mauroc / squiddio_pi

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squiddio updates to frontend2 v 1.0.116 #126

Closed rgleason closed 4 years ago

rgleason commented 4 years ago

Mauro, Dave wants 3 digit versions, so I had to increment accordingly. Pushing tag to make the deployment go to your Cloudsmith opencpn/squiddio-prod

The way I have found to do it is as follows: To DEPLOY

Example (Prefered):

  1. Change version number and date in CMakeLists.txt . Save

  2. git add CMakeLists.txt

  3. git commit -am "v1.9.5.10"

  4. git tag v1.9.5.10

  5. git push origin refs/tags/v1.9.5.10 Enumerating objects: 5, done. remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects. To

    • [new tag] v1.9.5.10 -> v1.9.5.10
  6. git push origin master

There is a shorter version, but I found it may push a whole bunch of tags rather than just the one.