I'm using Python and Requests module, and I'm wondering how I translate the request body to json ? Actually it is this :
query {
user(login: "thijshs") {
roles {
stream {
game {
But it says it's not a valid format. I tried many differents things since about 1 hour but I can't manage to do it,
I would appreciate if you could help me with that.
Also, I'm fully aware it is not recommended by Twitch and that it should not be used anymore. I do not plan on using in an automated script, I will use it a few times for an experiment then I will stop using it. I already use Helix API for my automated scripts
Hey @mauricew ,
I'm using Python and Requests module, and I'm wondering how I translate the request body to json ? Actually it is this :
query { user(login: "thijshs") { id login displayName description createdAt roles { isPartner } stream { id title type viewersCount createdAt game { name
} } } }
But it says it's not a valid format. I tried many differents things since about 1 hour but I can't manage to do it, I would appreciate if you could help me with that.
Also, I'm fully aware it is not recommended by Twitch and that it should not be used anymore. I do not plan on using in an automated script, I will use it a few times for an experiment then I will stop using it. I already use Helix API for my automated scripts