mauricecalhoun / inventory

Inventory Management for Laravel 4 / 5
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Suppliers for Inventory Stocks rather than Inventory Items #42

Open zachary opened 8 years ago

zachary commented 8 years ago

base on your DB design, i think the suppliers should bind to inventory stock too. please advise, thanks

stevebauman commented 8 years ago

Yea you're right, it would make more sense for suppliers to be bound to inventory stocks rather than items itself. I'll add this as an enhancement for the future, thanks!

koapeadu commented 6 years ago

Hi @stevebauman , any updates on this issue? I think it will also be useful to have a supplier bound to an inventory stock movement (that was ordered from a supplier). That way, we do not lose the history of 'who' supplied 'what' when the supplier is changed.