Open paolosantarsiero opened 4 years ago
Did you Find any solution
i have the same problem when ios simulator or real device app is on the background location not updating
Nothing, i try to switch provider to distance filter provider but the updates is really slow and not every time uodates received
Try to switch locationProvider
is Android only.
Did you find any solution, I have the same problem
Hello friends ,Did you find any solution, I have the same problem?
I have the same problem. When minimizing the application on iOS, geolocation is paused (RCTBackgroundGeoLocation paused). And when you kill the application, it turns off altogether
This worked for me:
Don,t forget to do that too:
This worked for me:
Don,t forget to do that too:
Which task id did you registered as "Permitted background task scheduler identifiers" ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
the same problem
Your Environment
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
Possible Fix
Steps to Reproduce
1. 2. 3. 4.
Debug logs
I try to receive location updates with this resource. It work very well when the app is foreground but when i kill app from simulator it stop to receive update. The permission is always and debug location is freeway!
This is my code:
const App: () => React$Node = () => {
React.useEffect(()=>{ BackgroundGeolocation.configure({ desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.HIGH_ACCURACY, stationaryRadius: 5, distanceFilter: 50, notificationTitle: 'Background tracking', notificationText: 'enabled', debug: false, startOnBoot: true, stopOnTerminate: false, locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.ACTIVITY_PROVIDER, interval: 10000, fastestInterval: 5000, activitiesInterval: 10000, stopOnStillActivity: false, });