maurice-daly / DriverAutomationTool

Home of the Driver Automation Tool
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Zip Compression Failing On UNC #465

Open BaddMann opened 1 year ago

BaddMann commented 1 year ago

I'm aware that this may be a result of flaky UNC share, but when Driver automation Zips the Drivers over to the UNC path it fails on one or two attempts (out of 40+ models) and completely locks up Driver Automation tool. Is there any chance we can perform the zipping function locally and do a file copy of the zip when we choice the driver compression option? I may be seeing another issue caused by this where the powershell tool unzipping the driver zip fails and then it deletes all the drivers. I think this is only effecting the drivers for the models that Driver Automation tool crashes on.... I'm rebuilding my drivers without Zip compression for now, though I really like the speed of data transfer when used! Awesome Job as usual!

HermanGB commented 1 year ago

I do all processing locally on the server and have set "D:\DAT" as download location. After the download, extraction and zipping process is done, the files are copied to the appropriate share for further processing into ConfigMgr.

I've also had some issues when file path is more then 256 characters during extraction process. Some parts of the process is done under the installation directory of DAT. So I moved the installation directory to "C:\Program Files\DAT\DriverAutomationTool.exe" and this mitigates that issue.

dpknoll commented 11 months ago

Thanks HermanGB,

Moving my installation directory to C:\Program Files\DAT resolved my issue with zip compression that previously failed to complete.