mauron85 / cordova-plugin-mauron85-background-geolocation-phonegapbuild

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how to remove the toast messages while the GPS is tracking? #2

Open PriyankaRose opened 8 years ago

PriyankaRose commented 8 years ago

Hi, I want to remove the toast message while GPS is tracking. Can you explain to remove it?

Thanks in advance.

mauron85 commented 8 years ago

Hi, short answer: it's not possible to remove that notification.

PriyankaRose commented 8 years ago

is there any way to hide it externally using css?

mauron85 commented 8 years ago

No. it's native thing.

PriyankaRose commented 8 years ago

Oops Thanks for your quick support

mauron85 commented 8 years ago

Glad to answer. Even though it was probably not you wanted to hear. :-)

PriyankaRose commented 8 years ago

I removed all toast messages related to the plugin java files. and it's fixed :)

srsarcasmo commented 7 years ago

My question is whether it really works

davecoda commented 6 years ago

@PriyankaRose, can you tell me where did you do that?