changing to sqlalchemy/eralchemy2 - if noone cares and likes to maintain together, things might end stale anyway - though the probability of this is surely reduced.

I would surely be very happy to have this as an official sqlalchemy repo :) So please ask them! :)

12rambau commented 4 days ago

I'm also trying to contact the original developer of the lib so you can merge your dev and use the original name.

12rambau commented 4 days ago

This repository is not a fork from Alexis Benoist one ? I don't see him in the contributor list, which might geopardize the transfer to a bigger organisation.

maurerle commented 4 days ago

@12rambau thanks for this effort. I already tried contacting @Alexis_Benoist through mail and github, but maybe you have better luck.

This project started as a fork, he is the author all commits prior to my fork. He is also noted and attributed in the README. I asked Github to remove the "forked" note, so that this repository can have its own issue tracker..

maurerle commented 3 days ago

I just checked, it was not the issue tracker (which is possible on forks). When issuing a PR to a fork, github tries to issue the PR to the upstream instead. This led to this PR: which references the discussion about the unability to change the default upstream repository:

For now the only way to handle this, is to request github to detach the fork: (which I did)

12rambau commented 3 days ago

So am now maintainer of the original project and the pypi feed. I will open an issue on the sqlalchemy organisation but before that would it be possible to make a merge request back to the original repo ? My objective is to do a transfer from there so we keep all the metadata (specifically the stars)

maurerle commented 3 days ago

I wonder how you achieved this, while I never got any response. I created a Pull request to it (which I would merge by hand on the cli to just fast-forward the commits) - you can also just push my changes on top of the repo.

However I do not know what would be the best approach to maintain this in the future, as the eralchemy2 package already has many more downloads than eralchemy according to

Eventually it would be best to just turn eralchemy to an alias to eralchemy2 in pypi?

12rambau commented 3 days ago

my little experience is that numbered lib are confusing (hello pypdf) so I would do the other way around with a big disclaimer in the last release of this one (eventually a warning at import state)

maurerle commented 3 days ago

so one way forward would be to create a new org eralchemy/eralchemy, let the project live there and maintain it in a way which merges the eralchemy2 back to eralchemy?