mauricerenck / kirby-podcaster

Kirby Podcast Plugin
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"Class 'GetId3\GetId3Core' not found" when uploading audio file #26

Closed AdrianFahrbach closed 5 years ago

AdrianFahrbach commented 5 years ago

Whenever I upload an audio file I get Class 'GetId3\GetId3Core' not found This error was already occurring in earlier versions of this plugin, I just ignored it until now.

My guess is that it's released to the mp3scan symlink, because I'm not able to upload or create symlinks on my server. I tried working around that problem by creating a symlink with php, but that didn't fix the GetId3 error: <?php $target = 'vendor/wapmorgan/mp3info/bin/mp3scan'; $link = 'vendor/bin/mp3scan'; symlink($target, $link); echo readlink($link); ?>

mauricerenck commented 5 years ago

Thank you for letting me know. I changed the lib for all the id3 stuff. Please see the latest release (v1.1.2). Let me know it works for you now.

AdrianFahrbach commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your fast reply, really appreciate it!

Now it says: Class 'getID3' not found

I have to include that I didn't install podcaster the recommended way, because I only have access to our FTP on the weekends. If you think that the problem is related to that, I can try installing it through the CLI on Monday.

What I did is install it locally using composer and then transfer my local files to our FTP. As far as I know it should work that way, but my composer knowledge is quite limited.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-29 um 18 31 15

In addition to that, it still gives me a "phpunit" symlink error when uploading through FTP. I guess that thats not related to this problem, but maybe you should consider removing that one from the releases too, just to make the whole experience a bit smoother.

mauricerenck commented 5 years ago

I fear that is some composer autoload dependency stuff going wrong. I just released a new version (1.1.3) with another kind of composer/vendor setup. I just downloaded the zip via the link you can find in the readme and dropped the kirby-podcaster folder into the plugin folder. I was then able to work with it and also upload files without warning.

AdrianFahrbach commented 5 years ago

I'm not getting any errors now and the track length is automatically added in the panel, therefore I guess it's working.

Just dropping the kirby-podcaster folder in my plugins folder didn't work though and threw this error again: Class 'GetId3\GetId3Core' not found To get it working, I ran composer locally first and then uploaded the kirby-podcaster folder including its vendor folder.

I still got a symlink error from phpunit while uploading tough, so if possible, you should probably consider adding them to dev-dependencies.

mauricerenck commented 5 years ago

Strange, all the needed vendor files should be in the zip you download. Did you name the folder kirby-podcaster?

When running composer without any option, it also installs all the developer dependencies like phpunit, which you don't need on your site. That's where the symlink is comming from.

AdrianFahrbach commented 5 years ago

Strange, all the needed vendor files should be in the zip you download. They are in the last few releases. Maybe I just overlooked the folder, however, it seems to be a mistake on my part.

Did you name the folder kirby-podcaster? I always named it podcaster.