mauron85 / react-native-background-geolocation

Background and foreground geolocation plugin for React Native. Tracks user when app is running in background.
Apache License 2.0
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iOS Simulator stop to receive location update when app is killed #510

Open paolosantarsiero opened 4 years ago

paolosantarsiero commented 4 years ago

Your Environment


Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Possible Fix

Steps to Reproduce

1. 2. 3. 4.


Debug logs

I try to receive location updates with this resource. It work very well when the app is foreground but when i kill app from simulator it stop to receive update. The permission is always and debug location is freeway!

This is my code:

const App: () => React$Node = () => {

React.useEffect(()=>{ BackgroundGeolocation.configure({ desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.HIGH_ACCURACY, stationaryRadius: 5, distanceFilter: 50, notificationTitle: 'Background tracking', notificationText: 'enabled', debug: false, startOnBoot: true, stopOnTerminate: false, locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.ACTIVITY_PROVIDER, interval: 10000, fastestInterval: 5000, activitiesInterval: 10000, stopOnStillActivity: false, });

BackgroundGeolocation.on('location', (location) => {
  // handle your locations here
  // to perform long running operation on iOS
  // you need to creatße background task
  BackgroundGeolocation.startTask(taskKey => {
    // execute long running task
    // eg. ajax post location
    // IMPORTANT: task has to be ended by endTask
    console.log("NEW LOCATION",location);

BackgroundGeolocation.on('error', (error) => {
  console.log('[ERROR] BackgroundGeolocation error:', error);

BackgroundGeolocation.on('start', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been started');

BackgroundGeolocation.on('stop', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been stopped');

BackgroundGeolocation.on('authorization', (status) => {
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation authorization status: ' + status);
  if (status !== BackgroundGeolocation.AUTHORIZED) {
    // we need to set delay or otherwise alert may not be shown
    setTimeout(() =>
      Alert.alert('App requires location tracking permission', 'Would you like to open app settings?', [
        { text: 'Yes', onPress: () => BackgroundGeolocation.showAppSettings() },
        { text: 'No', onPress: () => console.log('No Pressed'), style: 'cancel' }
      ]), 1000);

BackgroundGeolocation.on('background', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] App is in background');

BackgroundGeolocation.on('foreground', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] App is in foreground');

BackgroundGeolocation.on('abort_requested', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] Server responded with 285 Updates Not Required');

  // Here we can decide whether we want stop the updates or not.
  // If you've configured the server to return 285, then it means the server does not require further update.
  // So the normal thing to do here would be to `BackgroundGeolocation.stop()`.
  // But you might be counting on it to receive location updates in the UI, so you could just reconfigure and set `url` to null.

BackgroundGeolocation.on('http_authorization', () => {
  console.log('[INFO] App needs to authorize the http requests');

BackgroundGeolocation.checkStatus(status => {
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service is running', status.isRunning);
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation services enabled', status.locationServicesEnabled);
  console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation auth status: ' + status.authorization);

  // you don't need to check status before start (this is just the example)
  if (!status.isRunning) {
    BackgroundGeolocation.start(); //triggers start on start event

// you can also just start without checking for status
// BackgroundGeolocation.start();


ferasabufares commented 4 years ago


Did you Find any solution

i have the same problem when ios simulator or real device app is on the background location not updating

paolosantarsiero commented 4 years ago

Nothing, i try to switch provider to distance filter provider but the updates is really slow and not every time uodates received

jeronimo commented 4 years ago

Try to switch locationProvider to RAW_PROVIDER as ACTIVITY_PROVIDER is Android only.

manuja124140E commented 4 years ago


Did you find any solution, I have the same problem

mehmetsalihakcan commented 4 years ago

Hello friends ,Did you find any solution, I have the same problem?

Adigezalov commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. When minimizing the application on iOS, geolocation is paused (RCTBackgroundGeoLocation paused). And when you kill the application, it turns off altogether

caiquebb commented 4 years ago

This worked for me:

Don,t forget to do that too:

Ntobon commented 3 years ago

This worked for me:

Don,t forget to do that too:


Which task id did you registered as "Permitted background task scheduler identifiers" ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

luisfuertes commented 3 years ago


bodrius commented 2 years ago

the same problem