maurice-daly / DriverAutomationTool

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Documentation around the 'Patch Driver Package' on Package Management page? #378

Open NoDowt opened 1 year ago

NoDowt commented 1 year ago

I've had a quick look around but couldn't find anything... Is there any details about the 'Patch Driver Package' on the package management page?

Assuming this allows us to manually add additional drivers to the existing driver package? Which would be a welcome feature for sure. Main questions would be... does it support zip/7zip/wim compresses packages? Do we just put the extracted driver files somewhere & point DAT at them?

if i get a chance, i'll just try it and see what happens haha.

Cheers! Jason

EskimoRuler commented 1 year ago

From my testing with it, it does what you described. Put the path of the extracted drivers in and hit patch.

It works with at least wim since that's what we're using. If you open the wim you see the normal drivers and a folder names 'Patch'.

So my guess is it will do the same to the other compression options as well.