Open david-bla opened 7 years ago
The docker way is working well! I've to dig deeper in golang and docker. I stated docker for using ci with gitlab but it seems so useful, like the golang (you project are the first golang files i red) nice language!
But anyway I'd like to get behind this runtime.main calles main.main issue... seemed to be related to a env or ??? the functions are defined properly and I didn't change these lines.
Hey, first thank you for this example.
Yesterday I was able to build on a live kali without bigger problems. I changed my test setup and created some vms but i wasnt able to build sucesfully again... One Issue is that after the debian install "apt install golang" there is no $GOPATH and $GOROOT set. I usually check where the main files are "/usr/lib/go" and export GOROOT. I set the GOPATH to $HOME/go and checked for "apt install build-essential". ^- maybe put these in "prerequisites"
I added the working dir to the PATH env (
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
).Today im not able to build your project on any system. (Tried a debian8, ubuntu14, kali) I got the same error over and over again: mkdir -p /root/go/src/ cd /root/go/src/ && GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build --ldflags "-s -w -H windowsgui -X main.ServerBaseURL=" -o /root/go/src/
runtime.main: call to external function main.main runtime.main: undefined: main.main Makefile:33: recipe for target 'build' failed make: *** [build] Error 2
Thank you in advance