maurice-daly / DriverAutomationTool

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Unable to move packages to Windows 11 Versions #368

Open sebastiancrago opened 2 years ago

sebastiancrago commented 2 years ago

Hi Maurice. Thanks for all your hard work on this tool it's a life saver.

Just hoping that you can add support to move packages to Windows 11 from Windows 10 version with the package management tool.


Currently the dropdown has only got the Windows 10 versioning.

Hope this isn't too difficult.

Thanks again.

HermanGB commented 1 year ago

Can't you simply rename the packages with powershell directly in the ConfigMgr console?

sebastiancrago commented 1 year ago

It’s possible, yes.

At the moment I am manually renaming packages as required, but we have a large number of packages. The functionality in the DAT makes it very easy to quickly select all of one vendor, or published, or particular version and move them very quickly between windows versions.

This exercise has become more frequent due to the Modern Driver Management Scripts not having support for a fallback parameter for the Target OS - I have a request open for this on the project page for MDM.

I know it’s not a big deal, but it’s a helpful little piece of the tool that I use regularly.