Open danushikay opened 5 years ago
Start by removing ''Content-Type': 'application/json'
header! Plugin does send correct content-type automatically as there is no other option to send location as in json format.
~And don't remove issue template next time, or your issue will be ignored.~
EDIT: Sorry there is no issue template in this repo. I didn't realized this is example repo.
thanks But still same , please see attached screen shot
I don't understand. What I see on screenshot is some kind of websocket connection. And this plugin is only sending locations via http.
That is my problem too, Don't have any web socket connection coded. only mentioned http url code. Already tested api using postman. Still no clue. :(
Here is the log
12-14 11:34:32.378 5836-5836/com.rnnavigationtoanothernavigation D/com.marianhello.bgloc.BackgroundGeolocationFacade: Received MSG_ON_LOCATION
12-14 11:34:32.384 2663-6214/ W/ctxmgr: [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=12874000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 2663). Was: 3 for 1, account#-517948760#
12-14 11:34:32.394 5836-6242/com.rnnavigationtoanothernavigation D/com.marianhello.bgloc.PostLocationTask: Posting json to
url: headers: {Accept=application/json, Content-Type=application/json}
12-14 11:34:32.399 2663-6214/ W/ctxmgr: [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=12874000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 2663). Was: 3 for 1, account#-517948760#
12-14 11:34:32.405 2663-6214/ W/ctxmgr: [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=12874000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 2663). Was: 3 for 48, account#-517948760#
12-14 11:34:32.414 5836-5836/com.rnnavigationtoanothernavigation W/unknown:ReactNative: Calling JS function after bridge has been destroyed: RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["location",{"speed":0,"longitude":-122.084,"latitude":37.4219983,"id":1710,"time":1544767471000,"mockLocationsEnabled":false,"isFromMockProvider":false,"locationProvider":1,"accuracy":20,"provider":"fused"}])
12-14 11:34:32.415 5836-5836/com.rnnavigationtoanothernavigation D/com.marianhello.bgloc.BackgroundGeolocationFacade: Received MSG_ON_LOCATION
12-14 11:34:32.421 2705-6251/ E/GmsContextObserver: Received context data while not listening
12-14 11:34:32.428 2705-6251/ I/chatty: uid=10032( NonUserFacing16 identical 1 line
12-14 11:34:32.438 2705-6251/ E/GmsContextObserver: Received context data while not listening
I need to send data to mysql database through php backend, configured as follows but no luck BackgroundGeolocation.configure({ desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.HIGH_ACCURACY, stationaryRadius: 50, distanceFilter: 50, notificationTitle: 'Background tracking', notificationText: 'enabled', debug: true, startOnBoot: true, stopOnTerminate: true, locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.ACTIVITY_PROVIDER, interval: 10000, fastestInterval: 5000, activitiesInterval: 10000, stopOnStillActivity: false, url: '', httpHeaders: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, // customize post properties postTemplate: { latitude: '2.0909090', longitude: '2.0909090', token: 'DI-1-12122018_102321_1544610201',
Any suggestions welcome.