mauriciotogneri / green-coffee

Green Coffee
MIT License
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Using grantPermission #17

Closed jocmp closed 6 years ago

jocmp commented 6 years ago

I have two questions regarding the grantPermission method:

  1. Where's the best place to put the initialization? Here's one place I thought of:

    override fun beforeScenarioStarts(scenario: Scenario?, locale: Locale?) {
        super.beforeScenarioStarts(scenario, locale)
  2. What strings are permitted? For instance, grantPermission calls executeShellCommand which takes a Manifest-permitted String for permission, contrasted against something like GrantPermissionRule which would take something along the lines of android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

mauriciotogneri commented 6 years ago

Hi @josiahcampbell,

I didn't know about the GrantPermissionRule. I will delete the method grantPermission in favor of the rule. I released a new version (3.2.1) with this change.


jocmp commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response!

It's worth noting that I was able to get GrantPermissionRule working in my GreenCoffeeTest file:

class SignUpTest(scenarioConfig: ScenarioConfig) : GreenCoffeeTest(scenarioConfig) {
    val activity = ActivityTestRule(
    val grantPermissionRule = GrantPermissionRule.grant(android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION);

    fun test() {

    companion object {
        @Parameters(name = "{0}")
        fun scenarios(): Iterable<ScenarioConfig> {
            return GreenCoffeeConfig()